[ cygnus » application form ] — Choi Miyoung

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(who doyouthinkyouare?
username: melonsmash
profile link: *click*
name:  Michelle
character name: Choi Miyoung
nickname(s): Mimi (Got it from SHINee's Jonghyun when they first met)
age:  19
birthdate: September 15th, 1993 (09/15/93)
place of birth: Busan, South Korea
  • Teenage times up to age 16: Tokyo, Japan
  • Age 17 and up: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Full Korean
  • Korean - Native
  • English - very fluent
  • Japanese - fluent
ulzzang name:  Lee Dasom
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
back-up ulzzang:  Jang Hae Byeol
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fashion style: 
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Style Description:
Jina has long, brown hair. She has dark brown eyes and wears contacts often because she has very poor eyesight. Although, it's really rare for her to wear glasses but that's only when she either wears them for fun or she just feels like it. She sometimes change her hair color alot but for now, she sticks with brown. She LOVES to wear anything that's like casual comfy. She would wear sweaters or basically just long-sleeved shirts, sneakers, and jeans. She wears a long-sleeved white blouse and black pants as her "pajamas", although she leaves the first two or three buttons ed. Not only that, she has a thing for elegant clothes as well.
height: 168cm
weight: 47kg
(thisisme,this isreal.

General Personality:

Annyeonghaseyo, this is Choi Minyoung also known as Jina and I'll be talking about myself in third person point of view and please, don't ask why. ^___^;; Everytime she meets someone new, she greets them formally. Her personality varies depending on the circumstance. She may looks a bit like someone that is hard to be friends with but she actually has a warm personality. Not only that she is usually looked at as a mature young lady and also a kind-hearted yet charismatic person as well by everyone when she is on stage, giving interviews etc. However in the dorms she is mainly looked at as an umma or an unnie. She can't help it if she have a naturally powerful character... she blames her DNA~ Here's the thing; she is just as dorky as she is charismatic, maybe even more so. When around the dorm or backstage, she can be seen either reading a book, watching tv, writing songs or poetry, watching tv or cooking and/or playing with the others. Fun right? No, wrong. It's really frusterating in ways that she cannot explain that well.

She likes to stay ontask and away from distractions when working. She likes to be incharge and give people direction, which is probably why she's probably giving off the "leader" impression. She is not mean, nor is she a b***h, but she can get firm when necessary but overall she is a fun, loving, caring unnie/umma. She only acts hard because I want everything to be perfect and in line when it comes to our careers. She tries to be the best leader she can be. After all, isn't that the leaders job?

You may think that is all about Jina but you're wrong. When performing, Jina will be drop dead serious. Every second on that stage, she will try her very best, completely determined. She is the type of person that takes her work seriously, including training. She is not the type to complain about some obstacle that occurs during worktime. Or rather, she just watches other people complain and think to herself, "How long is this person going to realize they need to stop complaining and start acting their age for once?". Honestly, she knows that she should be nice when it comes to such situations but then again, she is Jina and her being Jina is being herself. She would be nice but really, what's the point in involving yourself in a situation where it may result in quite unnecessary results such as more whining and complaining. You have to admit, you got to give her bonus points for honesty. 

Morning Personality:

She's one of those people that loves the morning. Right after she wokes up, she stretches first. Then she changes into her jogging clothes and goes out for a jog for 20 minutes daily. After that she comes back, she does her usual business that everybody else does: brushing her teeth, taking a shower etc. Not only that she spends time watching the sun rise, working on the computer, reading a book, or writing songs/poetry depending on which one she even feels like writing. Then she cooks for everyone else in the dorm/house with a smile on her face. Whenever it's one of her bad days, she doesn't cook or do any of the other stuff she normally does besides doing the usual business such as brushing her teeth and taking a shower etc  and/or just sleeping in. Sleeping in on one of her bad days.. will be a horrible experience for those who bother her.

Here is what will happen on those type of days. Not only that, she is the type of person that will freaking beat the crap out of you for forcefully waking her up, even if it's just a slightest attempt. She is one of those people that you should not mess with especially when it comes to her sleep, unless that is you want to have your bones broken. Yes, she seems to be a calm person by appearance but not when it comes to her precious sleep. This girl enjoys her sleep very much so you should probably leave her alone. She has this thing where she believes that she should wake up when she FEELS like it. Not only that, she also believes that every single freaking individual on this planet do not wake up every morning just to live up to everyone's expectations and those people do not wake up to live up to hers but unfortunately, she has to since well training which honestly . First she will warn you not to bother her. Second, she'll throw a pillow at you. Third, she will freaking snap and hit you nonstop with her pillow until the point where someone else has to come into the room just to break you two apart. However if she decides to be nice that morning, all she is going to do to people is just death-glare at them until the person understands that they should get out before she changes her mind.

How she acts around the opposite gender:

Unlike how other females would be shy or try to impress them by not acting like themself, Jina is the complete opposite. She treats them as if they're her younger brother, along with guys older with her sometimes as well. She would have to act like an umma if she has to but not like one of those strict ones, nice and caring and sweet-hearted ones instead. One that even understands both male and female problems. I know, it's quite unbelievable but that's just how she is. Why? Because she is Jina and therefore she is just being herself. You can gain a lot from being yourself. If you're not satisfied for yourself then you can change. Like how a caterpillar doesn't like its form but when it changes, it becomes a butterfly. ^__^ 

  • Coffee (She has been in a coffee shop for most of her life afterall.)
  • Books (The thing where you visualize the scenes in a book is just amazing.)
  • Roses (Their beauty is just mesmerizing to her.)
  • Dark chocolate (Milk chocolate's too sweet for her.)
  • Poetry (There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself in words.)
  • Music (There are so many types out there, more to explore.)
  • Banana milk (Sweet but not too sweet, so it's perfect.)
  • Art (Using such delicate hands to create a masterpiece by using something that's seen with your own two eyes, that's pretty cool.)
  • Motorcycles (Must have been a influence during her transformation period to a delinquent.)
  • Gadgets (iphone, laptop, camera etc.)
  • Fashion (Well she should have some girl self in her.. right?)
  • Star gazing (Astronomy has always been cool to her.)
  • Open houses (rooftop, balcony etc.)
  • Thrilling games like roller coasters and bunjee jumps (Wheeeeeee~ :D)
  • Singing and Dancing (Why of course.)
  • Nice weather (.. for jogging.. and yeah)
  • Sleeping with Sirens (favorite band)
  • LIGHTS (favorite Canadian electronic pop singer)
  • Gossipers, betrayers, backstabbers etc. (Highly unacceptable.)
  • Those that hurt those she cares about (Highly unacceptable as well.)
  • Messy/Organized (She'll try to put up with it but don't make the sight turn into a dumpster please.)
  • Boredom (definitely)
  • Girls who want attention (yes she knows they're normal behavior problems)
  • Milk chocolate (mainly Hershey's)
  • People bothering her while she is busy (like seriously c'mon. gtfo)
  • The general American music nowadays that seems to be about mainly on alcohol and (No, just no.)
  • Girls trying too hard to be cute (it's quite obvious)
  • People trying to show off (Quite unnecessary, especially in front of others)
  • Conceited bastards (Really guys, why must you be like this?)
  • People that don't act like themself to impress people (just be yourself)
  • Plastic surgery (Natural beauty, ladies. [; )
  • People interrupting her no matter what it is. (How rude.)
  • Reading mangas and books
  • Writing poetry and songs
  • Singing and dancing of course
  • Taking photos with her camera
  • Going on the computer to chat with her fans (whenever she has time)
  • Journalling
  • Composing music on the piano or acoustic guitar
  • Drawing + painting (both landscapes and portraits)
  • Thinking of new dance choreography
  • Sleeping
  • Jogging daily
  • Social networking
  • Cooking
  • Yoga + karate
  • Watching dramas
  • Swimming
  • Taking out her metallic silver KAwasaki Ninja zx-14 motorcycle for a ride

                                 Jina named her silver Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 "Jet". 


  • Always spinning a pen or pencil with her fingers
  • Excerises 
  • Drinks a lot of water
  • Stretches right after she wakes up
  • Either reads a book or just practices over choreography to waste time
  • Putting first things first
  • Putting a hand through her hair when she's worried about something
  • Putting others first before her. (like a umma)
  • Correct people's mistakes at certain point of time but she does it because it's good for them.
  • Hums whenever she's either cooking, reading, writing, listening to music, drawing, or dancing.
  • Twirls her hair whenever she's thinking or spacing off.
  • Chews on her lip when she's in thought.


  • Biting her bottom lip
  • her lips when amused
  • Hides her feelings well
  • Goes up to the rooftop if she's unable to hold back her tears
  • Cracks her knuckles whenever she's writing too much
  • Stretches after a long time of typing on the computer no matter what
  • Fixes her hair every few minutes
  • Curses in English to herself silently whenever she's angry
  • Tends to scream in pillows when she's pissed off.

Both Positive and Negative

  • Waking up early in the morning
  • She has photographic memory.
  • She is good at solving problems and situations (for instance, drama.)
  • She's very talented at writing songs, creating dance choreography, and cooking :0.
  • She's very observant (observes people's behavior VERY CAREFULLY).
  • She's good at thinking up something that's unexpected (punishments LOL, pranks etc.)
  • She has good strength and endurance (people would always underestimate her but they would be proved wrong in the end anywayz :P).
  • She can write with both hands.
  • She has a soft spot for chocolate pocky.
  • She mostly wears contacts since she has horrible eye vision but sometimes she wears glasses when she reads books.
  • Her favorite song is Obbession by SHINee.
  • She created the choreography for SHINee's Lucifer.
  • She loves animals and little children.
  • If she didn't become a singer then she would've been a kindergarten teacher or a vet.
  • She never mentions about her family to other people.
  • Difficult and complicated choreography is one of her biggest strengths.

Unlike the rest of her group, her life wasn't easy. Jina was an only child, her mother dying from cancer when she was two. She spent her first 15 years of her life living with her grandfather in a coffee shop in Busan. She grew up to be very polite to strangers and non-strangers, and even learned English under her grandfather's care which had many people impressed due to such fluent English skills as if she was born in the States. Even though she grew up to be polite, Jina was quite the shy little girl growing up. However as she grew up, she began to open up even more, earning her the title of "Busan's Angel". Despite her young age, her ladylike manners is what made her earn her recognition. Her maturity level was higher than the average kids there. Her father then travelled all the way to Busan so that he could bring Jina back with him to the city. Grandfather strongly refused, but her father was able to convince her to go. At first she hated him for leaving her all of the sudden without leaving one single trace of him, not even a goodbye note. She then learned the true reason why he left her. It wasn't for a selfish reason, it was so that he could earn more money in Japan as a professional lawyer. Turns out he was able to go to Tokyo with the help of his older brother and got a Masters Degree for Law. He hadn't heard about the disease Jina's mother carried until it was too late. Because of the bad news, he wanted to take Miyoung to the city where they could live a 'better life'.  

When they got there, she was able to adjust to the new surroundings pretty well. The food was the biggest reason why she wanted to stay in Tokyo in the first place. Quickly, she began eating a lot but she didn't gain much weight, or she'd lose it whenever she walked or biked around the city to know where things were at. That same night, she and her father sat down next to the skyscaper view on the balcony, engaged in a personal conversation that is considered to be the very last one between the two. When Jina was sleeping, the hotel phone ringed and she woke up. Her uncle called her to tell her that her father got into an extreme tragic car accident, making two cars hit into the building with him inbetween being pinned against the wall. Once her uncle told her, she was deeply devastated. Her mother died of cancer, her father died from a very tragic car accident.. it left her completely speechless. She cried for weeks. 

She then decided to go back to Busan, unfortunately she then found out that her grandfather died from a heart attack and the coffee shop closed down a long time ago. All of these deaths of her close relatives, is what then changed her life completely. Every day she would sneak in nightclubs and bars. She would smoke and drink alcohol without giving a single damn about the world. Not only that, she would get involved in car racing. Her appearance changed completely. She wore many makeup, dyed her old long brown hair to black, and wore clothing that only delinquents and rebels would wear. Her uncle knew the owner of the nightclub, who wanted everyone to call him Nick and the two basically took Jina under their wing. On her 16th birthday after many attempts made by her uncle and Nick, she decided to change her life all over, back to her old self with the ladylike manners and politeness. It was the only time she was ever happy, when she was like that. Her hair went back to brown, she decided to stick with the eyeliner but changed her wardrobe to a more casual comfy and elegant style. Not only that, she and her uncle re-opened her grandfather's coffee shop instead in Seoul, not Busan and there, her life is back to normal. Every death anniversary of her mother; father; and grandfather she visits them in the cemetary, leaving behind her soft words and flowers. Also, she attended high school and an after school program to improve her singing skills, which made each student show their progress at the end of the school year by performing in front of a small audience. The start of her 17th year of her existence came like this: Miyoung was sick for the last couple weeks and attended back the day before the festival. Forced to think of something fast, she chose what she was most confident in doing. When it was her turn to perform, she was hesitant. When the music started, she just melted into the notes and poured her heart out into the song. The teacher, who recorded the whole festival posted each act on the internet. Before she knew it, one of her students had at least 1 million hits. That girl was Jina. For the next two years, she volunteered to sing to little children at a local daycare center nearby the coffee shop and sometimes bring cake over for them as well. She then developed a umma-like image while still maintaining her mature image. 

  • Choi Minwoo | 46 | Father | Professional Lawyer | He is a person that stands in for what he believes in, no matter what. He doesn't give up easily and he's also a loving, caring man. Not only that, he can get overprotective at times but had to handle that due to working in Japan. | Close.
  • Choi Sungju | 43 | Mother | Professional Chef | Sweet and caring, where Miyoung got it from. | Close.
  • Choi Jun | 68 | Granfather | occupation | Very protective of Miyoung. Also stands in for what he believes in, which is where Miyoung's father got it from. | Very close.
  • Choi Jihoon  | 35 | Uncle | Nightclub Owner | Looks like a total player on the outside, a total Casanova but is really warm-hearted. | Not close, they're getting there.
  • Luhan | 19 | Member of EXO-M | Sweet and caring, yet a bit stubborn sometimes. | They met a few weeks after Avery met CL in that same coffee shop.
  • CL | 21 | Member of 2NE1 | Clever and charismatic, often mischevious. | The two met in highschool but never talked until they met at a coffee shop where Avery worked. They have a sisterly bond.
  • Kim Kibum (Key) | 21 | Member of SHINee | Girly and materialistic in a man way, yet tries hard not to show it LOL failll. Well used to but he changed now since apparently he doesn't care about what anyone says. Adventurous yet a bit.. naggy but is great at giving advice. | They met at a concert near the Han River on Christmas Eve. Not that close yet but they're getting there.
rival:  Miss A's Jia; Known each other ever since elementary school, Jia would always try to embarrass Jina and "ruin" her life
stage name: Jina
persona: The Lovely Jackpot
  1. Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
  2. Triple Threat/Jack of All Trades, Face
how you joined:  Jina was discovered by a entertainment agent when she was singing to little children at a daycare center for volunteer work. On her way home, a stranger tapped her shoulder and instantly recognized her as the girl from YouTube that had at least 1 million hits and asked her if she would like to audition to be a trainee. She first refused because she thought that it was just some joke but the agent wouldn't give up. So she then finally gave in after a week, auditioned, and unexpectedly made it. Since then, she was a trainee for 2 year and 3 months. Ever since that agent scouted her, Jina thought that she's going to regret saying "yes" to her but she was wrong. It was very difficult because she wasn't used to the atmosphere of it but then as time passes by, he improves alot. Before she was scouted, not only did she work at her grandfather's coffee shop but she was also scouted as a model for a well-known model company in Japan. Her good looks attracts many people, making her able to be in the Top 10 Most Gorgeous Women in Korea AND in Japan as well.
training years: 2 years and 3 months
past experiences: She has been a model in Japan for a year.
love interest: EXO-K's Kai
personality:  Sarcastic and cold-hearted on the outside but is actually warm-hearted and caring on the inside.
how did you meet him:  They met at a concert near the Han River on Christmas Eve, same place where Jina met Key.
back-up love interest: Infinite's Woohyun
personality:  Playful and flirty on the outside, warm-hearted and caring on the inside, also protective.
how did you meet him: They both met at a park when they were saving a little girl from being stuck on the tree. 
comments: None so far, I'll tell you when I have some.
suggestions: None so far, I'll tell you when I have some.
scene request(s): None so far, I'll tell you when I have some.
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