NiinaStarrz love analogies 2010

ANNYEONG my fellow readers , subscribers and of course FRIENDS :)

Since I'm totally bored at the moment I decided

"HEY you know what guys?"


"I'm going to post my love analogies I made up back in 2010"


"Ahh neh neh LOVE ANALOGIES!"

"What's a love analogy?"

"WELL a love analogy is something in EVERYDAY life that you can use to RELATE to love and relationships!"



I'm going to post my love analogies and hopefully it'll be interesting to you all :)


NiinaStarrz Love Analogies 2010



The world is a big ocean. The ocean is filled with many different types of fishes. Tall, short, small, big, fat, skinny and of course different breeds and colours. Love is like fishing, the fisherman/fisherwoman decides to go fishing one day. To fish you have to know exactly what you want so it’ll be worth all the time and effort you put into it. So when you go fishing you obv. Want the best of the best. (The best boyfriend/girlfriend.) The fisherman/fisherwoman see’s exactly what they want. (The boyfriend/girlfriend they want) the fisherman/fisherwoman throws in there line hoping the fish they want catches onto the hook. In some cases other fishes will catch the hook and of course the fisherman/fisherwoman would have to reel it in. (other girls/guys are in the picture or are in the way.) some cases the fisherman/fisherwoman will take the fish home to give it a try or if they don’t like what they see, the fish gets thrown back into the water. (Tries to date the girl/guy if they don’t like them or it doesn’t work out they get dumped.) The fisherman/fisherwoman keeps trying until they finally catch the fish they want. They take you home in a bucket filled with water and puts you in a nice fish tank and gives you lots of love.( you guys are officially together)


Can’t catch 2 fishes with one hook

In some cases a situation like this will/can occur. If you’ve been talking to a guy/girl for a bit and they show interest it means yes your hooked on the line but you aren’t officially reeled in( you guys are just talking) Some cases you feel that you’re going to be reeled in but for some reason they just let you hang there (you guys were talking but nothing else happens from there) But you notice that there not talking to you as much but you see them talk or msg other people. There looking at other fishes and pays no attention to you. They just leave you to hang there without telling you anything. (There talking to other girls/guys and leaves you in the shadows) You may think you’re still hooked but really they threw you away so they can catch other fishes. (Can’t catch a fish if there’s already a fish on the hook.)


T-shirt Shopping

This situation relates to females more than males. The perfect boyfriend is like a t-shirt. Just like boys, t-shirts come in many different sizes, colours, designs and brands. A girl goes shopping for a t-shirt (looks for a boyfriend) she goes into many stores to find the right one. (Different city locations, areas, schools, malls and etc.) She goes into a store and starts looking through many different racks of t-shirts (many different groups of boys that have different styles i.e emo, casual, gangster and etc.) while going through the shirts she picks one up and looks at it. She may like the colour but she might not like the design. (Likes something about the boy but doesn’t like other things about him i.e personality and etc.) so she puts that t-shirt back on the rack. (Shows the guy she isn’t interested.) she finally see’s the perfect one, perfect colour, design, brand and size.( Found the perfect boyfriend) she than purchases it and takes it home and she wears it all the time ( Officially together) Soon enough she gets tired of it and the colours soon starts to fade. (Tired of the boyfriend and wants someone new) She may decide to keep it at the bottom of her closet or decides to throw it away or even give it away to someone. (Still talks to the boyfriend/girlfriend or cuts them outta his/her life entirely OR even let friends/relatives date them.) In some cases she may like the t-shirt at first but realized she didn’t like it so therefore she gave it a try but brought it back to the store for a refund or exchange. (Tries dating the person but realizes there not the one so she puts him down easily or she tells him she’s more interested in his brother, cousin, boy etc.)





Canned Goods



Love is like a can of goods. Everyone knows that the older ones get put at the front and the younger ones get put at the back. Sometimes the canned goods are on the shelf waiting to be bought. The more popular the brand is the more likely it’ll get purchased. (Good looking ppl get asked out or have all the luck.) The less popular brands just sit on the shelf collecting dust. (Average looking ppl are just waiting to be asked out) Here and there the less popular brand gets purchased but that’s very rare ( an average looking person may get lucky one day) Sometimes the less popular brand gets purchased along with the popular brand but soon to find out you were only purchased to be donated or just thrown away. (I.e giving you away to his/her friend or was just using you till he/she got what they wanted and just tossed you away.)

An ex is just a crack in the steps


Depending on the situation and how severe it is, the more severe the crack will be. Everyone knows your first love is a stepping stone to the stairs of experiences. The number of ppl you’ve had = the number of steps in your staircase. (I.e 3 boyfriend/girlfriend = 3 steps from your stepping stone.) If you were to break up with the person the step your on will become cracked. If the break up was a bad one (I.e your hurt so bad your at loss) The cracked step may or may not crumple from under your feet. If it does crumple and you fall through, that situation is when you’re at your maximum break down. You lose sleep, you don’t eat or you just don’t give a . If the step doesn’t crumple, it’s up to you if you want to step over it, so it’s now behind you or your so scared that you’ll loose it forever and that your don’t have the strength to. You’re worried that when you do step away from it that it’ll crumple and you’ll never see it again. (It’s up to you if you have the strength to step over it and if you don’t its cause you’re scared it’ll be lost forever.) In some a cracked step can be fixed (you try to work it out) Sometimes the crack can be fixed and it may look okay to the eyes but under neath you know the cracks are still there and there never gunnah go away. Or at times as much effort and work you put into it the cracked step just seems to not want to be fixed. (I.e you put in all your efforts and strength to make the relationship work but they just don’t want to cooperate.) For your experience to grow you need to date more so you can create more steps. Even though you’ve moved on from the cracked step and it’s behind you, sometimes you can’t help but turn around and look at it. (You look back it and all the memories and you start to miss them.) Depending how far you are from the cracked step, you may be able to jump back down but in your head you’re not sure if it’s worth all the strength and effort. Depending how far, you’ll have a 50/50 chance you’ll land on the cracked step okay or you’ll miss and fall down and you end up hurting yourself. (I.e you talk to them again seeing it they want to make it work. If they do than you’ve landed safely. If they don’t want to than they’ve moved on. Therefore you missed the landing and you end up hurt.) Dating = more experiences you’ll gain and therefore you’ll be higher up than you ever thought you would. (Moved on, dating other ppl and you learn from your mistakes but you also gain more experience and confidence. Soon enough you’re so high that the cracked step is so far behind you that it can’t be seen anymore or it’s completely gone. (You’ve moved on and the ex isn’t seen or heard of anymore. There just an image in your head that will soon fade in time.)









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