Hanina Fadilah/MeisChanyoung


This is my application form for

S.M. Trainee Application for my "S.M. Youth Star Audition" Story

LINK : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/273974/s-m-trainee-application-for-my-s-m-youth-star-audition-story-apply-open-apply-korean-sment-traineelife-smentertainment-trainee


Name: Hanina Fadilah (Ahn Chanyoung)

Nickname: Dila (Chanyoung)

Stage Name: Chanyoung

Age: 16

F/M: Female :)

Birthday: 27/02/96

Home country/Nationality: Indonesia

Ethnicity: Indonesian :D

Height: 165cm

Weight: 69kg ._.


- short black shaggy hair,

- slightly blind to fashion(lol)

- tomboyish

- loves to wear sneakers

- wears a knitted button up sweater that her best friend made

- loves accessories.

Best feature/charm: she has swag every time she dance, but off stage she's a quiet and cheerful tomboy girl.

Some might think that she's more of an aegyo cutie. ._.v

Glasses/contacts?: she wears a square but slightly rounded chocolate maroon frames. but on stage she puts them down.

Piercings?: just a simple piercing at the top of each earlobe.


Style: she's highly influenced to hip-hop(but not like those super baggy pants stuffs).

her style is mostly that of a dancer, such as low crotch pants, cropped t-shirts, boot like sneakers or just plain old sneakers/boots.

her signature clothing is the buttoned up knitted sweater her best friend made when they were in middle school. but because of her love for accessories, she can still be slightly fashionable and disguise the sweater to be fashionable to be weared with anything.

Field: she's a semi-pro dancer, more of a free lancer. she always dreamed to be an SM dancer/choreographer.

Previous experience in music: she had tried singing, and everyone had told her that she can be a pro, but her heart and passion is dance.

Any instruments?: she plays the viola pretty good..

Audition song & style: what is love - EXO-K. she singed it clearly and very great, and slightly remixed the ref to have a bass-drop and a hip-hop feel to accentuate her raw free style.

Audition country/place: South Cali/USA

How did you get there?: At first she got a gig at Seoul, because she had some sort of problems with her paperwork, she had to go back to TM Dance Studios to start teaching part-time.

Why did you go?: Because she believed that the chances of getting accepted is higher when you audition there.

Audition experience, Explain: not so good. the judges liked her, but she didn't wow-ed them because her singing skills aren't as great as her dancing skills. but because they saw a slight potential for her to be their trainee, she got in.

[Opt.] How long have you been a trainee?: about 15 months.

Personality: at first glimpse, she's a quiet and polite girl. but once you get to know her, she's bubbly, a real tomboy, and sometimes aegyo..

Stage Persona: mature, y, and just completely charming. :D


- Likes :


b. (hot/cold) chocolate

c. cats(well, any animal that's cute and adorable :3)

d. rainy days

e. relaxing on her bed

f. her blanky

g. and her best friend.

- Dislikes :

a. little time to sleep(she's a sleep a holic lol),

b. falling(to anything)

c. and things that are scary._.

Likes/Dislikes about being a trainee:

Likes : she can see her idols up-close and can get an one-on-one with them!

Dislikes : her idols sasaeng fans for always mistaking her to be their girlfriends(lmao).

Habits: she writes(mostly fanfiction stories!:3), she draws anything(manga, comics, dresses, people, inanimate objects), and she snacks, and the one i'm most proud about, she instantly starts to dance to a song that she likes/remembering  one. :D

Fears: anything that can scare her.. well mostly realistic ghosts._.

Hobbies: dance, sing, choreograph.

Languages: Bahasa Indonesia, English, Japanese, Korean, German, French.

Talents: she always choreograph her greatest routines/works on the spot :3

Friends: her best friend, Shim Minhae. She's also a dancer, but right now she's pursuing to be a host :)

and she's friends with Amber because they knew each other when they were in Toronto.

How did you become friends?: she's friends with Minhae since grade school because they fought which one of them that could sit next to the teacher they both have a crush on. (lol XD)

she's friends with Amber because they are both tomboys and they have many similarities.

Crush: Eunhyuk, Super Junior.

Love at first sight? Scene request?:

When they first met, eunhyuk never stopped thinking about Chanyoung, and he's been obsessed with her ever since...

Can you make a love scene between me and Eunhyuk?? i don't mind if it means like a love triangle or anything! Just as long as he's obsessing me like how much I've been obsessing him >//<

Do you get homesick? How do you deal with it?: Not a lot, but every time i get homesick, i can ask Minhae to call my parents, friends, and family to call me or to just say hi if i don't have time to call them myself :)

What is the least amount of sleep to keep you awake?: actually 2 hours. But because I love to sleep, i get really cranky haha.

What type of learner are you?:

When it comes to dance, I'm a visual, audio, and practical. i watch the routine first, then i listen closely to the song to know which beat to each move, and then i immediately do the routine while i still remember them all. :P

Why did you apply for this story?: This is my first application form for a story, but i really want to apply to this story because i actually can i imagine author-nim writing this story as if I'm actually an SM trainee >0<

Comments/Suggestions/Other: I just hope that my application is interesting enough to make you want to pick it, even though there are no pictures at all._.


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