Spectacles~! :D

I am getting glasses~! :D

I did the check up like last Friday~

and supposedly I have bad eye sight.... >3<

Like my right is 150 and left 175... >3<

Really?! That bad?!

Well they do start from 25 and go up.. >3<

but still I dont want glasses expecially from a ghetto place!~

Like our neighborhood grocery store.

Don't people say its bad in not professional place?

I think so~

Well I'm going to school with them tomorow~! :D

But I really just wanted glasses just like IU's you know those cute ones~

Omo her chin is hurt~ :(

but yeah those glasses~

but my momma said my face is already round and it would make it look rounder~ >3<

But I like them~

oh well Imma try it out~





I eat cho waffle! :3


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wonwoojpeg #1
I have glasses but I never wear them cause I don't really need them like my sister xD