Tagged by xokaihime! O.O

Sorry, I'm too lazy so I will just answer the questions, and I won't make another 11 questions ot tag anyone! ><

xokaihime's Questions:

1. Who is your number one bias?

too hard to choose!!!!!!!

2. What is your current favourite song?

Feel so Bad!!!!!

3. If you went on a date with any K-pop guy, who would it be? ALSO, tell me how the date went!

So hard to choose! I want to go one a date with all of them! ><

4. If you had to pick only one K-pop group to listen to for the rest of your life, which band would it be?

Idk, I can't not listening to any of their songs

5. A battle between T.O.P from BIGBANG and KIM HIMCHAN from B.A.P break out, who would win and why?


6. What is your favourite K-drama and why?

I used to like To The Beautiful You, but it turned out...so I'm not sure now.

7.  What is your favourite food?

Ice cream, of course, I can eat that everyday, but need to face the reality now!

8.  If you had to pick one place in the world to live at, which place would you choose?


9. Tell me about yourself.

Secret, this is personal.

10. Do you have Skype? If so, tell me your username!

I don't have Skype

11. Tell me a funny story!

I met you

jokes, don't take it serious!^^


I like scary stories, do you want to listen?

I will tell you at midnight


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