Problems ...


 Yes as you can see from the tittle im having problems... REALLY! bad problems.

I thought that from thursday onwards i thought my life would be better a new start. Well No. quite frankly its the opposite...

First  of all my parents didn't even KNOW! its my birthday. They didn't even know last year. I had to tell them. -_- I couldn't be bothered to tell them because there SUPPOSE! to know. the next day they found out ... WHEN I CAME BACK FROM SCHOOL! -_-

Then yesterday my mum P'ED ME OFF TO THE MAX! but knowing me. I kept my mouth shut because i can't be bothered to talk or start a argument in the middle of new look. Oh and I'm a teenager whose on her P's. and you pissed me off. DON'T YOU THINK! im gonna be slightly moody and angry with you. I hardly EVER! BUY ANY CLOTHES! And when i want a nice flowy dress for a event thats coming up. and its like 20 pounds. You say NO. right in my face. I mean which ever dress i want. Too short. when its knee length. oh the chest is too big. when I'm not lieing the chest is like normal. I mean we've been to everyshop in town and i asked you if i can have a flowy dress. No. No. No. No. Thats all i ever hear you say. I mean wouldn't you guys get angry or upset !?

Then in the morning as soon as i come downstairs. She HAS to say something for me to cry bucket loads. -_-

Wouldn't you be emotional hurt if your mum COMPARED YOU! TO EVERY.ONE! OF YOUR COUZINS!? I just hid my tears away and again...

I didn't say anything... I kept all the pain to myself. Then when she saw a tear she started shouting at me AGAIN! because i was crying.

I'm sick of my family. I know i sound like a spoiled brat but this year. Nearly EVERYONE! i know has hurt me someway intentionally or not. I'm gratefull im alive and i have friends who understand me and a family who piss me off most the time and emotional hurt me. They're ok some times aswell. But this year, I've gone through so much bull and sometimes i just baracade my bedroom door and sit upstairs listening to SHINee or something and i wont come downstairs for the whole day...

When im 18. Legally independant in england. I'm going to korea with my Kpop friends so i can take a break NOT WITH FAMILY! so i can just be me and have a modest amount of fun, explore. HOPEFULLY! maybe even a SHINee concert. Those boys have been one of the reasons. I smile everyday. Even when i've been hurt. Even thought they don't know me and people say to me its hopeless for you to meet them. Even though i know that it is kinda near impossible.

I will 'never forget to smile.' and carry on. :')

*Sorry about the rant and whatnot. If you've read this im HUGELY! TOUCHED! And i love you :') <3

I will HOPEFULLY! UPDATE! tonight. I need to get myself back together!! :D xoxo

Love from Taeminnies <3


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