Gotta get these in my head~~ @_@




First Aid - The immediate temporary care given to an injured or ill person until a professional help is available. 

Accident Chain- Series of events that include a situation, an unsafe habit, and an unsafe action.

Universal Precautions- Actions taken to prevent the spread of disease by treating all blood as if were contaminated. (And you can do that by; wearing masks and wearing gloves)

Sprain- A condition in which the ligaments that hold the joints in position are stretched or torn.

Fracture- A break in the bone.


1st Degree- Affects only the outer layer skin. There may be some swelling and pain. 

2nd Degree- Burns through first layer of skin and burns the second layer of skin. Blisters develop.

3rd Degree- Involes all layers of skin and maybe affect fat, muscle, and bone. Burned area may be charred black or appear dry and white. May be little or no pain.

CPR- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

ABC's of CPR; Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

Shock- Is Characterized by cool, clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse, slow and shallow breathing.


Four Steps To Take In Emergencies; 

1. Identifying the signs of an emergency. Often you will see, hear, or smell something that will alert you of an emergency.

2. Take Action. Evaluate the situation and decide what action you should take. Protect your own safety first. 

3. Call for help. Dial 911 for all emergencies in most of the United States. 

4. Provide care until help arrives. After calling for help, stay with the victim until help arrives.


First Aid For Common Emergencies; 


Broken Bones: An X-Ray is the only way to be sure if a bone is broken. 


P; Protect

R; Rest

I; Ice


E: Elevate 

Insect Bites and Stings; Wash the area of the bite and apply a special lotion. If a stingers need to be removed, remove the stinger, and apply ice to relieve pain and prevent swelling.

Burns; Treatment for burns depends on the severity/location of the burn. 

Poisoning; All poisonings require immediate treatment. Call the nearest posion control center. 

Foreign Object In Eye; Do not rub your eye if there is a foreign object in it. Use clean water to flush the object out.

Nosebleed; Pinch the bleeding nose shut for 5-10 minutes and breathe through your mouth. 

Fainting; If you feel faint, you should lie or sit down, placing your head between your knees. 

Heat-Related Illness; Resting, cooling down, and drinking water or a sports drink should provide relief. 


CPR is the process of combining rescue breaths with chest compressions.

Choking kills more than 3,000 people every year in the United States. 

The Abdominal Maneuver involes quick upward pulls into the diaphragm to force out an obstruction blocking the airway. 

To stop severe bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound. 

A life threatening condition in which the circulatory system fails to deliver enough blood to vital tissues and organs is called shock


There's more but I'm stopping there XD 





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Holy Krisus...o.O daz a LOT!!