
Here's a status of what I'm doing now. 

Timing for IY ; currently ; 2.5 Completed. 

Poster LIne-up ; currently ; Doing Syikin_Jonghyun's poster. (Gaahhh It's soo hard to find 13 HQ pics, so I just use their casual pics.. And now, ah. It's gonna take a while.) 

next, I'll be doing MsGyu's (idk what to call her) and then, kpopfan's and lastly smilingsin's. It's based on the order.

One-Shots LIne-up ; currently ; still working on minchika's One Shot. Apparently, I'm a bad writer for a Rated story, so I'll just skip that. 

Translating Subs for Koala ; NONE YET DONE.

Gahhh. I've been so lazy yesterday. I should've started working hard yesterday. No matter, tomorrow's holiday!! 

And good news, guys~ If I happen to find some time to update my fics, instead of solving my friends' problems (apparently, my so-called 'Alpha Seven' is crushed.. Alpha7 is my group's name, kekeke. I'm the glue that stuck them from going apart, but lately, since I've been out of the hostel, ;I used to stay in the hostel, just from Jan til June; then the second I'm out, problems came. AHH. It having your heart stung seeing your beloved friends fight..) 

I guess that's why I'm lazy? I've been thinking soo much lately. What to do? What to do? Even girls have ego. High ones, I'll tell ya. 

I'm gonna start today. AND BTW, 

I've started to read HUNGER GAMES!! My sister and mother thinks it's a very wonderful thrilling book, and I'm just arriving on page 95, read some in class today(NO LEARNING. MY BAG IS LIGHT!!) Any of you have read that book? Cause if you have, please tell me what cha think of it.. 

I'm thinking of doing a Vlog. Actually, it has been a long time, that I've been thinking about it, just that my sister always stole the camera away, since it's been fixed. Can't use the webcam, terrible quality. Ahahaha. I'm gonna do it as soon as my sister returns from her hostel and force her to give me the camera. HAHAHAH! I'm doing an intro on Youtube, and maybe here too ? Watch it! XD. 

Until then, bye~ 


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