Sad Story

Nooooo! I can't believe it! Say it isn't so!!!  My favorite book store is CLOSING!!  Where am I to go now to buy my manga, my cute little knick knacks, and more importantly, where am I to go to get my very corny but ever so fanscinating romance novels!!  ^_^ you know which one's I'm talking about don't you.  The ones where the over muscled guy with flowing long hair is fondleing that rather busty damsel in distress. Don't be ashamed, we've all read a few.

Ok so I'm kind of being over dramatic, but I'm seriously going to miss it.  Chiyo and I have had a lot of good times in that store.  Like when i tried to get her to sign up for story time on mondays at 10 and then she glared at me and told me hated me.  This prompted an appalling look from an older gentlemen who was convinced that the little runt was my daughter. 

Also, I'm going to miss the crazy old man who always got excited whenever the waitress brought him his tea in the little cafe.  I mean everytime friends.  I guess it's the little things in life right? 

Yeah there was a lot of fun had in that shop. We could spend hours in there reading and drinking tea ( well that was more me, chiyo would have a smoothie or pop).  So as of Today I say farwell to my little slice of heaven and hopefully I can find one just as awesome in the near future.

So what about you? Have a favorite store?  Are you just as a book nerd as we are?  Let us know, we'd love to hear from you


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