I'm back! But...my fics...

Hello again!

I finished exams but I'm not completely free yet...my parents are being a pain and so is work. I shall try to write another chapter of any of my fics...as soon as I figure out what to right. 

I mean for:

- Jaejoong, The ert: I'm kinda stuck with what should happen next...that decision is annoying me.

- The Star Hotel: What Changmin sees...hmmm....I've got an idea, but it will totally be cliché ...damnit. Hint: Human. 

- You may change your appearance, but I’ll never change my heart: (Wow that is a long title) I think I might have made it either too complicated/too cliché. But still the next things that are probably going to happen are going to be predictable...unless there is a miracle. 

So yeah, thanks for the support. I shall try my best. 

Hope to see you soon! Hwaiting!~



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MusicMyLove #1
Glad to see you back. Can't wait to read you. "you may change your appearance..."<br />
Good luck with work and the family drama :)