♔ innocence ~Application~


 your innocent form

Ae Jung Moon


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 the real deal, yo

Username: SiwonsGirl96

Profile link: Clicky!

Name: Jessica

 the basics

Name: Ae Jung Moon

Nickname: Moony, Starlet, Junggie

Age: 21

Birthdate: 4/8/1991

Race/Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Bloodtype: B+

Height: 164 cm/ 5 ft 4 in

Weight: 47 kg/104 lbs

Place of birth: Sangju, South Korea

Hometown: Pohang, South Korea

Languages spoken:

  • Korean; Fluent
  • Japanese; Semi-Fluent
  • English; Basic

 beautiful creation

Ulzzang name: Seo Ji Hye

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Back-up ulzzang: Park Hye Min

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Style: Ae Jung Moon has various styles; some days she prefers sweats and a tank top, other days she goes all out wearing a dress with heels. She especially loves to wear jeans and leather jackets, although it doesn't really fit her personality. She loves fur boots and sneakers, but isn't the biggest fan of high heels. She's not the girly, preppy type, but rather the unique, original type, where she wears a new outfit everyday, creating a style completely of her own. She likes to mismatch her socks, because she thinks it's good luck. Skirts, t-shirts, and leggings are a few of Junggie's other favorite pieces of clothing, especially on a day spent in the dorm, or a busy day of trainee practice.

Tattoos/piercings/etc: Moon acts innocent and goody-goody, but she has a tattoo of a quote, "Voice is Passion" with a swirly, colorful design around it. She also has her ears pierced, but just a regular ear piercing, no cartilage or other body piercings.

✈ take a deeper look

Personality: Ae Jung Moon, a quiet yet skeptical girl, has always been the kind of girl to believe in voo-doo, crazy type beliefs. She's not strong in any religion, but bases her beliefs off of her own curious thoughts, her creative mind taking control. Along with that, she's a nice, pretty girl, but wouldn't exactly be described as 'cutesy'. Although many think her as this pure, innocent kid at first meeting, Junggie is often known as the 'mysterious, cold' type of girl.  She's not all that mysterious, but she doesn't like to over express herself, to the point where she is known as loud and obnoxious. She's sweet and kind to anyone she meets, but if she's in a bad mood, she isn't afraid to yell or throw things. Her temper is the one thing that most people don't know about, besides her close friends and family. For this reason, Junggie keeps quiet as to not fight or argue in school around her gossipping peers. 

    Instead, she focuses on the one main thing that she has devoted her life to, singing. Singing has always been her one true passion, ever since she saw her older brother sing on a stage for the first time. He sang a song that they had wrote together for his 1st grade talent show, and Junggie instantly fell in love with the art of voice. Writing music had always been another one of Junggie's various talents, and she always had lyrics running through her head, with every emotion she felt, she expressed into words. Although Junggie may be quite the talented singer & songwriter, she didn't play any other instrument besides the piano. Piano was easy and fun to write with her lyrics, but she found guitar and other instruments hard to play, so she solely focused on the piano. The nickname 'Ferocious Grace' was given to Junggie after she took years of hip hop and ballet, and combined the two in a compilation of songs at JYP's audition, at the age of 13. Being too young, or so the manager of JYP said, they regrettedly turned her away, crushing her dreams momentarily. After a couple weeks of moping around, Junggie finally got a hold of herself and decided to push and work even harder. Her determined, concentrated mind-set was set on one thing, to become an idol of another company and show JYP what they lost.

    This goes hand in hand with her mood swings, wanting nothing more than to show her talents and express her passions, Junggie bottled up her emotions and put them into practice, so that she would be driven to work harder then she ever has before. Although her kind, mellow heart showed a gracious smile every now and then, Junggie became the type of person who lived off of the dream of her dreams. Her strong passion for music really showed the type of person she was, through her melodic, angelic voice, and her popping, forceful dancing. Junggie's friends always encouraged her to reach a little higher for her dreams, even when she was trying her best. Junggie had always had a saying that she said before every practice. "Your better is only better than your best." Not many people understood her way of thinking, but to her, it made perfect sense.

    Loving, caring, warm, these are all good words to describe Junggie. She's not a troublemaker, she doesn't take many risks, but she's sophisticated and knows what she wants. When she has her eyes set on something, she won't look away until she has it. Once she has it, she'll hold onto it forever, refusing to let it go, whatever 'it' may be. With beauty and talent, Junggie is quite popular with the guys, but doesn't attention to most of them. She doesn't have very high standards, but she has women's intuition when it comes to who someone is. Just from a glance, she can tell whether they are mean, nice, gentleman-ly, kind, generous, or rude. Her eyes are big and deep, like two sparkling moons, which captivated the hearts of many men and women alike. Not always in a lovey dovey way, but in a "I want to be her friend" sort of way. Junggie's smile is rare, but when she shows it, her eyes squint cutely, forming a beautiful eyesmile. But to Junggie, she'd rather live with talent than beauty, and have people notice her for her voice, and not her slim figure or beautiful face.


  • Reading
  • Fruit; especially bananas, apples, and strawberries
  • Eyeliner
  • Headphones
  • K-Rock, J-Rock, & K-Pop
  • Perfume; flower fragrances
  • Ice Water
  • Soccer
  • Fish & Sea Turtles (as pets)
  • The Beach
  • Dolphins
  • Watching Movies
  • Sweets
  • Accessorries (mainly hats and fake glasses/sunglasses)
  • Dream Catchers


  • Compact Mirrors
  • Hairspray
  • Squirrels
  • Doubting Herself
  • Writer's Block
  • Crayons
  • Spicy Food
  • Tea
  • Winter
  • Wind
  • Most Sports
  • Lying
  • Rude People
  • Falling
  • Blushing



  • Thunder Storms
  • The Dark
  • Being Alone
  • Drowning


  • Shell Collecting
  • Firefly Catching
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Climbing Trees
  • Reading
  • Playing Piano
  • Shopping
  • Eating



  • Bites her lip when she's nervous or embarrassed.
  • Plays with her hair when she's bored.
  • Shakes when she's nervous or tired.
  • Giggles in awkward situations.
  • Puffs out her cheeks when she's angry.


  • Has a pet salamander named Liam.
  • Sleeps with her special teddy bear every night.
  • Can't fall asleep without music playing as background noise.
  • Eats all the time but doesn't gain an ounce because she dances a lot.
  • Used to get made fun of in elementary school.
  • Doesn't see her older brother now that he's an idol, and is always gone touring the world.
  • Works 2 jobs, and donated most of her money to charities.
  • Secretly loves pokemone and anime, but hides it because she's afraid of getting judged for it.
  • Has a lot of confidence with everything.

 live your life 

Background: Ae Jung Moon always lived in the shadows of her brother, as her parents always congratulated and encouraged him, but barely paid any attention to her. Taking her mother's maiden name, Junggie's older brother took her father's last name, when her parents divorced. Eventually, they re-married, but Junggie still kept her mom's last name. Junggie ignored her parents the way they ignored her, training her voice and body as she worked her up through the school years with increasing skills and immense talent. Not only had Junggie won many competitions, she also starred in her brother's music video when she turned 16. Up until that age, Jung Moon was a practicing machine, not stopping until she felt as if she'd faint, only wanting to improve as much as she could. Her parents used to treat her and her brother equally, until her brother became a star, putting their parents' focus on the son instead of both of them. Junggie intended to become an even bigger idol than her brother to win back her parent's love and appreciation so that she could feel like part of their family again. With her friends by her side, helping her through hard times and encouraging her when she was discouraged, Jung Moon was able to build up the confidence to audition for JYP, only to get rejected, causing her to train harder for 4 years until the SM auditions came along. As soon as she knew about them, Junggie pounced on her second chance. With every ounce of her passionate being, Jung Moon performed the best she ever had on the SM stage. Nervous for her results, the young girl cried at hearing the news that she had passed the auditions and would become a trainee for SM.

Mother: Ae Seo Lee | 46 | Art Teacher | Alive | Motherly (towards Kyuhyun), forgetful, talkative | Junggie and her mother don't get along all that well, but Junggie still listens to her mom's rants as she sits there quietly with her headphones in, wishing that her mother would ask how her day at school was, or who she hung out with lunch. But her mother never seemed to care, at all.

Father: Cho Min Seong | 48 | Construction Worker | Alive | Quiet, proud, generous | Junggie and her dad don't interact very much, due to the tension from the divorce and her brother's success.

Siblings: Cho Kyuhyun | 23 | Idol | Alive | Evil, sweet, charming, loving, caring, protective | Kyuhyun and Junggie act like any other siblings, they tease each other, joke around, fight, and protect and care for each other. Kyuhyun would do anything to protect Junggie, even if it meant sacrificing his own career. The two siblings are very close and would never betray each other.

Best Friends: Kwon Mi Joo | 19 | College Student | Fun, humorous, sweet, simple-minded | They act like complete dorks around each other, never afraid to express their opinions and be themselves.

    Amber | 21 | f(x) | Boyish, funny, skin-shippy, caring, friendly | Amber and Junggie must have been sisters separated at birth, because they can always tell what the other is thinking without them speaking their thoughts. They also always mess around and do the craziest things together, just as best friends should.

Friends: Hyorin | 20 | Sistar | Silly, cute, mature, smart, creative | No matter how mad or upset Junggie gets, Hyorin is always the friend who can calm her down and make her smile, even if she's lying on the ground in tears. They are always there for eachother, no matter what.

    Suzy | 19 | Miss A | Mischievious, happy, fun to be around, cheerful | Suzy and Junggie had been friends since middle school, always having each other's backs and going to parties together. They hung out quite a lot, having a blast wherever they went. If you put these two girls into a room together, they could talk forever.

Rival: Seohyun | 20 | Girl's Generation | Preppy, cutesy, cool and collected | Junggie had been crushing on one of her brother's bandmates and best friends for the longest time, but never told him. Seohyun, who is close to the members of Super Junior, had been seen hanging out with her crush, Yesung. After a while, they took selcas together, held hands, and Junggie could've sworn her brother said they kissed. Feeling heartbroken and pissed off, Junggie was not about to let Yesung go. She had her eyes set on the prize, and she's set on stealing Yesung's heart.

 fast lane

Stage name: Moon

Persona: Serene Firefly (Calm, but lights up any stage when she expresses her talents.)

Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Back-up position: Main Vocalist, Sub-Dancer

Trainee life: Junggie had gotten into SM after auditioning on the official SM stage in front of the president himself, Lee So Man. Scouting her himself, Lee So Man saw the talent  shining in this young girl. With her determined eyes and confident smile, Lee So Man saw a star within the hard-working girl. Once she started training, Junggie finally knew the meaning of "feeling like I'm dying", as she spent the whole day from 6 in the morning until 2 at night practicing and practicing. Although it was tough and she barely slept or ate, Junggie was satisfied and happy with her lifestyle, doing what she loved. No matter how much she sang the same song, or drilled the same dance moves, she never got sick of it, only wanting to practice more. After 4 long years of training, Lee So Man had offered her the chance to debut with a new girl group called Innocence, seeing that Jung Moon would fit the image nicely.

How long you've trained:  4 years

Singing audition: 1 2 3

Dancing audition: 1 2 3

Rapping audition:

Solo activities: Acting

Personal fan club name: Starlets

Fan club color: gniwrohtwn

 fall for you

Love interest: Yesung of Super Junior

Status: Taken by Seohyun (Yesung and Junggie are crushing on each other though)

How they met: Kyuhyun brought Junggie to one of his practices and that's where Yesung and Junggie first met.

How they interact: Yesung spends a lot of time with Kyuhyun, so he's over at their house quite a lot. He always acts dorky and cute around Junggie, sometimes getting embarrassed over the littlest things. Sometimes he pushes her away and acts mean, but that's only because he's trying to hide the fact that he likes her. Jung Moon, on the other hand, is always smiling and blushing around Yesung, because he just makes her melts. She likes him more than words can say, but she doesn't want to express her feelings and embarrass herself.

Back-up love interest: Minho of SHINee

Status: Close Friends

How they met: Kyuhyun was having his SHINee dongsaengs over along with his Super Junior hyungs, having a big party to celebrate his debut in SM. Junggie saw Minho and she cuoldn't stop staring, she'd never seen a more handsome man in her life. She approached him and made conversation, and they soon became friends, talking with ease and friendliness. Minho may or may not like Junggie, but Junggie has no idea. She likes him, but doesn't know if she'll ever be able to tell him.

How they interact: Minho and Junggie act laidback and fun around each other, not afraid to say what's on their minds...except for when things start to get awkward. Junggie wants to tell Minho so many things, but doesn't feel like he'd return the feelings, so she hides her feelings, and stays as his good friend. She began to get jealous as he starred in a drama with a girl named Sulli, who was obviously close with him, and they kissed on the show. Tension breaks out between these two, but Minho doesn't want to lose Junggie, even as a friend.

Scene requests: Surprise me, author-nim. ^_^

 in the end

Comments: I really like the sound of your story, hwaiting, author-nim!

Suggestions: Fanclub name: Halos

Other requests: 

Password: kitty punisher


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