I used to be pressured, but now I AM the pressure

Just want to share my new fresh experience with you^^

I'm now in a field training to become an English teacher,but I just want to finish it so I can graduate,not because I want to become a teacher,but this is not the experience I want to tell you about.

I am doing the training in a school where I used to study at years ago.


Back then,I felt pressured when the teacher was coming to the class, except the English teachers, of course, because I always got good scores in English tests. Anyway, I can't believe that now I bring the pressure to the students. When a student saw me when he was walking around during the class time, he was terrified and ran away quickly!^^

It was funny!^^

Another funny experience and is when I was told to stay in the class to replace the English teacher who could not teach at that time. I was sitting on the teacher's desk and some students were playing something and later yelled. When they caught me watching them from the teacher's desk, they gasped surprisingly and I could feel that they were scared that I would scold them!

I smirked amusingly.^^.

So funny^^


Last thing was that when I was in my high school years, I regarded the teachers' room as a cave, a very scary cave, but now I can enter it freely, took a drink there also freely and even used the restroom for teachers!



I still think that this is so surreal^^

I really thank God for the new experience^^


Thx for reading.



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OnKey_Melly #1
@whiteheart:yupz..I don't want them to be scared at me,but I will try to build a good respectful relationship between me and them and when we are outside the school,I am trying to make them regard me as an older friend,not as a teacher^^
Oh nice!!but don't be scared to students and I get scared from the scloding type don't be that type >.<
OnKey_Melly #3
@epik_perfection:^^<br />
But,don't get me wrong..I don't like teaching,so in the future I will not use teaching as my main job..kekeke..Perhaps just as a side job^^
epik_perfection #4
oooh a teacher! :D nice! <3
OnKey_Melly #5
@summerchild:kekekeke....Yupz..Slowly but sure,I will get the feeling of a teacher really trying hard to make the students understand the lesson...^^..I used to ignore them,but now I hope the students will not pay it back to me..haha
Now I know why my Anatomy teacher from back then simply loved to watch us squirm ;A;<br />
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Nonetheless, praise God for giving you that opportunity ^^<br />
But I do hope that you see things in a teacher's point of view as well, why they get mad and whatnot.<br />
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God bless! ♥