~Slush-ie~ Application Form!



{Character Name}

{Character Picture}


£ AFF Username:

£ AFF Profile (hyper link):

£ Your Age:

£ Nickname:

£ How active are you on AFF? (scale of 1-10):




£ Character Name:

£ Nicknames:

£ Age and Birthday (ages 16-21 please):

£ Ethnicity (up to 3, must be somewhat asian):

£ Hometown:

£ Languages:



£ Ulzzang Name:

£ Pictures (7+, hyper-link them please):

£ Back up Ulzzang Name:

£ Pictures (5+):

£ Height (cm):

£ Weight (kg):

£ Style (e.x.: Chic, girly, posh, boyish):

£ Trivia (Piercings...tattoos...other?): 



£ Personality (min. two paragraphs):

£ Parents: {Age || Name || Occupation || Personality (short)}

£ Siblings (max. 3, they can be famous): {Age || Name || Occupation || Personality (short)}

£ Family Background (min. 1 paragraph):

£ Likes (6+):

£ Dislikes (6+):

£ Talents (5+):

£ Hobbies (5+):

£ Habits (3+):



£ Idol Friends (max. 3):

£ Your Best Friend (one only):

£ Your Rival (one only):

£ Reason for being rivals?:



£ Love Interest and from what band:

£ Age:

£ Relationship Status: {Secretly Dating/Dating/Close Friends/Crushing/Strangers/Hoobae-Sunbae/Friends}

£ How you guys met:

£ Back Up Love Interest:

£ Age:

£ Relationship Status:

£ How you guys met:



£ What position do you want? Highlight you first choice BLUE and your second choice GREEN.

§ Lead Rapper/Sub-Dancer

§ Lead Dancer/Sub-Rapper

§ Power Vocalist/Visual

§ Main Rapper/Sub-Vocalist

§ Lead Vocalist/Main Dancer

£ Persona? (Ex. Minho's Persona is "Flaming Charisma"):

£ Stage Name:



£ Why do you want to be in ~Slush-ie~?

£ Questions?:

£ Scene Request:

£ Other Comments:

£ Password: 



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