
Okay what I just witnessed was just the cutest, most funniest, thing ever.
I had my ferret Max out and running around, and he was playing with his toy ball. I was just watching him and smiling.
All of a sudden the ball came toward me, so I grabbed it and he started freaking out - jumping around from side to side, and I could not help but laugh.
Then after he calmed down, I showed him that I still had the ball, and I put my hand up in the air - I was sitting on the floor - and threw it.

He actually jumped up in the air and did an almost-backflip, landing on his side. He jumped in the air like a freaking cat would, trying to catch the ball.

OMG.... it was just asfkjsdhgkjansrkghaodsfg :D
I had to share this. Wish I recorded him or something.
He is just the cutest thing! Period.


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Awww that's adorable!!! XD
awwwww i want a ferret so bad now~ <3
Ferrets are my fave animals! I had one named kibbles but our current house didn't have enough room so I had to give him away T.T

But omg I can imagine Because I'd play with mine with a trddy bear cat and he'd do the same thing and it was sooooo adotable and funny!

What kind of ferret is Max?