GATEWAY || Gyo Jinseok


Gyo Jinseok

The bare necessities of life~

Username: LCBLuvsKpop

Profile link:

What should I call you?: Lane


I just want to know your name~

Korean name: Gyo Jinseok

Other name(s): Daniel Gyo (English Name), Zi Yeng Fan (Chinese name)

*Nickname(s): Gyo, Dan, or Jin

Age: 22

Birthday: 29/12/90

Star Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: O

Height: 189

Weight: 71kg

Hair colour: Black [dyed Light Brown]

Eye colour: Dark Brown, almost looks Jet Black

Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean

Languages: Fluently knows Chinese (knows to speak in both the Cantonese and Mandarin dialects), English, and Korean. 

uality: Bi (and in denial)

Personality: Jinseok is a gentleman; he's repectful and polite. However, you have to break through his shell to see that because he is very shy and doesn't know how to express his emotions in both words and through actions, so his actions and words tend to be taken the wrong way - which is why he usually chooses to save himself the  trouble and keep to himself, silently observing everything. Others have to put in the effort to get him to open up, because if they don't he won't even bother to talk.

Once someone breaks through his shell, he'll become more talkative towards that person and smile more around them and they'll realize that the cold expression and air around him are just because he's shy, not because he wants to hurt/kill them.

One thing that never changes about him is that he hates to talk about himself and often becomes quiet when others ask about himself, or he'll change the subject (well, at least attempt to) depending on how close they are to him. Plus he hates showing his emotions because he doesn't want anyone to take advantage of them,  plus he tends to be depressed constantly and he doesn't want to worry others. 

Also, when they get to know him better, they'll realize he does show his emotions, just not like others do. He has different habits that'll show what he's feeling. 


You're my love love love love love love love Venus~

Likes: Thunderstorms, rain, reading, quiet, being around others, the cold, going for a run/walk in the rain

Dislikes: sunshine, the heat, loud noises, being alone, being asked about himself, showing his emotions

Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing (best at drawing portraits of people), running/walking in the rain

Habits: glaring when in thought, speaks Chinese when he's feeling strong emotions, mixes languages when he's excited, scratches the back of his head in embarassment, stares at his feet when he's sad/upset, blinks twice in confusion, and drums fingers against his thighs when he's nervous/worried. 

Talents: Modeling, acting, and photography

Trivia: Only runs outside when it's raining and/or storming, tends to get sick when he drinks tea, is left handed, can write/draw with both hands 

Pet(s): None

Piercings/tattoos/birthmarks: Has one piercing in both lobes.


y eyes, y nose, y mouth, don't you know~

Ulzzang name: Park Jae Hyun

Picture links: 1 2 3 4 5

*Back-up ulzzang name: Oh Jung Kyu

*Back-up ullzang links: 1 2 3 4


Yessir, one of a kind~

Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: New York, USA

Background: Jinseok's mother passed away when he was the mere age of six and not long after wards his father found himself consumed by drugs and alcohol, which lead him to beat the often defenseless child. For six years it was like this, however one day when he was twelve, he began to fight back and often found himself living on the streets more than in the house.

When he was thirteen, he found his father dead in the living room and his grandparents took him in, which meant he had to move to China. His grandparents (who were his mother's parents) took him in and loved him like his parents should have, healing most of his wounds and he returned to normal - for the most part. 

When he was fifteen, he got into SM Entertainment and had to move to Seoul, South Korea, where he lived in a apartment by himself, living off of money sent to him by his grandparents. He was training to be in SHINee, but failed to pass the final audition. So, he transferred to Noir Entertainment. 

Years as trainee: 7 years

Did you train at another company before Noir Ent.? If so how long?: Yes, he was a trainee in SM Entertainment for three years before auditioning and getting into Noir Entertainment, where he has been for four years. 

Trainee life: When he was training in SM Entertainment, he was often bullied by the other trainees because he was Chinese and lived in China, even if it was just two years. the bulling got extremely worse when he failed to get into SHINee in 2008. However, when he moved into Noir Entertainment he intimidated most of the other trainees due to his height and cold expression and was often avoided. Even though the other trainees were afraid of him and often avoided him in Noir and bullied him in SME, he didn't care because the coaches loved him since he worked hard even though he was laking in many areas - such as the personality department. The coaches really favored him because he is so devoted towards becoming a performer. 


Heyyyyyyy y lady!

Family members: Dead (Died when Jinseok was thirteen) || Father|| Gyo Jung Shin || 42 || N/A || He was an abusive drunkard || He detested Jinseok since he thought he was the cause of his mother's death

Dead (died when Jinseok was six)|| Mother || Zi Seo Ji || 40 || N/A || She was really sweet and caring || Jinseok was always latched onto her when she was alive

Alive || Grandmother  || Zi Mi Yin || 70 || Ramyun shop owner || She is sweet, caring, and very protective towards Jinseok after what his father did to him || She takes care of him like he is her own son, she treats me like he is a little child and spoils him. She often calls Jinseok and they talk for hours at a time. 

Alive || Grandfather || Zi Yen Chen || 72 || Ramyun shop owner || He is strict but loving || He is very strict and protective over Jinseok and is often stealing the phone from his wife to talk to him. He is really concerned towards Jinseok since what his father had done. 

Friends: No one that is really important since most of the other trainees were either bullying him or afraid of him.

*Rival: None

*Ex(es): Krystal (fx) and Luna (Fx)

Love interest: Luhan || EXO || 22 || Really friendly and is more innocent than one would think. He enjoys to troll people and is very derpy || They're aquaintances since they at one time were in the same trainee group under SME, plus they were in a Korean class together under SME as well.

*Back-up love interest: (can't think of one at the moment)

Band member or love interest?: Either is fine with me. ^^

Top/Bottom: Top


I got the power~

*Stage name: Gyo

Persona: Ice Prince


Main rapper


*Personal fanclub name: None (If I have to think of one I will)


Super Junior! The last man standing!

Power: Storms (including Lightning)

Special ability: Causing Storms when he is angry/sad or Controlling the weather (he gets rather tired after doing both)


You are my poison~

*Comments: Tell me if there is anything I need to fix. ^^ 

*Suggestions: None

*Fanclub name suggestion: I'm really not good with these things, sorry...

*Debut song suggestion: Irresitable Lips or Wow both by BTOB 


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morninginmarch #1
Thanks for your app! :)