OK ok ok ok ok ok ok! Me and my family went to an amusment park (Thorpe Park) the other day (I WENT ON STEALTH!) and we had fun, blar blar blar. But we went on Saw Ride (Type into Youtube "Thorpe Park Saw"), and at first you go in this inside bit, where they have big drops. But before we went on the drop, there was this count down for 1 minute. But when it got to 0, nothing happened. So we sat there in the pitch black for about a minute freaking out. But then this lady said threw a microphone "Wave if you can hear me!" And as soon as she said that, I started freaking out. She explained how they were having technical difficulties. So we were stuck, on one of the scariest rides there, in the pitch black, no way of getting out since we were surrounded by tracks, scared to death. I was nearly in tears because I was so scared! It was horrible! We had to wait for 20 minutes! I actually thought we were going to die! My Mum and friend were waiting outside, and they had no idea what was going on, and were waiting for us for ages! Urrrgh! It was horrible!

Luckily though, we didn't die, and the ride started working again. But through out the ride, all I could think about was "WE'RE GOING TO DIE~!" And when we were going up the big drop (If you watch the Youtube video, or have been on it, you'll know what I'm talking about) it was lifting us up SO slow, like it was struggling to get us up there! I thought we were just going to roll back down!

But everything was ok in the end... They let us have another go on it, without waiting in line.

Oh! And we were the last ones on it! Because while we were stuck, the lady told the WHOLE line to leave! (It was an hour and 10 minutes worth of line). How unlucky were we, being the last ones on the whole ride, and it breaking!

I swear, I have never been so scared! X(


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