about me [secrets]

stolen from fanydragon :P


FIRST step: Spell your name with songs:
C - Call me maybe??? (i don't knowwwww) =,=
T - Take and receive Oh Lord my liberty!! (mind block LOL)
M - My boy SIstar
G - Genie SNSD

Name: Cristina
Country: Philippines
Nickname: Cristina
Eye color: black
Hair color:brown-black
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: One.
Platonic love: Ermmmm... plate? tonic? love? 

Shoes you're wearing today: Ermmm your question should be what slippers^^
How are you dressing: Messy
Your perfect pizza: any 
Favorite group or singers: SONYEOSHIDAE OF COURSE DUHHHHH
Favorite music video:  Secrettttt

Your best physical feature: Hair eyes?
When you go to sleep?: Not my hair anymore keke 
The largest loss of memory: Ermm. n-n-never mind, I don't know what that means

Pepsi or Coke: COKE and PEPSI
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
So, Adidas, Nike or Converse?: Converse
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
With or without Pajamas: With.... with aircon!
White or black: Black.
Are you jealous?: Of course.
Hot or cold: Cold.
Letter or mail: LETTER
Kiss or hug: LEMME HUG YOUUU

Do you curse: n-u-hhhhhhever mind kind of
Sing: Of courseeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol joke I don't know
Dance:  N.O... I think
Do you take a shower daily: LOL. Yeah.
Do you want to go to College: Who wouldn't?? *roll eyes*
Do you want to get married?: Ermmmm, with whom?? with sweet potatoes? HELL YEAH! (Nana, *winks*)
Do you go out with your parents?: ISH
Do you eat a lot?: SHIKSHIN HERE *bows*
Do you drink alcohol?: No thanks
Do you trust easily?: Uhmmm no, I don't trust you will keep this a secret *pouts*

In the last month...
Gone to the Mall: Yep.
Do eat a whole box of Oreo?: =.= NO
Went on a stage: Yes, in school, I ate there XD
Dance: How many times do I need to say NO =.=
Did at home "cake"?: Bwoh?? Pardon~
Do swim or with a very y suit?: Neither of the two. <----- *applause
Stole something: From???? Yes, I've stolen this blog wae?

You played a game that requires to remove clothes: Wae? secret I mean No.
You've been hit: BY?? 
Stolen in stores: Haha. XD I don't remember?? Errrr, noooooooo.
You would go to live in another country: GAME.... Wanna come wit me?
Stolen Kiss: No. Not yet.

That age are waiting to get married: Age doesn't matter, aigoo!
Number of relationships: 100000000000000 if it's possible :)
Describe the wedding of your dreams: Secret, that's for myself only. *giggles*
What country/city you would like to visit more?: West side of the globe and roam around Asia
Your future children name: Supercalifragelisticespealidoshous (keke nvm the spelling)

TENTH step: 
Best eye colour: Rainbow! Wahhh
Best hair colour: My hair <3
Short hair or long hair?: LONG definitely
Type of hair: Wavy and bouncy coooooly
Height: Tall
Age: Older
Personality: Whose personality?? Mine? Ohhhhh dorky and shikshin and quiet but talkative.
wait wait wait who are we talking about???

Tell the person you most want to something: Many to mention.
Sing your favorite song: Goodbye baby goodbye~~ LSS (last song syndrome but became my favorite)
Number of people that you can trust your life?: less than my fingers :)
Favorite number: 6, 16, 8, 18
Number of tattoos: Ermmmmm 10000000000000000 if that's possible
Number of holes: Watchha sayyyyy


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lolo659 #1
Your answers are soo interesting! :)
I'm going to take this...
Sorry and Thank you!~
lol your answer xddd