The Really Really Real Honest Reason Why I Haven't Updated

Now, I could give you the excuses everyone uses and a lot of them would apply to me like so:

"I've been super super super busy with school so I haven't had any time to write!" Well...that's true for me. I'm a Junior (3rd year) in college and I'm an English major so I have to read and write essays a LOT. Not to mention, I also have a very small social life outside of the internet.

"I need some inspiration!" Don't we all? Honestly, lack of inspiration is why I haven't updated When You Wish Upon a Star in a good long while. I know what needs to be done, just not really how to get there.

"I'm lazy." Puh-lease! I am the queen of laziness! Like I said, I'm an English major but I don't often do my homework until the last minute. In fact, I spend the majority of my time here on AFF, on Tumblr, or on YouTube. A big reason why I haven't updated is because I haven't actually sat down and tried to do it!


But like I said, all of those are excuses that everyone uses and I'm going to use for a fraction of my main reason why I haven't updated. This is the main reason why I don't update anymore:

I have attention problems. Not ADD or ADHD, just attention problems. In other words, I can't follow a train of thought all the way through. I rarely finish things and I consider it a great success whenever I DO finish something. This applies to a few major things in my life: school, books, stories I'm writing, movies, and TV shows. Whatever it is, I have trouble concentrating on and (not in the case of school) can't finish. So whenever someone asks me if I've seen a certain movie or read a certain book, I generally say "I've seen/read half of it." Not cool, I know. But it's true. Sadly.

Now if you gave up halfway through this blog post and moved on to something more interesting then that would be hilarious but I'm going to relate this to my stories, I promise!

When I first start a story, it all sounds dandy and in my mind is the next greatest fanfiction to ever grace the human race. However, the longer it takes me to write it, the more opportunities I have to think of other stories which will then start the process all over again but add one more story to the "To-Finish" list.  But I know what you're thinking! You're like, "So why can't you write your stories quickly so you'll have less time to plot other story ideas?" And you're right! That would probably solve all my problems! But, alas, this is the part in the blog where the first three excuses come into play. I can't write it quickly because I get busy, I need inspiration, and I'm lazy.

So what do we do about all of this nonsence information? Well truthfully, I don't know. If you have 100% effective ways to get me to start writing more and pay better attention, then by all means tell me! But if not, then this is just a blog full of excuses and I apologize.


If you haven't noticed, on my profile page, I have a GIANT to-do list posted with all of my stories that I have written, am currently writing, and will write all on a convienient little list for you to ooh and ahh over. It lists the various stories I've written along with the number of chapters it has and how many chapters I've written (and some other tidbits here and there).


Because I felt so bad for not writing anything in a while and because I couldn't find any stories like this ANYWHERE on the internet, I have taken it upon myself to write an Insoo M-rated oneshot. It's 2,800 words and 5 pages long (I think my longest oneshot yet)! However, I will not post it any time soon or at least until I update a lot more of my stories as to not clutter up my 'Stories' page.

Anyway, I hope someone actually read this. I feel like this was all done for nothing (and this took me about 15 minutes to write!) if no one reads it. Just saying.


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OMG! We are soooo totally alike in those three reasons! XD I have almost 5 stories that is only in the foreword... Ugghhh I don't know how I could go on with that... They're like 0.001% completed XD
Me on hiatus too but nothing same to u.