omg why do boys do this

Ok, sorry but I need to vent right now.

So basically, there was this guy at my high school who I liked off and on since grade 9 (I'm in grade 11) and he's two years older than me. He has a twin and I had a crush on both of them to be honest...aha BUT ANYWAYS I briefly dated one of his friends in grade 9 before I broke it off completely because I was too afraid of rushing things, and then his other friend and I had a thing for a little while and I liked all of them at some point but yeah I thought he wouldn't like me since two of his close friends already told me they liked me and I had something with both of them (idk, I thought there might be some kind of unwritten guy code where you don't like a girl that more than one of your friends have liked) 

Last year was his grade 12 year, and I got to really like him. We were both on the swim team, that's how we knew each other (and how I knew his two other friends and his twin) and we got a lot closer and started to hang out quite a bit and text sweet things to each other and stuff. I had a crush on him pretty much my entire grade 10 year. 

Summer came and I didn't see him until like a month and a half later after school ended because I'd gone to camp for a month and he went to the olympics for 2 weeks. 

It's now October, so 2 months since I last talked/texted him. I don't see him anymore since he's in university now and I'm still in high school. I texted him today just to say hi since my mom saw him running and wanted me to tell him that she misses him (my mom loves him - she kept on talking for a while about how he'd be the ideal guy, even though she had me on a dating ban until my birthday in June -,-) so while we were texting, he suddenly says that he used to have a crush on me and I was just like OMG WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS NOW WHEN ITS TOO LATE

ugh there's more but I'm getting tired so I'll finish this rant later


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