
I'm letting you know I'm going on a hiatus until early next year. I want to focus more on drawing and get back into art. I really miss it, and I love writing SO much, but I really want to get back into drawing for a little while. I hope no one is disappointed and I hope you understand. I will write a little on the side but I won't put pressure on myself to update. I will probably even have two or more stories done and all ready to go for next year, maybe more. Also realize that it's only about 3 months until the next year. I might be on hiatus for 4 or 5 months, I'm not sure. I will come back with so much to offer and beautiful art work to show. I miss drawing so much, and there are so many pictures I want to draw and I want to practice my shading and coloring techniques, and maybe even paint my first portrait of someone. I can't wait to do it and I hope you love it. I won't completely stop writing, as I said, just less and I won't be updating. That's too stressful lol I will still fulfill my duties as a trailor maker, too. Sorry to all the people waiting. Things have been insane lately.


I hope everyone has a lovely day. <3


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