SM Entertainment's Four New Girl Groups Application






All Right Then



What should I call you:Elaine


Tell Me More About You

Name:Oh Ki Young

Age: 20


Personality::S he's ambitious and determined, with a strong outer shell yet a childlike vulnerability deep inside of her. What ki young dreams of is to be a girl who knows what she's doing, a girl who gets her happy ending. She works to get what she wants, and what she wants is to look like she has it all together. She's diligent, and will do what it takes to young  walks with a fairytale grace to her which turns heads just by the warm aura she radiates. She is friendly and kind-hearted to everyone, with a nurturing and sweet nature. She's a good shoulder to lean on and is patient to hear people's young also has a great sense of humour and loves a good laugh, yet she's moral and has a strong sense of justice, knowing what's right and what's wrong. She's an optimist who's playful and fun-loving, always up for a game and enthusiastic in whatever she does. What's not to love?

Of course, she has her bad points as well. At times ki young may act a little spoiled, with a fiery temper and a stubbornness to her which could infuriate many... but most of all, she can be especially paranoid. Though loyal, she is scared of people betraying her and talking about her behind her back, or laughing at her. She is terrified of having people think of her in any remotely bad way, and feels as if people are waiting for her to fall. She will become stressed out if you didn't like her and will do everything to win your affections. Because really? ki young is not as confident as she may seem. She's an insecure girl and a natural introvert, who only puts on a sassy front. Really? She's a rather shy person, though she may not show this outwardly. All this masking-of-her-real-emotions had made her one hell of an actress





-Running Man











-Being alone




-Taking photos

-Ice -skating


-has dimples

-Laugh really easily


Blood Type:O


Languages: Korean(conversational),English(Fluent),Chinese(Fluent)

Persona: Happy Vitamin



What Do You Look Like?

Idol/Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji

Links: ||1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9||10

Back-up: Park Ji Hyun

Links: ||1||2||3||4||5


This is the Idol World

Stage Name: Ki Young

Why did you audition: To realize my dream.

How you got in:Auditoned

Rapping Links: ||1||2||3||4

Singing Links: ||1||2||3||4|

Dancing Links: ||1||2||3||4


Family Tree

Parents: Oh Ki joon (Father,Korean) Tan Yi Xuan(Mother,Singaporean)

Occupation: Bussiness man and Housewife

Interaction:a over protective father and daughter's best frined

Siblings/Cousins: cousin of Tasha(SKarf)


D.O.B: 31/1/1994

Interaction: LIke sisters


He's Cute, Don't You Think?

Name:Kim JongHyun


How you met:Ki Young once went to SHINee fansign. JongHyun saw her and has a deep impression of her because of her dimples.

Even though he don't know her name, he still remember the dimple girl

Interaction: Oppa/Dongsaeng

Personality: Talkative,Cute,funny, charming~! 

Back-up:Lee KiKwang


How you met:Same as above


Personality: cool,fun,easy to fool,cute


We're Close

Idol Friend:IU

How you met:were in the same elementary school

Interaction: Always hang out together


Anything Else?

Additional Stuff:-

Scene Requests:To be on Variety shows like Running man ~ :p


Comments:Hope you like my charater >.< Fighting~!!




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