A Letter to Se7en


Dear Se7en,

You obviously don’t know me, and we probably will never meet in real life, but I just wanted to do this.  I’ve been a fan of yours since 2008 when my friend recommended your song Hikari to me.  That’s when Jpop and Kpop entered my life.  I know you’ll probably never actually see this, but I still wish to thank you.

Right now you may be asking yourself what it is that I want to thank you for.  Ever since my friend introduced me to your song, it has always seemed to manage to make even my worst days go from horrible to perfect.  Now I’m not sure exactly why this would be, but Hikari has that effect on me.  Hikari helped me through my hurt and pain, especially throughout eighth grade, and eventually my other friends showed me more of your music.

Se7en, your music, no matter how depressed I can be at the time, always manages to make me smile.  When I feel like nothing else or no one else can, you make me smile.  Sometimes I might even go from crying from sadness to crying from joy.  Either way, all I know is that your music, especially Hikari, can bring me out of my worst depressions.  When I feel like nothing is going right, you seem to make it all better.  Even when things are going great you just seem to light up my day with your music.

It’s not just Hikari either; it’s all of your music.  So just as a letter from a fan, thank you Se7en.  Please keep on doing what you do best in your music.  Again, thank you, even though you may never see this I’m just glad I got to thank you in my own way.


One of Your Many Fans



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