Applied Characters I Made

Since I know I won't remember the characters I have made, Let's just place them in this blog post if I ever forget. No one will read this probably, so let's goooo!~

Eclipse Academy

Song Min Young (Minnie)


Ulzzang: Haneul

Insanias: Niemin (F) & Menin (F)

Niemin: Depression & Loneliness

Menin: Anger & Hatred

Star Sign: Libra

Nationality: Chinese Korean

Love Interest: Kang Daesung


At Your Service

Name: Jung Shin


Mistress: Lee Xing (16)

Personality: Slightly Anti-Social, Kind of the Tsundere type. He is basically the biggest douchebag ever, but is kind hearted. For example; If he sees a child is lost, he take the child with him and search for the parents, but the whole time he might glare at the kid and yell at him to stop crying. In his past, his parents never cared about him so he never gave a . His dad was an alcoholic and would be abusive towards him, but around the time he entered high school, he stopped. He became sick and tired of how he was living and moved out when he was 16 (His Mistress's age). He hung out with people similar to him and built the habit of smoking and got tattoos on his chest and both arms over the 2 years he's lived by himself. He went through many jobs and got fired for his rude attitude. Now he works for "At Your Service" and has went through at least 34 Mistresses before his current.


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