
Hey all who are reading my stories...

I'm open to ideas about who YOU want to see paired. Keep in mind I'm currently ONLY doing MissTer fics.

If you have any special details or ideas you'd like me to incorporate, please share! I may just work some of them into my naughty little stories! I'm hoping to write about every MissTer pairing I can come up with, but some are putting the STUMP on me coz I'm not sure there's chemistry. If you find me the way to make the chrmistry bloom, I'm all for it! :)


MissTer, let's go!


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gotchya...random...maybe a one-shot?
mzandrii #2
Strangers -> Friends -> Hey, I like you!

Non-MissTer, present day boi-meets-girl randomness...

Not too awkward (no dormat-ness, dorkiness, playbos-ness, prince charming-ness)...

Non-ty, but DO include some kissing :P
NON ty?? i'm *shocked*!? :) k...would this be in a romantic sorta "pairing" way, or in some variety of friendship/stranger way?
mzandrii #4
*jumps up and down* can you write a NON-ty story about Jin and me?! ;)