~◤ΝΞΒЦḼА⊿ Application~


{Charismatic Sweetheart}
What's Up?
Username: SiwonsGirl96
Profile Link: CLICK HERE!
Your real nickname: Jessy
Before The Dawn
Full name: Lee Ae Jun
Nickname: Jun, Junnie
Age: 16
Birth date: August 30th, 1996
Birth place: Hiroshima, Japan
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
-1/2 Japanese
-1/2 Korean
-Japanese; Fluent
-Korean; Fluent
-English; Basic
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 53 kg
-Ae Jun lost her father in a fire at a young age.
-Gets attached to people easily.
-Has an addiction to video games.
-Smart and cutesy.
-She longs to be accepted solely for her voice, and not just her beauty.
-Memorized the last song her father wrote before he passed in the fire.
-Raises kittens and fishies.
-Doesn't have a 'best' friend.
-She eats two cookies with a glass of milk before she goes to bed every night.
-Making friends
-Being innocent
Cover Girl
Ulzzang / Rare Idol's name:  Lee Eun Ji
Ulzzang / Rare Idol's picture links:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Backup Ulzzang / Rare Idol's name: Kim Shin Yeong
Backup Ulzzang / Rare Idol's picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fixed Star
-Accessories; especially her dad's necklace and charm bracelets
-Bubble tea
-Moonlight strolls
-The beach
-Flying kites
-Cheesy pick-up lines
-Joking around
-Acting cute
-Video games
-Horror movies
-Dry humor
-Fake accents
-Raw meat
-Most fish
-Doing laundry
-Waking up early
-Playing board games
-Flip Flops
-Feeling empty
-Mood swings
-Losing the rest of her family
-Being kidnapped
-Being stabbed with a fork
-Losing her voice
-Big dogs
-Getting into a car accident
-Sings in the shower.
-Rubs her eyes with balled up fists when she's tired.
-Hiccups when she lies.
-Uses aegyo to get what she wants.
-Eye smile and puffs out her cheeks a lot.
-Eats often, especially when she's worried.
-Curls her fists at her side when she's angry.
-Mumbles in her sleep.
-Plays with her hair when she's bored or annoyed.
-Writing lyrics
-Singing and dancing
-Firefly catching
-Buying scented candles and lighting them in her room at night
-Sneaking out at night
-Playing videogames
Personality: Ae Jun isn't your typical cutesy, innocent girl. Although she has her aegyo charms and adorable expressions, her passion for music has always been strong and apparant. Even when she made friends, she put her music first. Loving the attention, she continued with music, oblivious to the fact that her looks were more important to the people than her voice. Wanting nothing other than to be accepted for her talent and voice, rather than looks and beauty, Ae Jun decided to make an attempt at her dreams, when the chance finally came. Hearing about a new girlgroup from Woolim Entertainment, Ae Jun wanted to reach for her chance. With her confidence and enchanting talent and beauty, Junnie was a shoe-in, or so she hoped. Junnie is a mischievious, yet pure girl who loves and cares for people, attaching to them easily.
   Jun, just like any other person, had her kinks, and was weird in some ways, making her an all around unique person. Her hyper, upbeat personality really shows, especially when she's around her friends. She's not afraid to be herself around anyone, with her expressionate face and charismatic persona, Junnie was loved by many, and hated by few. Her love for music, singing and dancing in general, was her most important quality trait.
History: Growing up with her older brother and mom, Ae Jun lived with their support and encouragement to chase her dreams. When she turned 5, her music for love compelled her to start with singing. She took singing lessons and grew to have a melodic, smooth voice. At age 7, she kicked into dance classes, her talent showing as soon as she hit the dance floor. Ae Jun grew up without a best friend, keeping secrets from her friends and family, going after her dream of becoming an idol, with the hopes of singing her father's last written song, in memory of him. After her father died in the house fire, Ae Jun learned to appreciate and savor what she had, because it may not last forever. To make her late father happy and proud of her, Ae Jun was determined to succeed.
-Lee Eun Ah  || Mother || 38 || Art Teacher
-Lee Cho Kwan || Older Brother || 18 || Studying Abroad
-Lee Kang Joo || Father || Passed Away
Friends: {Main Friends}
-Kim Hyo Moon || 17 || Boyish, sweet, friendly, protective || Actress In Training
-Choi Jin Sung || 16 || Kind, cute, fun, spunky || Unemployed
-Sang Cho Hee || 17 || Smart, posh, stylish, creative || Model
-Ka Mi No || 18 || Funny, outgoing, laid-back, sensitive || Soccer Player
Bestfriends: None.
Be Mine
Love Interest name: SungJong || 19 || Charming, romantic, teasing, caring, fun, bright, takes control || Close Friends (Crushing) || Singer/Idol }
How you guys met: SungJong was teaching one of Junnie's voice lessons. She got the chance to practice with him in private for a little while, where they ended up talking, finding that they had a lot in common. Not only did Ae Jun learn more vocal technique, she also gained a new friend, and a new crush.
  • Leader, Main Vocalist
  • Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
  • Charisma Rapper, Vocalist
  • Vocalist, Visual
  • Emotional Vocalist, Face of the Group
  • Maknae, Main Vocalist, Husky Rapper
Fanclub name: Candies
Fanclub colour: Dark Pink
Stage name: Charismatic Sweetheart
Twitter username: @Nebula_Junnie
Come Back Again
Anything else: I hope you liked my character! ^_^
Password: InfinityLove


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