once again.

Ignore this if you don't care. So... the situation has gotten worse. Like really worse. Ignoring me. Oh well. Why does the situation seems oddly familiar? It seems that everyone that is close to me is leaving me. Happiness doesn't last. Not in my situation. Why does this happened all the time? am I actually destined to not have friends? Is this a punishment from god? To make me pay for my sins before? What should I do? I apologized to her. She ignored it. Now she wants more time. Tell me, if she was really my bestfriend, she should believe my words. But noooo. She rather believe the others. But I can't blame her. She has the freedom to choose who she wants to be friends with. Apparently I'm not one of them. Two years. Two years of friendship gone. I don't think I can truly trust anyone.


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Hey, what's going on ?? You can always tell me!
I'll be here to help you! Pm me on Fb! D:
I've gone through worse than you. I have been back stabbed and been called fake. I'll help you get through it!!
Talk to me I'll be here for you <3