Willow | Application Form | Gwon TaeJoon


"Free Spirits."
Your Info:
AFF username: iuandjiyoonbeautyfan


Le` Character:
Birthname: Gwon Tae Joon
Nickname: TJ, Byuntaejoon, Taedyjoon (Teddy bear), Taechoding/Chodingjoon/GwonChoding
Age: 21
Birthdate: 12/12/1991
Ethnicity: Korean American.
Birthplace: Right in Seoul, Korea
Hometown: Seoul
Height: 180
Weight: 49
Languages spoken: Korean (fluent), English (semi), Japanese (basic)

Le` Appearance:
Ulzzang used: Hong Young Ki
High quality picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Backup Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong
High quality picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dressing style: Cute, simple, but cheerful and, well, cute. Though sometimes she enjoys fancy.
Normal/Casual Wear: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dorm wear/practice wear: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Formal wear: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tattoos or Piercings: None

A Few Something's Bout Yourself:
Personality: She used to be the cutest girl in school. Just like her appearance, she was cute, full of aegyo, and a popular girl. She's bright and cheerful, but a total choding. She loves to pull pranks and tell lame jokes then laugh at herself. That's one of her favorites of things to do--laughing at everything. Even usually frowning teachers can't help but smile a bit at her always bright stature. Sometimes, though, she goes into her "depression mode," when for days to weeks she's just that--depressed. She doesn't smile, laugh, or do anything she usually does, then one day she's back to normal. She's clumsy, klutzy, and really forgetful, so she loses things or breaks things a lot.
She's a lover of makeup. Whenever she goes shopping, she can stay at a small makeup shop for hourse until someone pulls her out of there. Speaking of shopping, she loves to do that too. Since she barely gets allowance from her parents, she usually can't buy much, but TaeJoon just enjoys eye shopping and trying stuff on. TaeJoon is also called Byuntaejoon because she makes a lot of inappropriate jokes sometimes. Even though she's 21, she still acts like a 8-year-old. But when she wants to be serious, she turns on the "serious mode" and can be the most serious person to talk to. There's just one problem though--when she's in serious mode, she stays like that for days at times (mostly hours, though). Taejoon is the most 4D and the randomest person you'll ever meet, though. She could talk about socks when talking about Big Bang, or flap her arms wildly when the teacher is talking. She got into trouble a lot when she was in school because of those moments.
One very important thing to know about Taejoon is that she's a really bad secret-keeper. Tell her a secret, she tells everyone she knows the very next day. When she does something wrong, then she looks very guilty. So she can't lie very well, and she's really, really clueless about things. Sure, she understands things pretty fast, but if the atmosphere has changed, she's obvilious to it until someone tells her. That's why she's the main victim of teasing, but then again, she teases everyone else just as much. She's more like the maknae most times than the unnie, but that's her, and how she thinks is that "if you don't like me, then I can't force you to like me, so just don't bother me. It's your loss," if someone despises her or something. She's really simple-minded, actually, and is a great chatterbox. runs a mile a minute, you could say.
Background: She's from a big and rich family. She's considered high-class, and so she has 'high-class' friends, but she has normal friends too because she's not really snobby or anything. The reason why is that her family consists of 8 people--herself, her parents, 2 sisters and 3 brothers. She's right in the middle (2 younger, 3 older), so she was never given much attention. She learned to be bright and cheerful, like everyone she meets right away (even if the person's not her ideal type of a good friend), and love people's attentions. Unlike most high-class people, her parents thought that spending too much money was bad, so they never gave much allowance or expensive gifts like cars to their children.
They taught their kids that money isn't everything, and that love is very important. They never spoiled them, or showed love to one specific child a little bit more. That didn't mean they neglected them because they were very involved with what they did (unlike the stereotypical busy rich parents of the world). Taejoon knows her parents love her, and that was all she needed in her simple-minded brain. She spent her childhood actually going oustide and socializing instead of playing video games and watching TV like her two older brothers, since she grew up seeing her parents scolding them for not doing anything active. Instead, like her oldest sister, she volunteered to do stuff at school, hung out with friends and was pretty much the nice kid.
Likes: Active stuff (like sports); dancing, singing, even rapping for the fun of it; people and socializing; sushi; asterisks (*); the number 56; jokes, pranks, and laughing.
Dislikes: Boredom; sunny-side-up eggs, jello, and anything edible that's wiggly and jiggly like them; science; late-night snacks; the smell of ashes; drinking alcohol.
Habits: in her cheeks when she's bored, puffing cheeks out when mad, cracking her knuckles when she's nervous, and blinking ten times in a row when trying to concentrate
Hobbies: Surfing the internet, sleeping, cooking, eating, doing jump-rope, dancing
1. She loves teddy bears. All kinds of teddy bears, from huge pink ones to small, emo-looking black scary ones that is missing an eye. She doesn't care--as long as it's a teddy bear.
2. She's a brown belt in TaeKwonDo, was on the swimming team in high school, plays soccer with her family, and regularly runs at 6 in the morning.
3. TaeJoon's name means The Kid the Sun gave (TAEyangee JOON Agi=the kid the SUn GAVE) because the first time she smiled as a baby, the dad said, "Why, she smiles so brightly, like the sun!"
4. Her favorite number is 56 because 7 x 8 = 56, or 5678, and her parents' favorite numbers are 7 and 8.
5. Sushi is her life. Her favorite food is sushi, her pillow is designed with various sushis, and even her laptop wallpaper is sushi.

Le` Famiry:
Famiry members: Gwon Ban Gang, 52, CEO of a telephone company, an easygoing but firm person.
Gwon/Kim Yu Jin, 54, Co-chairperson of a big designing company, a strict person that is very stubborn and closed-minded a bit.
Siblings: Gwon JooHyun, 15, student, a really playful boy.
Gwon Ha Lem, 27, artist/cafe manager, a cheerful person that has the 'oldest unnie/noona' aura.
Gwon JiMin, 24, electricity company worker, a serious person like his mom.
Gwon JaMin, 24, construction worker, the exact opposite of JiMin (his twin), like his dad except even more easygoing
Gwon SaShil, 19, college student, a usually easygoing person who takes studying and education seriously.
Best Friends: Jeon Jiyoon, 22, 4Minute member, very cheerful, joking, pranking, and full of aegyo.
Yang Yoseob, 22, B2ST member, full of aegyo, cute, and funny
Bo Ju Gen, 21, college student, a playful person that was Taejoon's friend since elementary
Friends: G.Na, 25, solo singer, a cheerful person that has the 'oldest unnie/noona' aura like Ha Lem (Taejoon's sister)
Yamashiko Nadessa, 21, college student, a serious-ish Japanese-American that she met in high school
Rivals: Yang Yoseob, 22, B2ST member, full of aegyo, cute, funny, competitive, just a friendly kind of rivalry.
That Guy:
His name: Jung Yonghwa in CNBLUE
His age: 23 years
Status: One-sided love (like a close fan), but he already has a girlfriend. So they're friends.
His personality: A real choding like Taejoon. He's all childish and always pokes fun at everyone he knows, and pulls pranks and laughs a lot. Yet he can be very charismatic to the rest of his group, as the leader and hyung. He hates boredom like Taejoon, and is very alike.
How you two met: The whole group CNBLUE coincidentally came into Ha Lem, Taejoon's sister's cafe and like it. They then started to come to Taejoon's sister's cafe a lot, so they were very familiar with the place. One day they visited when Taejoon was helping out, and she became their waitress. Taejoon, as their fan, started to talk to them and became very close. Then CNBLUE found out that she was a trainee, and gave her some advice on keeping secrets and such (she actually can keep a secret now thanks to them--but only one at a time), etc. and started to hang out with each other. She was closest to Yonghwa, though, because of their alike chodingness.
How you two act around each other: When together, their chodingness rises and they pull pranks on others together, plan stuff like that, exchange jokes, etc. They act really close because they are, and because they're very alike, they talk 100 miles a minute catching up on each other. Usually they observe everyone and make fun of them or create mini-scandals of what's happening, or play games with punishments like being hit on the arm, etc. Sometimes they exchange their new albums or CDs and normally do what friends do. They can't meet up a lot due to schedules and stuff, so they just do what they can backstage.
Backup love: Yang Yoseob. A best friend she fell in love with. :)

I Am Me:
Stage name: Just Taejoon.
Persona: 4D Choding
Position: Lead Dancer & Lead Vocalist; leader
Fanservice: What is this? O.O yesiguess. If it's personal fan club it should be Sushis.
Le` Corner of Awesome-ness:
Password: I am me
Any scenario requests: A choding moment with Yonghwa. :) And a YongSeo moment Taejoon witnesses since Yonghwa's girlfriend is Seohyun (kekeke im a goguma sorry. this one's optional)
Any shows you would like your group to be in: Running Man? Nah. Too hard. Uh.... Happy Together.
What song would you like the debut song to be: Dal Shabet's Mr. Bang Bang
How often are you active: Um... 4-6/7
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm your interviewer for today:
Annyeonghaseyo, thankyou for applying. How are you, ____-sshi?: Annyeonghasayo, interviewer person! I'm absolutely fine, actually, because I ate some delicous food before this.
Ahh I see. So, did you like or had fun filling this out? Yup! I had nothing to do today, then this came up, and I was like bingo! This is perfect for my boring day!
Hmm interesting. Any complaints?: Uh...  No. Everything was very informational and fun. I enjoyed it very much!
Mmm. Was the application form allgoods?: yup. To the fullest.
Ok. Are you looking forward to the story, ____-sshi?: Yes! Even if I'm not chosen, I'm still going to read.
*nods* Well, thankyou for taking your time to read and fill and answer these stuffs. Anything you would like to say to your future members if you get chosen?: Uh, hi? I'm Taejoon. Nice to meet you! I really want to become closer to you guys and hope you guys like me! Oh! And I hope you like sushi, because you're going to be eating a lot of them if I become a member! :D
Ahh Ok. *stands up and shakes your hand.* Thankyou again, and I hope you have a nice day/night: *Stands up and shakes hand back* No, thanks to you, now the day is over and a new day will come tomorrow faster than ever! Thank YOU! Oh, you too.
*waves* Baii: Have a nice day, interviewer person! Eat some sushi before you go home, alright?



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