〖 ⋆ When the Moon Rises ⋆ 〗[Chen TianShi]

  When the Moon Rises  
[Angel + Formal Cutie]
User Name:BABYKissSpirit
Name: Angel/XinHui
Activeness: 7
We're A Bit Different
Birth Name: [Chen][TianShi]
* Nickname: [Explain briefly why and who calls you that]
"Stage" Name: Angel
Persona: Formal Cutie
Reason: TianShi acts differently towards different types of people,and she gotten the persona through how she treats her customers.
Age: 18
Date of Birth: November 25th 1994
Blood Type:O+
Ethnicity: Chinese 
Languages: Chinese-Fluent,Korean-Basic,English-Standard
Character Type: The girl that has the face of an Angel but the personality of both an Angel and an Ice-Princess
TianShi is someone who is forgetful so people have to remind her things over and over again. She is also clumsy as she zones out a lot and will trip or bang into even the most obvious things. She is also slow-witted. She is trustworthy and independent as well.She is also a brave girl. She does things by the rules and will make sure to acheive success in things she does. She is mature in her thinking and doesn't like attention. She stays quiet most of the ime and only talks when she needs to. These are the only factors that doesn't change in her personalities.Yes,she is 2-faced,but it's because she has been that way since young as her parents forced her to,so it has become a part of her to be 2-faced now.

The 1st personality is her true self-When she is with someone she is close to,mostly females,she will be who she really is,but only if there aren't any strangers around.Whenever her close ones bring TianShi up,the first thing that comes to their mind is power and control.She doesn't understand herself well,so it's harder for others to understand her as well. She is a cold-hearted girl who looks emotionless. Is unfriendly and unapproachable.She is nonchalant and does things her way. She ignores everyone around her. To them,she appears to be intimidating which prevents two-way conversations. She is strong-willed,determined and like to be in control of herself and situations. She also gives an impression of a dignified and sophisicated person who is in total control to them beings. She takes things seriously and sometimes gives out a y aura. But sometimes,she is too serious and people find not fun in her.She doesn't smile a lot,only sometimes one can see the corners of her lips raise a little at something. Sometimes people mistake her for being anti-social because of her being a sophisicated person. But she's only like that because she doesn't know how to interact with people. When she has eye contact with someone,that someone won't be able to feel anything from her eyes. Doesn't trust people easily. Hasn't found the right person to open up yet,which is why she is so cold.Her actions can be unpredictable,sometimes she might be kind towards you for no reason.

The 2nd personality is her fake self-When she is with strangers or people she's not closed with,she will become a shy and happy-go-lucky type of girl. She will act cute around them and will become a girl who laughs easily as well. She will be protective of her friends and can even risk her life for them. She is friendly and optismistic.She can be quite motherly and always talk things out with her friends instead of fighting or arguing. She is innocent,naive and gullible. She is kind to others as well. She is careful of her actions so she hardly gets into any trouble. She forgives people easily. She carries out tasks from others well without any objections.Open and friendly towards others. Is formal to them as well

Because of her 2 personalities,she is known as 'Angelic Mystery'.Despite her 2 personalities,she has flaws that doesn't change with her personalities as well. She will become a bit childish in her actions and words when she starts arguing with someone.She is someone who bottles things up inside her instead sharing it with people,and would cry it out when she's alone. She has,what others call,'Poison Tongue'. Which means that she can be quite deadly with her words sometimes,especially when someone insults her,and because of this,people bear grudges towards her,sometimes,she use it to keep people away from her. She can't express her feelings and thoughts through words well. When she loses her temper,she can be quite violent and will land a few punches here and there. She doesn't like showing her side which show her flaws. She gives in to people easily,they just have to ask her over and over again and when she gets irritated,she'll give in.

[Happy] - 1st personality-TianShi isn't one that would have a huge reaction when she's happy. She would smile a lot more than usual when she's happy,and would be friendlier.And there is a possibility that when someone looks into her eyes when she's in a good mood,they won't see the artic ice and emptiness,instead they would see a tint of light in her eyes.
   2nd personality-There isn't much change since she's already a bubbly girl XD
[Sad] - People can't really see whether she's sad or not becuase of her quiet self.
            1st personality-Whenever she's sad,she will always be in her own 'world'. She will ignore everyone,and once she has time(like after serving customers,etc.),she would find a place to be alone,and she will cry out her worries,sometimes even use a song to express it out.
            2nd personality-She will just be less smiley than usual,and most of the time she will have a fake/forced smile on her face when she's serving the customers
[Angry] - 1st & 2nd personality-She would be find time to be alone and cry it out,and maybe land a few punches here and there when no one's looking.
[Customers] - Since customers are people who she put under the 'not close' catergory,she willl fake herself in front of customers,in general,she will be her 2nd self.
[Gang Member] - Since Gang Members are placed under her 'close' catergory,she will be showing her true self to them
»Night time/Sky
»Quiet and cooling places
»Bitter stuff
»Spicy stuff
»Haunted House
»Scary things/places
Pet Peeves:
» Singing
»Taking walks alone at somewhere quiet
»Plays with fingers/her clothes when she's nervous or impatient
»Bites on her bottom lip when she's unsure/insecure about something
»Blushes lightly when someone gets intimate with her/praise her
» Always have a Rubix Cube with her
»Will always be humming a song
»Fav Singer-Nana Mizuki,IU
»The harshest word she ever said was 'Pabo'
»Can't even remember the route back to her own house without using her phone's GPS
»Learned Gymnastics
I'm Pretty Enough
Ulzzang Name: Lee Eun Hye
Ulzzang Pictures:

Back-Up Ulzzang Name:Hwang Mi Hee
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:

Height: 170cm
Weight: 109 pounds
Description of Appearance:
  • Slim figure in general.
  • A little fat near the and upper thigh areas.
  • Big eyes,double eyelids.
  • Black coloured hair that has a tint of brown when seen under light,reaches upper back
  • Eye-color:Hazelnut Brown
  • 24-inch waist
Style:TianShi chooses clothes according to the weather,season and her mood. Likes comfy but stylish clothes.Sometimes would go for other styles as well.
  • Likes to wear sneakers or flats
  • Shorts that are around the thighs area
  • Hates high heels
  • Checkered shirts
  • Likes to match her clothings with hats,sunglasses,etc
  • If she's at home she would wear singlets and cotton shorts
  • Would match it with backpacks or sling bags if u goes out


  • Seldom wear dresses for formal
  • Mostly wears jeans
  • Shirts,Blouses that look classy
  • Would match with boots
  • Would match with sling bags

* Additional: -A wing necklace-Given by her parents when they told her that she was part of a gang. They told her to wear as a symbol within their family that she's in a gang.Only worn during gang meetings so that there won't be any suspicion by the customers.
-A star tattoo on the wrist-She won a free coupon to get a tattoo during a lucky draw,so she went to get one,in the end this was the only design that the coupon can give,so she had no choice but to get that one.
-A scar on her back-a punishment given by her parents to remind her not to go out with Minho again

A Sad Song
History: Unlike other families,her family's history were filled with gang related events,so its natural for her to be part of a gang as well.The gang that her father and ancestors joined was different from the one she's gonna be in,it was infamous for the number of kills that was made in a day,and also the number of gangs defeated. So it was a bad thing if her family was revealed to the public as they would all be sentenced to death.Ever since she was young,her parents would always bring her to parties that gangs held,but because of TianShi's cold personality,she wasn't liked by other gang members.So they told her to change her personality to something cute n bubbly,like other girls,and if she didn't,she would be grounded. So,TianShi had no choice but to follow their orders,and,as expected,at the next party they went to,a lot of people started liking TianShi,it was a surprise to her family that she could pull it off so well,but they were satisfied. Then as time passed,it slowly became a habit of hers to fake her personality whenever there are strangers/people whom she is not closed to around. She was also told by her father to learn gymnastics and also some private training to improve on her abilities.Once,she did something to her mother that earned a beating from her father,she threatened her mother. Ever since she knew that her mother isn't a gang member,she despised her. To her,a normal human and a gang member are from two different worlds,so she threatened her mother to not be so nosy and clingy to everything that happens in the house,or its gonna cost her her life. Her last sentence was heard by her father,and so he gave her a beating and totured her with a whip for a day.
In school,she was one of the most popular kids in school due to her faking her personality. A lot of girls and guys wanted to be her friend,but would always be turned down by TianShi,some bear grudges against her for not being friends with then,some cried,some just accepted it the way it is.Once a guy confessed to her when she was 11,but she turned down the offer. A few days later,the boy who was rejected was mad and with some other friends who have grudges against her,threw eggs at her,that was the first time she was mad in public,and out of anger,she went forward and held the boy's neck before crashing him into a locker,the boy's back was severely injured due to the hit. There was soon a crowd because of the commotion and the discipline master also arrived after being informed about the incident by one of the students. When the principal received the news,TianShi's parents were contacted and she was expelled from the school. When they arrived at home,her dad was furious that he slapped across TianShi's face so hard that she crashed into the wall and broke her arm,she was also kicked out of the house for a week,but due to her broken arm,she stayed in the hospital for a week,so shelter wasn't a problem. After that week,she stayed at home locked in her room,only leaving to eat or use the bathroom,other than that,she had never left the room.
Then one day,she was forced out of the room to get some fresh air by her father,so she reluctantly went out to the park,it was evening time,so there weren't many people and it was cooling as well.And then her first meeting with Minho happened. Someone ran past her,destroying her own moment.A few more guys followed not long after,being cuious,TianShi followed them. And she was shocked by what happened in front of her,she saw the first guy in a fight with the others,and surprisingly,he was able to defeat all of them,but then because of his injuries,he fell to the ground afterwards. By instinct,TianShi ran towards him and quickly helped him to the nearest clinic and got him treated. That was how their relationship blossomed. But little did they know which family each other came from at the start of their relationship,cause it would make a huge difference. TianShi's family,the Chen Family,and Minho's family,the Choi Family,are dead rivals in the gang society,going head to head at everything. After they had discovered that their families were rivals,they kept a low profile and would go on secret dates,but in the end still got discovered and were forced to break up.
As she grew older,and turned 16,her parents sent her off to the gang (the one she's in now),but since the gang she's gonna join is in Korea,she had to move there alone.She wasn't used to it at first,and didn't really bother about whether she would get used to it or not,cause she knows that it won't change her life. She hardly visits her parents,only when they have to attend gang meetings or parties that she would visit them. When she arrived at the address given by her father,she was surprised and confused,cause the building in front didn't look like a hideout,but instead it looked and was a cafe! Confused,she walked in.The gang leader immediately recognized her by her necklace and brought her to a room to sit her down,then when it was break time,the gang leader gathered the members and told TianShi to show them what her specialties were. Then,she started doing a little of jumps here and splits there,showing off her flexibility,then picked up a penknife she found lying on the floor and threw it at the gang leader's direction. The gang leader easily doged it but instead it strike through the sleeve of another member's work uniform. The gang leader ordered one of the members to spar with her,so they did. But it surprised them that TianShi was quick to dodge and block their attacks and also land a few strong punches as well.The members as well as the gang leader was impressed. And that was how her gang life began.
Reason for Joining Gang:Her father and ancestors were part of the same gang before,and her family wanted to extend their aliances to other gangs,so TianShi was sent to the gang (the one she's in now) as a sort of tribute.

Family: Chen WeiHao || Father || Gang Leader/Office Worker || Strict,Blunt,determined,clumsy,careless,proud,hardworking || TianShi is very formal to her dad,especially since he has high expectations for her. She always calls him by 'Father' instead of 'Daddy' like other child.
Yu XiaoMei || Mother || Florist || Loving,clumsy,happy-go-lucky,loyal,slow-witted,bossy,nosy || Because of TianShi's personality,she hardly talks nor spares a second glance to her mother,she only acts close to her when her father is around,cause she knows that if her father finds out that TianShi was ignoring his wife,she would earn at least a slap from him
* Best Friends: [Max 1]
* Friends: [Max 3 friends]
(Fr)enemies/Rivals:Rival || CL || Gang Member/Waitress at another cafe || An arrogant girl who loves showinf off. Does aegyo a lot,especaially around males. Takes advantage of people's weaknesses. Talkative,a little rude at times. Open-minded and judgemental. Caring and helpful when she's in a good mood. Childlish and energetic || They would shoot each other death glares whenever no one is looking,and CL would just bump into TianShi whenever they walk past each other just to annoy her,while TianShi,other than give death glares,won't do anything else. || CL had seen TianShi fight before,and since her reflexes could be matched head to head with hers,she wanted to prove that she was the best. While TianShi treated her as a rival because of the same reason as well || They saw one another fight once and hated the fact that their specialties can go head to head with one another,and they wanted to prove who is a the better one.
* Other Relationships: Ex-couple || Choi Minho || 20 || Gang member/Staff at a bookshop || Trustworthy,Honesty,Loyalty,sincere,reserved,quiet,hates attention,like to do things his way,helpful,does not adapt easily,nostalgic. || They still have feelings for one another. Minho is caring and helpful towards TianShi,always surprising her. While TianShi...is herself. Though she smiles to him more often then towards other people. || They broke up cause both of their families were enemies,and TianShi got a scar on her back because they tried to go on a date behind their parents' back
Mystery To You
Reason for Working at the Cafe: She was threatened by the gang that if she don't work at the cafe,her family's history will be revealed to the media.
Main Position at Cafe:Waitress
Back-up Position at Cafe:Cashier
»Acting like she's really the customer's personal maid/waitress,in general,good at making customers feel like they're at home
»Attracting customers to come again
Words I Couldn't Bear To Say
The One: Hwang ZiTao (Tao) || Exo-M/Exo || Yes || Age-19
The Second One: Yang YoSeob (Yoseob) || Beast/B2ST || No || Age-21
Relationship: Lovers
Second Interest: Zhang YiXing (Lay) || Exo-M/Exo || Nope || Quiet,Warm,Caring,Reserved,Optimistic,Quick to befriend someone,Determined,Shy at times,Funny,doesn't get angry or annoyed easily,talks it out with people instead of using violence,honest,calm,zones out a lot,Blunt,forgetful || Age-21
Third Interest: Wu Yi Fan (Kris) || Exo-M/Exo || Nope || Practical,Reliable,Strong,Straight-forward,quietly confident,does not seek attention,supportive,helpful,mature,does not open up to people easily,serious,down-to-earth || Age-22
Interactions: Tao is placed under TianShi's 'close' catergory as he is a gang member himself,so she will be showing her true self to him all the time.TianShi always keeps a distance with Tao and never spares a second glance towards him.She would always prevent communication with him as she's uninterested in him. As for Tao,as he has seen both personalities of her,he looks down on her and never takes her seriously. So he would always because of her personalities. Then after one incident,where TianShi told Tao about her past,Tao started to pity her and changed in the way he treats her. He's kinder towards her and seldom anymore. As for TianShi,she slowly opens up to him and actually made an effort in trying to make a conversation with him,though she at it and would always stutter in the end.
Ideal Type: Someone who she can talk freely with,someone caring,romantic,a little protective is fine though. Someone who is 175cm and above,who makes her feel safe and can actually protect her in reality. Personality isn't a key thing in her ideal type. Someone who likes her for who she is and not who she's not. Someone who she can be comfortable with.Someone whom she care share her troubles with and won't take advantage of her.One who has at least a sligh sense of humour.
* Additional Details: ---
You Say You Know Me
Gang Name: KoriHime (Ice Princess)
Persona: Angelic Mystery
Reason for Persona: The gang members had seen both of her personalities before,so to them,she can be as Angelic as an angel and also mysterious at the same time.
What You Were Known For As Part of the Gang:Intimidation,Accuracy and Reflexes
Intelligence: 6/10
Strength: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Stealth: 7/10
Endurance: 9/10
Resolve: 8/10
Intuition: 4/10
Reflexes: 10/10
Perception: 4/10
Bravery: 6/10
Agility: 7/10
Team Work: 3/10
Following Orders: 5/10
Gathering Information: 9/10
Persuasion: 5/10
Trust: 2/10
Behaviour to Gang:She shows her true self to the gang
Behaviour to Customers :She acts her 2nd personality to the customers
Part of the Gang or Cafe:Gang Member
A Good Bye
Comment: Exo-M 'MAMA'.    I just hope that the History section isn't too complicated DX And hope u like my app...I'm worrying so much for it DX
* Suggestion: For events-Cosplay day maybe? XD where they have various costumes and the customer can vote for what they want the waitress to wear? XD


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