Help me make a list

Hey guys!

I figured it would take me forever to discovering whole world of eunhae writing. and i'm so y i always demand for good read. What is good read? well, my definition of good read is A. Decent writing, means all literature's rules are being obeyed B. Enjoyable.

Oh girl, see, it's not really hard demands! So, help me listing Favorite Eunhae Good Writer! Mention ten of your favorites (can be from any sites) and explain why the are should be consider as good writer.

p.s: remember this is for personal (my) use. so no contest here. you inputs will means a lot! thank you :)


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I TOTALLY know what you mean . . . I have the same problem. And its not that they [writers here] don't have a good writing style, its just that it has to appeal to you. I actually have some good recommendations [at least in my opinion =]]:
ugh, the last two haven't been updated in a while though . . . its slowly killig me Xp
and this one:
I thought it was very cute and 'interesting'.
Happy reads!!
@golferox whoa there's a lot! tehehe, one of your list isn't my cup of tea though. but i had been following ConfessToShisus, themagiczebra, and yours.<br />
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and oh, did i sound like too much asking? actually i'm saying this not in the favor to 'pushing' and 'demanding' writer to wrote the way i want them to, but i just simply ask for help to find the ones i want to read.<br />
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and lately my expectation is rather high (because of my other fandom), and i kinda lack of eunhae. and i'm kinda picky.<br />
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and FYI. this entry isn't suppose to influencing public opinion. i'm just search for inputs for my self :) because, trust me, i kinda had seen all kind of writer this past two years into fandom but i still need someone to point out in case i missed some one.<br />
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and i'm so sorry, i kinda harsh in my words lately... ;_; and idk if this make sense at all
So, I know you don't think there are a lot of good writers on here but there are! You just got to search a little harder...<br />
funnylittlefishy:<br /><;br />
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she has others, but this one was awesome!<br />
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ConfessToShisus:<br /><;br />
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she doesn't really write them much, but this story is EPIC<br />
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ifallelsefails:<br />
her Neorago series is so...heartbreaking and wonderful...<br />
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TheHeapify:<br /><;br />
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she's got a couple<br />
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themagiczebra:<br />
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again, has quite a few but I really liked this one...<br />
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see, there are good writer's out there! may I self advertise? because I did see you subscribed to one of mine and I do have a few Eunhae's posted in my mess of 27 stories, though I do write a lot of other pairings...but yes, you must look harder! and while sometimes there is a lot to sort through you have to remember that people on here write for fun and most of the time English is a foreign language, so give them some slack? there is a line where it isn't bearable anymore, but sometimes you have to fill in the gaps...