Here's a blog post dedicated too you ...

You are one of my many 

unnies on Asianfanfics.

You've been in the family quite awhile 

right? Hmm, I don't know. 

But, you are the one who I makes their

mark in the family.

Everyday you blog about the most randomist

things. Really, most of "New Friend Post"

have been from you. 

And I like it that way (: 

It's fun too read your blog post. 

I used to blog a lot too (you're the one who

got me into it) but I got school soo ...

You make up as the blogger in the family.

Haha, ok. So this is enough for now,

and I hoped you enjoyed this blog post

from your one and only 

-- Donsaeng --

"Life is nothing like boxes of chocolates

or a piece of cake. It's more. Way more"


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I was like.. "Aww! Lucky friend! XD I wonder who."
...Then I saw the tags. <3

*hugs* XD
yey! <3333

I ate chocolates... 2 hours ago. XD
lover ur post fellow 2shinBB, lol combo of BB 21 and shinee!