100 Facts

1. Name: Victoria....So'oleola

2. Nickname: Vee, Pomai, Vivi

3. Birthdate: 7/14/98

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Primary school: I don't remember

6. Elementary school: Ehhh been to too many

7. High school: Not there yet lol (1 more year to go!)

8. Hair color: Brown

9. Long or short: Long

12. Phone or Laptop: Phone

13. Health Freak: PFF nope!

14. Orange or apple: Neither? Fine, orange

15. Do you have a crush on someone: No! Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't had one in a year.

16. Eat or Drink:Drink

17. Piercings: 1 on both ears

18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi!


19. Been in an airplane: Yeh

20. Been in a relationship: No and I don't plan on it for..a while haha

21. Been in a car accident: Yes.

22. Been in a fist fight: Nah but I mess around alot

23. First Piercing: Umm, if you scroll up, it obviously says lol

24. First Best Friend: Alyssa! (My neighbor)

25. First Award: IDK

26 .First Crush: uhhhh 9 YEARS OLD!

27. First word: YOU EXPECT ME TO REMEMBER THIS?! Uhh probably Vivi because that was my name when I was little lol

29. Last friend you talked to in person: MOM

30. Last friend you texted: Terence! (ChadsterT-rex on here)

31. Last friend you watched a movie with: ummm my brother?

32. Last food I ate: Meat lovers pizza~

33. Last movie you watched: IDK

34. Last song you listened to: uhhh Te Extano (Bachata Version)- Xtreme

35. Last thing you bought: Juice!

36. Last person you hugged: ...i dunno


37. Food: Rice!

38. Drinks:  Sprite

39. Bottoms: Black Skinnies

40. Flower: I dunno what uh..you guys call it, but my favorite is "Tiare"..I think its called Tahitian Gardenia

41. Animal: Snake

42. Colors:  Lime

43. Movie:  uhh I have like, a list so..

44. Subjects: Sciences, history


45. Fallen in love with someone No.

46. Celebrated Halloween Yes

47. Had your heart broken No..

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone Ehh yeah!

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head: If I had a dollar for everytime that happens, I'd be rich.

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza No.

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed Yes.

53. Did something I regret No

54. Broke a promise Yeah.

55. Hid a secret Yes

56. Pretended to be happy Yes, cuz I don't like it if people see me depressed

57. Met someone who changed your life Yeah!

58. Pretended to be sick Yes.

59. Left the country Yeh

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it:  Yes

61. Cried over the silliest thing: Positive!

62. Ran 5 miles: No, I could never do that!

63. Went to the beach with your friends Yes!

64. Got into an argument with your friends Oh, yeah! But, we always make up.

65. Hated someone I could never HATE someone

66. Stayed single Yeah


67. Eating: No

68. Drinking: Nothing.

69. Listening to: My thoughts lol

70. Thinking about: My next question

71. Plans for today: Uhhh go to hula practice!

72. Waiting for: Tomorrow lol


73. Want kids: Yes

74. Want to get married: Yes

75. Careers in mind: Not sure, but something to do with science. Ummm experimental psychologist?


76. Lips or eyes: Eyes, so I can stare into them

77. Shorter or taller: Taller!

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous, cuz I feel like someone romantic would be sappy D:

79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both!

81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yeah but I found 'em

84. Snuck out of a house: No actually.

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No.

86. Kissed someone before: *bows head* ..yes

87. Broke someone's heart: No

88. Been in love: Not yet.

89. Cried when someone died: Nah, no one I know (or care about) has died


90. Yourself: Not all the time.

91. Miracles: Yes

92. Love at first sight: No. Wait..didn't they already ask thsi?

93. Heaven: IM NOT GONNA ANSWER THAT!..okay fine, no I don't.

94. Santa Clause: No...I found out on my own


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Nah

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: No

99. Do you believe in God?: no..even though I go to a Catholic school D:

100. Would you change something in your life?: No, my life is fine as it is.



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