50 Questions ! Feel Free To Steal :D


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Let's get to it~

1.) What eye color do you find iest? errr... I really like guys with Light brown eyes :D

2.) White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? Whiteeee, And Chocolate Milk Mocha Yo~

3.) If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be? The Infinite Symbol And Myungsoo's Name<3

4.) Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it? I grew up in a small town,it was pretty ghetto. LOLOL

5.) Your favorite adult as a child. Uhh.. my teacher?

6.) What kind of smoothie sounds good right now? Uh... Tropical Sunset From Fruitealicious !

7.) Most embarrassing moment in your elementary years. I farted during class while we were taking a test... LOLOL

8.) Most embarrassing moment in your middle school years. uhhh... I don't think i have one...

9.) Most embarrassing moment of your high school years. I have a LOT.. Tripping down stairs multiple times not because someone pushed me but I some how I always miss a step while going up your down the stairs.. and Also I fell flat on my face because My friend were messing around.. IT WAS HORRIBLE... =_= AND THIS WAS ALL SOPHOMORE YEAR!

10.) Pirates or ninjas? NINNNNJAAAA !!!!!

11.) Have you ever climbed a tree more than 20 feet above ground? uhhh, no I don;t have that tyop of strength..

12.) Did you like swingsets when you were a child? Sadly no...

13.) If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would it be? I would LOVE to have a penguin ! or a baby tiger :D

14.) What's your most favorite part of your body? My Eyes :D

15.) What's your most favorite part about your personality? Uhh... I love how i try to make everyone laugh who is around me :D

16.) Madonna or Lady Gaga?

Lady Gaga, She has a very Unique Style !

17.) Have you ever watched the Superbowl the whole way through? Kind of...

18.) What do you plan on being when you grow up? I kind of want to be in the medical field, or Writingg !

19.) What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten in your life? oh SO many.. can name them all..LOL

20.) Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with? butter !

21.) Anything foreign you're into? Kpop,Kdrama, Taiwanese Drama, Food!

22.) Which continents have you been on? Uh...... North America...

23.) Do you get motion sickness? At Times...

24.) Backpacks or satchels? I usually have a backpack during school and a Satchel...so Bothhh :D

25.) What's to your right? A Wall....

26.) What was your favorite cartoon growing up? Uh... CatDog.. LOL

27.) Name a planet you'd like to visit. Mars...

28.) If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul !

29.) What was the longest plane ride you've experienced. Uhh.. I Don't really rememeber...

30.) Latest you've ever slept.

Went to bed at 5AM... Once...or twice

31.) Favorite season?

Winterrrr. !

32.) Least favorite season?

I don't really have a least favorite season...just those days when its REALLY humid and hot at the same time.. I HATE THAT..

33.) Favorite holiday? Christmas& New Years ! PARTY ALL WEEKEND!

34.) How far can you throw a baseball? Far Enough...?

35.) If you had to move to another country, where would you move? I Would Love Move to Asia...

I would really like to live in Seoul :D

36.) How many siblings do you have? I Don't have any D: lonely...

37.) What college do you plan on going to? FIDM Would be Nicee:D or... Baylor... JUST A REALLY GOOD COLLEGE :D

38.) A relationship with love or one with ? uh.. the freak? Who came up with this Question? LOLOL.. 

39.) Do you eat enough veggies? Do YOOU eat enough Veggies?

40.) Do you like horror movies? HELL YES ! This Month Is Horror Movie Month for me :D

41.) Do you get really moody while on your period? No, Not really I just get A LOT of cramps...

42.) Do you swear in front of your parents? Oh NO.... if I did that My parents would Kill Me...

43.) Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween? I would love to be a Ninja ! Or... a Fairy.. LOL

44.) If you could change your natural hair color, what would it be? Wine Redd :D

45.) Do you want to get married? Have kids? What would you name your kids? Yes, for the Both of them:D  I would name them... Sophie I really like that name.. and for a Boy... Kai :D Very Unique !

46.) When's your birthdate? March 7 :D Presents Anyone ? keke

47.) City or nature person? City !

48.) Do you wear makeup? If so, how much? Yes, I do.. you Mean Ounces..Kilo..Pounds... I just wear enough :D

49.) Can you walk in high heels? Girrrrl... I Be Clicking on those heels Everrrdayy.

50.) Post 5 awesome things about yourself. Brag away!

LOL hmmm.

~I LOVE Dance ! I have a HUGE passion for dance !

~ I LOVE to eat Raymun

~ I think I am addicted to Kdrama<3

~ I can not live with my phone !

~ I really enjoy singing ^^


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the 5 awesome things about yourself; ur just like me :3 LOL.