To Love, We need Strength Application


To love, we need strength 




The true you!~

How much do you go on AFF: 9/10 

What do you like to be called? : Bianca

 username: barbiebianca

You're my cover girl

Name:  Lee Hae Jung 

Nicknames: Jungie , Jung-Jung ( Her friend SooYeon made up Jungie, because when HaeJung was sad one day , she called her all kinds of names and when Sooyeon called Hae Jung " Jungie~" , she smiled )

Age: 21 

Weight: 50 kg , ( 110 lbs ) When she was pregnant she gained 9 kg ( 20 lbs ) so it was 59 kg ( 130 lbs ).

Height : 170 cm ( 5'6 feet )

Birthday: February 19, 1991

Place where you were born: Busan, South Korea

Home Town: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean , Satoori ( dialect / a busan accent )

Do you use profanity? Only when she is mad.

Inner and outer Beauty


She's a very quiet girl. She has an umma personality, she takes care of others before she takes care of her self. She was a quiet child didnt like to talk , just watch her surroundings. She smiles alot for no reasons, but doesnt tell people why. She was a shy girl.

Shes a very loyal , determined girl. When she sets her mind to something , she goes for it and doesnt give up till she has it. Shes very old fashioned , since she was practically raised by her grandmother till she was 5 . She knows respect, its a big thing for. Although shes really smart, shes dumb ( like a fool ) . Shes loyal , so people take advantage of her and she doesnt notice . They use her and use her , and she still says its fine. She cant never admit that she's mad/ sad even when she's crying her eyes out. She likes to tell people shes fine so nobody would worry . She always thought she was a mistake. She felt like she didnt belong here , till her brother arrived.

She was always bullied at school , and she would always cry. Nobody really cared for her so she was always alone. She would bury her head in a book or the tv . She likes to read books with happy endings , because she always thought that , if they get a happy ending , she might too.

Hae Jung was hated her life. Her mom would always cheat on her dad. She was disgusted with her own mother. Her mother is a b*tch. She cheats ALOT. Hae Jung's little brother Jae Hwa has a different father than Hae Jung. But her mother just claims its Dae Man's kid , so she wont get critized. Hae Jung was raised by her illed grandmother due to her parents lack of care . Sadly she died when Hae Jung was 5 . Hae Jung felt more alone after , but she was glad her baby brother was born so she could finally have someone. She took care of him like it was her own . Hae Jung is a nice girl , but she can be dumb and stupid. Hae Jung knows shes not all that pretty, but Himchan says different. The baby and Himchan changed Haejung's life in a good way. The baby gave her happiness , but she thinks shes not good enough to be a mother she always doubts herself . Even though the baby is hers , she feel like she doesnt deserve her. She has alot of struggle being a young mom, she thought she could handle it , but in reality , shes at her breaking point . Shes doing her best for her baby. And she still has to deal with Himcha which gives her more worries . Hae Jung is scared because she was a young mom , like her own mother. She promised herself she would always be there for her child and not be like her own mother.



Listening to Music





watching dramas


going to the park




drinking coffee






girls who crave for attention

her mom

fashion terrorist

bad food

ignorant people

people who are so full of themselves



biting her nails when shes nervous

snores loudly when she sleeps

clenching her fists when shes mad

going for a walk when she's frustrated

covering her face when shes embarrased

cooking when shes happy



taking a nap


taking care of her little brother


listening to k-pop


walking to the park and see kids play happily



Rats ( she got bit by one in highschool )

Losing the ones she truly care for

Her childhood happening again


Ulzzang: Girim ( Clicky~ )

back up ulzzang:  Lee Eun Jin ( Clicky~ )


Casual : 1 || 2 || 3 

Formal : 1 || 2 || 3 

Pajamas : 1 || 2 || 3

Formal ( Pregnancy ) : 1 || 2 || 3 

Casaul : ( Pregnancy ) :  1 || 2 || 3

Pajamas ( Pregnancy ) : 1 || 2 || 3 

You can't chose family!~


Lee Dae Man / Dad / 46 / Secretary for a large company in Korea ( he is the CEO's right hand / Not Close / He didnt know till she showed ( and he wasnt happy AT ALL ) / Hardworking man . He doesnt alot of time to spend with his kids , he loves them dearly but hes not a close father to them . Sometimes he acts like his ruthless wife and doesnt care about anything . He always wanted to be close to his family , but knows he cant because its too late .

Park Yun Soo / Mom / 42  / House Wife / Not Close at ALL ( they can't stand each other ) / She didnt care if she was or not ( she actually predicted this would happen ) / Hae Jung hates her mom , she's a b*tch , does'nt care about her daughter , and only got with her father for money . She's ruthless and doesnt care for nobody but herself , not even her own kid . Even as a middle-age woman , she still cheats on her husband , with a younger guy . Hae Jung gets sick knowing the fact that Yun Soo is her mother.


Lee Jae Hwa / brother / 16 / student ( works at cafe part time ) / Very close ( like bestfriends ) / He approved because he knew the baby was one of the people that can brighten up Hae Jung's life./ Cute , bubbly little brother, can be a brat at times . / Photo 1 || 2

Best friends know to much, so we must keep them close

Park Soo Yeon / 23 / Doctor In-Training / Very Close ( like sisters ) / She was happy because somebody was gonna come in Hae Jung's life and let her be happy again ) / Shes a girl that smiles all the time . She was Hae Jung's sunbae in middle school. And when Hae Jung was being bullied, Sooyeon stood up for her and they have been friends ever since. It took a while for Hae Jung to open up to her. Sooyeon is smart and pretty. All of her hoobaes respected her. She's like a big sister Hae Jung always wanted. / Photo || 1 || 2

Picture of Sooyeon and Haejung || Click~

Let's face the world together.


Love intrest: Kim Him Chan

his personality: The flirty, happy-go lucky zombie visual of B.A.P . He's a flirt who's very greasy. He's an umma to the the group. He's a music genius. He can play the janggu so beautifully. Although he has a cold image , he's a very sweet guy, he knows his responsibilities and takes care of them. No matter what he's a loyal guy. He might flirt around , but he calls it " entertainment " , but he stops being his way when he finds out he is having a baby.

back up love intrest : Jang Dong Woo

his personality: Hes a guy who loves to smile . Hes a really nice/sweet guy . Hes very friendly , but understimate him , he has his bad side ( which he doesnt show often ) Dong Woo loves to rap . He gets scared very easily . Hes afraid of alot of things . But hes a really good driver . He also loves to laugh alot :D Dong woo is a real fuuny guy , he can make anyone laugh .Hes a guy anyone can fall for ^-^

Love story!~

How did you guys meet and start dating? They first met when they were 12 . Hae Jung was in Seoul because her grandma seriously ill, so they took her to a Seoul hospital . Haejung didnt know what to do , she kept crying and ran to a random park in Seoul . When she arrived there she got really quite becuase she heard somebody was there. He was sitting on the ground beautifully playing his janggu. She stood ther for a while. Listening to him , was a pleasure for her ears. She stood like that for an hour , hearing this beautiful boy play. ( Himchan doesnt usaually play his janggu, he only plays when he is showing someone ) , Himchan knew she was there thats why he continued to play. After an hour or so, Himchan stopped playing and told this beautiful little girl , " You dont need to cry , a pretty girl like you shouldnt be crying. " After he told her that he left.

Their 2nd meeting which they think is their first meeting . Himchan had an after party after B.A.P's debut. Sooyeon asked Haejung to go because they were bored and Sooyeon was invited because she knew B.A.P's manager. So Hae Jung decided to go , just for the sake of her friend. When she got there , she was bored and lonely since she didnt know anybody, so she decided to drink , she thought to herself  " Its okay to drink right , I mean its a party and I should be having fun ." So she drank a margarita one-shot. She kept aking for more form the bartender, and finally being drunk . She went to dance floor with her drunk self and started dancing. Himchan was also drunk  and they both met at the dance floor. Little did they know it, they were making out. They both got out of the dance floor and started making out in Himchan's car . Since they were both drunk , they didnt know what they were doing . Himchan drove to the nearest hotel and they hit it and quit it.

After that day , they havent seen each other, until the day Haejung found him and told him.

How long were you dating before you got pregnant? It was a hit and quit. They met at bar, and both Haejung and Himchan were drunk. They started talking, making out ,and finally made it to a nearby hotel. After that they havent seen ech other.

how did he react when you told him?: He was shocked , and speechless.

did he believe it was his child?: Not at first, he doubted her . And said she was just a crazy saesang fan, but he remembered when he was drunk he slept with somebody.

Was he there for your baby birth: Yes and he said it wasnt a pleasent sight but atleast I got to see my baby's birth

does he support you? Yes, he was there for her , when Himchan has days off and sometimes he stops his activities to visit.

You're are my Agi, I am your Umma

Your baby name: Kim Min Jee

Gender: Female

Their Personality: Very cute. She's a bubbly little child. She's happy all the time. She likes to laugh like theres nothing wrong. She likes to eat alot. Haejung likes to call my jom jibang agi , meaning my little fat baby. She hates it when you play airplane or train with her food, because she wants the food now! Ever since she was born she was healthy, but she ate so much, Haejung got worried, but it turned she was normal. She likes to play peekaboo. And she likes it when you tickle her. She laughs alot. Shes a happy baby. Shes a baby that can light up your life.

Their Apperance: 1 || 2 || 3 || Photo Album Clicky~

She looks like her umma and appa . She got Himchan's fair white skin , and eyes like her umma. But she looks more like her appa .

How do they act with you : She smiles everytime she sees Haejung , the baby loves to be kissed and hugged by her mother.

How do they act with their appa : She laughs everytime she sees her appa , because her appa always does something silly and roll his eyes back ( suprisingly it doesnt scare her ) , she just laughs at her appa , and they like to play alot.

All by myself

How did you find out? Hae Jung was stressed and didnt eat and sleep. She went to Sooyeon's house and after an hour she fainted. Sooyeon took her to the hospital . The doctor told Sooyeon , " She's fine , she just needed some rest and she was kind of hungry, but the good thing is the baby is okay and healthy. And Sooyeon , responded, " BWO ? What baby? " . After hearing this , Sooyeon waited for HaeJung to wake up and Sooyeon told her , " You okay, Jungie~ ? The doctor said you were fine you just needed rest- " she paused " and he also said the baby is doing fine. " , she finished.

How bad was morning sickness: 3.8 ( it was kinda bad )

What were you weirdest cravings? Fish and vegetables

Are you a single mother? Kinda of , because Himchan does his best to help but he has activities with B.A.P he cant stop

Have you ever gotten upset at yourself, for having a baby? Kinda of , because she felt like she was exactly like her mother , getting pregnant at a young age scared her. She felt like she didnt have a good father for her baby.

Have you ever broke down? Yes , alot but mostly during pregnancy time.

Are honestly happy with your current situation? Very,she doesnt care whether Himchan is there or not , shes glad she has a healthy beautiful baby like Min Jee. But she prefers Himchan to be there.

Have you ever gotten so streesed out, you stormed out of the house leaving the baby with whoever he or she was there at home with? Yes, but she takes the baby with her, no matter what , anytime , anywhere . Her and her baby are stuck to each other like glue.

Have you ever snapped at your baby father? if so how often do you guys fight : Yes , because sometimes it seems like he doesnt care. We fight once in a while ( mostly about how Himchan is never there )

Do you regret your baby? When she found out , yeah she thought it was a big mistake, but after calming down she was happy.

Are you overprotective over of your baby? Yes , a lot !



Anything else? 

suggestions? Having alot of drama , and romantic scenes ?

The baby father walking out on them but realizing he made a mistake and comes back ?

comment? I know the uzzlang I used isn't one thats like all glamourous and everything, but I think her looks can fit in the personality, and since it wasnt like a girl group that has to be all that pretty, The ulzzang's face is perfect for it (:

And the baby kinda looks like Himchan and the ulzzang ^_^

Your story is very original and I would like to be a part of it . And I made her character original and unique , so I hope you like her ^-^

Questions? Is my app okay ? If you need me to change anything feel free to pm me (:

Which was your favorite picture and quote from the foreword? Sometimes love, proves to be strong enough & Some can't find the courage.... However sometimes, the outcome are positive.



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