School. It Kills Me. Seriously.

I am tormented. I have tons of things to do and requirements to pass. School has always been tough on me. I am always stressed. I go home late. I sleep late. I wake up late. All because of stress,pressure and SCHOOL.

There I was thinking school would be fun and all but no. It may or may not be fun but you need to study. Study hard that is. In my case,I am a graduating student so I have to give it my all. Doors that open themselves and opportunities that I could easily grasp,I live up to accomplish them. School papers and works that have to be done,fan girling aside and I finish them.

Bottom line?

Even if I'm a hard core ELF or any fangirl,I still have to know my priorities. My oppars would understand if I won't tweet them today. I cannot forsake  my responsibilities. Gone are the times when I would slouch and get lazy. I should know better where to draw the line. That thin line that separates the fan girl world from the reality that school will eat you up. That thin line that will set everything straight or curved,according to what you think of it. It will always be there. And I bet,even if we all turn into ashes,it'll still be there. 



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