I had a lot of free time last week, and I started to think about some new fics C: I decided to write a new HanChul one with a little KyuWook (kekeke, considering the KyuWook-biased I am... ^^')



Just a warning in this one... there would be gender switch with Heechul and Ryeowook... just letting you know ;)

(just a little experiment with gender switch ^^')





and... my very first EunHae fic!! (YAY!) I inspired myself in the movie 'Seven Pounds' (BTW, go check it out... NICE MOVIE!!) so... you can imagine what it would be about hehehehe :33






I'm going to finish at least one of my ficws (either 'Rain of Blades' (the sequel to the babysitter) or 'Love you nomore') before I start uploading this ones since I really don't want to freak out with updatings  .___. besides, I'm still working on 'Bloody curse or love'and 'Lost soul' so I'm going to need a little time for writing the new fics ><





but don't worry!! now that I have the main pics for each fic you can be 150% sure I'm going to upload both fics! ;DD


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ehh, i'm kinda iffy on the genderswitch ....