tvxq as 5, 3 and 2

Oct 7,2012 I had to write this down somewhere to take all of this out of my system and since my notebook where I write everything down is no where near me( no is not a diary more like passages of incoherency) I decided to do it here. Adding a new member to tvxq? Wow I suspected that much and asked myself the same question a couple of times. To sm tvxq was and is a great deal. When 3 left and 2 stay I'm pretty sure the building went into crisis mode. What to tell the fans? Yrs of hardwork puff gone on smoke not only to all 5 members but to all the staff as well. 3 of them having to start again not knowing if they will make it. 2 of them not knowing if they will be kept. But surely the company wouldn't throw all those yrs invested in them right? I mean sure two were left they could make something work out. Yep adding members would have been the logical reaction in ANY company in this industry. A group of five losing 3 members cannot survive for up to that point all of the songs, dances, etc were made to display a 5 united member group. But how to find a some what equavalent to such talents? Who could stand a chance? Who could withstand the pressure? Who could be patient and win not only the hearts of the staff but the fans and most importantly be able to great a bond with the remaining members? I have to say it must have to be lee soo man. U can say what u want about him but there is one thing u cannot argue: he brough together tohoshinki. Without him the 5 of them would have never worked so well together maybe not even met. Is his eyes that saw their future together, sure he didn't give them their talents but he norture them. U may not agree to the way he did it, the way he treated them, but because of all of these stuff the 5 grew up to be who they are today. All 5 are determinated talented and pasionate performs that were push to their limits to show how good they were. Now imagen losing that, losing what u probably see as one of the biggest accomplishments in ur career. Logic and advice will be to try to salvage it as much as u can without losing ur pride. Yep adding members. Fans specially complicated ones as cassies will raise hell but will they risk also hurting two members from their own beloved tvxq for selfish reasons? Logic will tell u no. I mean the fandom is dividing as u think this, u know that half of the fandom if not more will be gone by the time all of this settles down if it ever does. But then what about those two members, I mean should u try to at least give them a shot? Something must have happen in between all of this that made lee soo man rethink of adding another member. He must have seen something in Yunho and changmin to give them a shot. This will explain why Yunho was so thankful to him. Its not only because he supported them all this years or because he let them comeback but because he believe that the two will be able to make it. That they were still worthy of that name. No matter what I bet Yunho and changmin felt lacking and having another talent might work better but they probably also felt that it was their name and somehow no one else should be included. That it belonged to the sweat and tears of 5 and now they were alone but better to try and salvage it between the two and fail than to have it be no more It must have been thought of a ; sure we are lacking, we can't fill the space of five, the fans will hate us, but also a pulsing of no one should take this from us. We can do this we must try we must perfect it a I don't want to share this with anyone else u hold on to me and I hold on to u and don't u dare let go kind of situation. They had to prove that even do they for sure were not junsu jae or yoochun they will start a new face in tvxq as two but none should use those three spots they will fill that stage so no one could try. Have they come to terms that the 3 might not come back? Who knows maybe they have, maybe they having but I think they are at peace where they are now. Some say they shouldn't have use the name they should have started with another name the name belongs to the 5 only. U do realise that there wouldn't have been a test if that was the case right? They wouldn't have been a duo they would have started in another group with other guys. I don't how to explain this but jyj still jyj from dbsk while yunho and changmin will have been group Blah Blah period. Jyj are from tvxq while homin will have been members of blah blah who once belonged to tvxq. They will have been just put into a group eliminating their connection to tvxq. And I can't help and think who would have been with them. For some reson Kaih comes to mind but battery is dying that will be another discussion not done on this aff


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