Just, bitter. Random Scribbling. JS


Let’s understand the real meaning behind our smiles, we do not want to try to define ourselves, we just express what we feel. As time goes by, we try to break off to our shell and open the door to our hearts with only limited people known and have always been close to our hearts. We try to get farther and farther from other people that we found to not meddle with, due to conflicting characters.

That is why; we cannot contain our love any longer. Due to the darkness that engulfed as to the flames of oblivion, we cannot move forward. Why is it hard to love? Why is it hard to share? For whom should we only show our smiles?

This world that seemed to make us think that we are an island of our own, how could we change ourselves and become far beyond than ordinary humans? Is that why our innocence was consumed after we got over childhood and face problems which turned insignificant as we go up to the society ladder? Each year, I tried to think that I should cope with everyone, to be like them and smarter than them, is it necessary to be like a copycat? We cannot fly upwards if our feet drag us downward, right?

How could we move on, if we don’t initiate the change by our own? How could we look to the other people’s eyes and make the language we use to communicate secured and severed as we couldn’t even utter a word of praise or joke innocently anymore?

What are those tears for? Do you want to believe that with those tears this world could be a better place? What about trying to smile… laugh, cry out the excitement and have the world experience even an ounce of your joy. Let’s not solve problems separately, let’s do it together.



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