Tagged by Pistachio XD!


Lazy Pistachio said that she is curious as to what my answers to my questions would be.
In other words, she is hinting me to post this blog so there noob. 


1) If you are chosen as a lucky fan to request for a fan service from your bias, what would you choose? (Think about it realistically ^^!)

Frankly speaking, I would like to have a hug from my bias, L. However,this really does happen in reality, I would most probably be scared to ask. Also, I am going to be damn self-conscious. Therefore, I would probably ask to let me take a picture of him (without me). I can keep it as a form of beautiful memory. Perhaps I would ask him to sign on it after which. ^^ 

2) Use one word to describe each INFINITE member! (Not the usual 'choding', 'grandpa', 'tree' etc. (; )

Sunggyu: Multi-faced (One minute he's the serious leader with the stern moment. The next minute he would have the usual expression on when being bullied by the other members. The following minute, he would be laughing crazily.)

Dongwoo: Warm (I feel that Dongwoo would make a warm guy. He seems to be more of the caring type despite all his silly actions. He's responsible and nice to people around him too. )

Woohyun: Expressive (Woohyun expresses his affection so readily but I guess he does it deliberately most of the times. To Dongwoo because of 'Ranking King' and to fans because he knows they like fan service. I am curious to know the real side of Woohyun when he cease to be this expressive.)

Hoya: Cool (I don't know why but this word just comes to my mind. Hoya has a good body (I feel so sick saying this. :x) and has somewhat a masculine image as INFINITE's rapper. I think I have a soft spot of him in his doctor's robe. Haha.)

Sungyeol: Model (I know people say that all the time but this word really associates when 'Sungyeol' comes to my mind. In the chaser's teaser photo, he looked exceptionally tall and has the proportion of a model :X)

L: Intriguing. (When I first read about him in fan fictions, going by the name 'L' intrigued me. After which, seeing him in videos, I felt like knowing more about him. When I slowly realised that he's more than just L because he reveals his 'Myungsoo' side unintentionally more and more, I would smile at it. Reports (I wouldn't say negative reports.) these days make me feel like discovering more sides of Myungsoo or L. All in all, I would say he's one intriguing guy. I left this till the last because I couldn't really find a word and I can't reuse Sunggyu's 'Multi-faced' . Heh. )

Sungjong: Gentle. (I know this may be an inappropriate word but I am serious. Sungjong is always so soft and meek (excluding the fact that he bashes his teddy). 

3) What is your favourite colour?

Pink. (You said it doesn't suit me though :X I still remember. (;)

4) Describe your change since you became a fan girl.

It's quite big a change for me. I did things that I would probably deem as stupid when I am not a fan girl. Writing fan fiction, buying merchandises, paying a lump sum to go to concerts and writing fan letters are all my first since I became a fan girl. 
But I am happy about this change. It brightened my once boring life and I stopped having crushes so easily. Somehow. haha. 
Maybe one day, I would look back and laugh at myself for being a fan girl but for now, I am glad I am one. 
As long as I am happy, that's all that matters. 

5)If your idol is having a concert in your country but during that period you have plans to go for a vacation with your family... What would you do?

I can't go against my family and they are not really supportive of my fan girl's means, you know. Perhaps I would have to go for the vacation with an upset mood. WAH. The thought of it is killing me DX I pray that this question will never be posed in reality. Heh. 

6) Love is blind. How about fan love? 

It is blind too. Willing to spend so much money on idols is already an obvious sign, isn't it? However, I believe fans are willing to be blinded, right? Keke~

7) Share one of your happiest moments in life.

June 16. When I discovered he did it. <3

8) What is AFF to you?

A platform to vent via blog, a place whereby I am known as an author and a network which I found great friends. 

9) Do you believe in "Happily Ever After..."?


10) If a fairy tale comes alive for you, which one would you prefer to be in?

This is a tough one. Haha. Ah, I know. Ugly duckling. The feeling when it became a beautiful swan, I want to experience it too. 

11) Name your current favourite song.

Lunafly's superhero. (Recommended by countcain00) ^^ I have listened to it twice so far and I'm liking it ^^ ~

Wow. I took quite a long time for this. I am amazed. Haha. 


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I'm slowly getting used to the colour. :P
I agree with the crushes bit. :D It's gone now.
That's a kinda apt description of Woohyun. :D I think he shows his emotions openly, even when he's sad, but I wonder how he's like off the cameras and blah.
Actually, I've been thinking about 'The Ugly Duckling'. :x
Isn't it kinda obvious that the duckling wasn't born from the same parents since it's a swan and not a duck? It's adopted. :x
countcain00 #2
you will experience that feeling of becoming a beautiful swan....dont worry about it...hehehe...

i sent my answers on you private message...bc im kinda shy with my answers...most of my answers i think are dorks...lol..