Tagged by iusocute. ^^


1. Compare your bias(es) with a fruit(s).

People say that Myungsoo is like a pineapple. However, I would compare him to a... watermelon! 
I like it. (X
A watermelon is green on the outside and red/yellow on the inside. Just like how Myungsoo is hidden beneath the image of L. (:

2. Short nails or long nails?

I would prefer nails of a normal length, not too short nor too long. However, if I were to choose between short and long, I prefer short nails. Long nails irritates me to no end. Haha. 

3. If an idol could be your cupid, choose one.

Oh, wow. I like this question. It's interesting. ^^ I would choose Hoya because he is more of the serious type and would do a thorough job as a cupid.

4. Harry Potter or Twilight?

Harry potter. I don't watch twilight and I don't read both. Haha. 

5. What does the letter "L" stand to you?

Myungsoo. I still remember how I was doing a fan board for 'L.Joe' because of my first concert and my heart was at the 'L'. I ended up telling my friend my heart is still with L despite doing a fanboard for L.Joe. :X Haha. And when my friend types an SMS wrongly and 'L' appears, I would send her hearts back. Heh. 

6. What are your favourite quotes?

 There you go. Haha. 

7. List your three wishes.

I wanted to ask for unlimited wishes but I thought that if I have that power/ ability, it might not be a good thing too. People would approach you with ulterior motive...
1. For those who I love to be blessed with luck and health. 
2. To be able to keep all fond memories in a bottle so that I can relive them. 
3. I wish that I can be richer because I realised that money work wonders. 


8. What's the name you love most?

Name? Haha. I don't know, really. Sorry:X

9. What's the most beautiful word for you in English language?

Up till now, I don't have any in mind. 

10. Wink or blow kiss from your bias?
Wink. I would die if Myungsoo winks at me. Haha.

11. Favorite flavor?

I like quite some flavours- chocolate, mango, watermelon and a few others actually. Haha. 


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green_teax #1
Haha.. Watermelon huh? x)

Did you purposely type Happy Potter or was it a typo? xD
I love HP too!! I'm currently on second book! :)

Haha... I wish he will wink at you someday! ;D

Thanks for answering! *hugs*
countcain00 #2
im gonna post my answers again on your private message..lol...