▐ ♣ B L O § O M ♣▐ "Being a Celebrity is not Easy" [ Application ]


   Application Form ♣ 

   Contact Info ♣ 

AFF Username: chubbyriceeater

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/37746

Birth Name: Lizzy


   Your Character ♣ 

Character's Name: Ji Yunjoo

Nickname: Yunni, JJ, 

Age: 20

Height: 5 ft 8"

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: O

Nationality/Ethnicity: Korean - Japanese

Language Spoken: 
Mother Tongue- Korean
Fluent- Japanese
Minor- English, Mandarin

Place of Birth: Daegu, South Korea



Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi

Fahsion Style:


Casual Dresses:

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/puffy-drop-waist-tank-dress-cocoa-one-size/info.html/pid.1024048171

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/sechuna-a-line-tiered-jumper-dress-beige-one-size/info.html/pid.1024731662

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/taam-story-set-knit-cardigan-sleeveless-dress-dress-sky-blue-one-size/info.html/pid.1024580432

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/jcstyle-set-knit-top-striped-sleeveless-dress/info.html/pid.1024562298

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/celli-girl-short-sleeve-polo-dress/info.html/pid.1024602109

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/jean-stone-hooded-dress/info.html/pid.1024465990


Long Gowns:

- http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lny0vc63EJ1qir5ijo1_500.jpg

- http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loct3zLFnm1qir5ijo1_500.jpg

- http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lohtdfk6me1qd25eko1_500.jpg

- http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnmxraL7p91qir5ijo1_500.jpg

- http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo46gafhEz1qmarr3o1_500.jpg



- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/cookie-7-distressed-skinny-jeans/info.html/pid.1024734929

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/the-mari-distressed-skinny-jeans/info.html/pid.1024734182

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/jean-stone-distressed-skinny-jeans/info.html/pid.1024748592

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/beige-distressed-skinny-jeans/info.html/pid.1024657540


Cute/Doll Attire:

- http://www.tofebruary.com/images/181.jpg

- http://www.tofebruary.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=600

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/ringnor-inset-striped-top-bow-jumper-skirt-light-blue-l/info.html/pid.1022986802



- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/sarah-7-printed-t-shirt-dress/info.html/pid.1024733639

- http://data.whicdn.com/images/10231140/tumblr_lkgs2oPeuA1qcmkeso1_500_large.jpg?1306622134

- http://data.whicdn.com/images/8373917/320288-11-1285679260423_large.jpg?1301532552

- http://data.whicdn.com/images/6429795/tumblr_lf9flvwH9S1qeso8so1_500_large.jpg?1295480570



- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/juny-elasticized-waist-washed-denim-shorts/info.html/pid.1024738120

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/juny-flag-print-hooded-sleeveless-pullover-navy-blue-one-size/info.html/pid.1024707281

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/arooki-hooded-printed-pullover/info.html/pid.1024638764 

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/click-striped-knit-cardigan/info.html/pid.1024745189

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/59-seconds-lace-up-tube-dress-ivory-one-size/info.html/pid.1024268945

- http://www.yesstyle.com/en/orangebear-asymmetric-hem-striped-cardigan-black-48/info.html/pid.1024730291


Personality: Yunjoo has an overall bright, amusing personality. This tends to lead people around her to like her very much. Even though she doesn't understand why everyone likes her; since she can also be quite annoying and perhaps a bit too talkative, but she's fine with it. When first meeting her, she can be a little on the shy side, but the more she gets to know you, the more she opens up to you.

Yunjoo is the type of person who doesn't think before she says something out loud. This habit has sometimes gotten her in a bit of trouble because some people see this as her being ill-mannered, while others think it's alright because she's at least being honest.
She is believed to be pretty innocent most of the time, but sometimes she's caught staring at the chocolate abs of an idol, drooling to death. In this case, just give her a break. I mean, seriously- who wouldn't stare and drool to death? (:P) Anyways, another thing about Yunjoo is that it's super hard to get her completely mad. Sure, she'll get annoyed or a bit frustrated from time to time, but never completely mad. But if you ever succeed on making her mad from head to toe, I would travel completely across the world and hide in a cave or something if I were you, because this girl is likely to plan a revenge to get you back, harder.
Out of most people she knows, she is the smartest. This leads people to think that she also has somewhat of a mature side. Having the IQ of about 140, she can almost answer any question you ask her. Even though she has a good mind, she never brags. If a family member or a friend is in need of a brain, she's always open to help. This also includes if you have a problem because Yunjoo hates it when something's bothering her loved ones, so she immediately gets down to business to finding a solution.
Even though Yunjoo is talkative, she's a person you can trust. When it comes to secrets, she admires the fact that you trust her enough to tell, so in return, she doesn't say a word. When in need of someone that can listen and comfort, Yunjoo is always available. Like I said before, she hates it when something's bothering her loved ones. Although having this said, she doesn't like people worrying about herself, so she never shows her true feelings when it comes to depression or anger. To ease that depression or anger, when she's alone, she runs. When I say run, I don't mean just running back and forth in an empty room. I'm talking, maybe running as much as a marathon, out on the sidewalks.
When it comes to the art of aegyo, awkwardness strikes her. Maybe it's because she's not trying? Or.. maybe it's just because she's not the best at doing it on command. But still, she can act cute if she wants to, from time to time. She's a typical shy girl when it comes to skinship as in- maybe being embarrassed to hug the one she has a crush on? Yunjoo's also a girl that blushes very easily, even if it's compliments, frustration, being teased, you name it; but she usually denies the fact that her face is as red as a tomato.
Clearly, she isn't the most perfect girl in the world. She has her ups, and definitely has her downs. But Yunjoo believes that you'll be able to overcome any obstacle in life, as long as you try your best and have the people you love, supporting you all the way, until the very end.
- Gardening
- Cooking for her unnies/ dongsaengs
- Exercising early in the morning
- Cleaning the messes her unnies/ dongsaengs make
- Giving advice
- Shopping for the latest trends
- Taking pictures with her polaroid camera to put in her scrapbook
- Lacrosse
- Watching korean dramas
- Watching romantic comedy movies


- Blushing when complimented, frustrated, teased, and etc..

- Not being able to keep a straight face when lying

- When super happy, she goes in to a crazy dance mode (maybe first dancing Abracadabra, then Gee, then Lupin, then Lucifer, and etc..)

- Having a bottle of water with her wherever she goes

- Starts off every morning with five minutes of stretching

- Playing with her fingers when anxious

- Since she has an amusing personality, she has the ability to make people smile no matter what she does

- Asking her fellow band members how their day was before going to bed, making sure nothing is bothering them

- When in awkward situations, she tries to crack jokes and make people laugh, but she usually fails

- When stressed, she over- exercises

- When needing to think about something important, she listens to classical music



- Neutral weather (not too hot; not too cold)

- Really spicy foods

- Rilakkuma <3

- Road Trips

- White japanese cherry blossoms

- The scent and taste of vanilla

- Watching raindrops fall down, sitting by her windowsill

- Watching korean dramas

- Watching romantic comedy movies with her fellow members

-The color white

- Surprises

- Magic Tricks

- Going shopping for the latest trends



- Getting her hair wet

- Anything that has to do with horror

- Hospitals

- Liars

- People that are a bit too conceited

- Taste of medicine

- Messiness

- Disrespectful people

- Too hot or too cold weather

- The feeling when you tried so hard on something, and in the end you fail

- When something's bothering her loved ones (she always then immediately tries to help)



- Playing the acoustic guitar

- Being able to look at a bunch of numbers for about a second each, and adding the total up in her head

- She's ambidextrous, meaning she can write with both left and right hand

- She has the ability to run for a very long distance, before getting tired

- Since Yunjoo's mother is a chef, she inherited her ability- so Yunjoo isn't a bad cook at all


Special Talents/Unusual Traits:

- She can move her back bone up and down in a really unusual- looking way

- Has the ability to dislocate her left shoulder

- Can make a lot of unique shapes with her tongue

- Since she's usually the oldest among her friends, she has a leadership role most of the time, but that's okay since she's caring, always showing off a motherly-like aura,  protective, and encouraging.


Weaknesses: Large bodies of water. It's okay if it's something like a mini swimming pool, but if it exceeds five feet, Yunjoo will not set foot in it. When going to the beach for vacation with her girls, or her family, she never goes in the water. She's likely laying on the sand tanning, or on her phone surfing the web. Part of the reason why Yunjoo doesn't go in oceans and deep swimming pools is because she never had the chance to actually learn how to swim, and the other half is because just plainly, the idea of her drowning always comes to mind and freaks her out. 



   Background ♣ 

Family Background: Yunjoo comes from an average, middle- class family. Her mother is a well- known chef throughout Korea, while her father is a respected lawyer. They live in a mini house with two floors, and four bedrooms, along with some nice neighbors.

While growing up, there wasn't much for a little girl to do in a busy city like Daegu, so her parents made her focus on her education. Every day both of them would remind her that if she studied hard enough, when she's all fully grown up, she would have lots of money, a wonderful job, and live a luxurious life. The words from her parents would encourage her, as she studied her hardest. One day, Yunjoo's parents asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. She thought and thought for a while, but she didn't have a strong passion for anything, so she left the question unanswered.

While taking a quick break from studying, Yunjoo the T.V. Instantly, she saw SNSD pop up on the screen, as they were performing their comeback song: Gee. Ever since that day, she grew interest in the world of kpop. While taking 10 minutes or so of her studying time, she would listen to the music and research more about the entertainments and groups. 

She finally knew what she wanted to be when she grew up- her dream: an entertainer. Of course, not an entertainer that has no talent and skill at all, but taking about 12 years of dance class, she was alright. She gathered up her courage and finally confronted her parents, telling them that she wanted to be an entertainer. Their answer? They didn't accept it. Neither of them liked the fact that their smart daughter would sacrifice all those years of hard work, and just throw it all away just to become someone who stands up on stage, dancing or singing. 

Yunjoo's mother and father tried explaining to her that being an entertainer wasn't worth it. Her life would be so much more successful if she became a doctor, or a politician, or maybe even an engineer. But Yunjoo knew that they didn't understand her feelings toward the world of entertainment. 'What's the point of being rich and successful if there's no fun to it along the way?' 

Soon, Yunjoo moved out of her parents home in Daegu, fed up with all their talk, and not supporting her dream at all. She wanted to prove to her parents that whatever decision she made in her life, as long as you try your best, you will succeed. She bought a small apartment in Seoul, and enrolled in a different school, making new friends. Since Yunjoo was always too busy studying most of her life, she never had time to experience the feeling of love and go on dates- but that's another story. Anyways, Yunjoo still studied a little while going to the new school, but the other half of the time, she went to her dance classes and vocal lessons. Not long after she finished taking her midterms, her friends told her that SM Entertainment was letting people audition to be in their upcoming new group. Taking this advantage, she finished polishing up her dance moves and vocals, and finally entered the SM Ent. building. After auditioning, and followed- up anticipating for 72 hours, Yunjoo was confirmed that she made it in. The judges said that even though her moves and vocals were a bit rusty, she had the potential and the determination, and knowing the fact that she'll get better- they all accepted her.

While being a trainee, at first, it was hard for Yunjoo to get used to the hectic-ness. She had to get to her schedules on time, stay focused on her studies at the same time, and sometimes faked that she was excited or ready, when she truly was wiped out, and just wanted to go home. After a while, she grew okay with it because she couldn't wait to prove her parents wrong. As time passed, she began to change a bit in her personality. More confident in herself, more determined, and more enthusiastic to all her fellow trainees. When Yunjoo and her group members finally debuted, she shined like a star, along with everyone else- feeling the first achievement of her life rush through her veins. But of course, there was more to come.


Family Members: She's an only child.
Japanese Mother - Kawasumi Mie
Korean Father - Ji Shin Woo


Proffesional Background: Starting off in the entertainment world, everything was so hectic and busy for Yunjoo. Her fellow trainees kept thinking that she was working too hard, and over- working herself at times; this included whenever she didn't get a dance move right, she would always start all the way from the beginning and do it over again. 

When Yunjoo's trainee friends finally convinced her to take a break, she accepted and visited her old friends. An un expected call came from her parents, back in Daegu. Her parents sounded worried, as they asked if the training was going okay, if she was tired, and other stuff along those lines. She told them that she was fine, but as the happy phone conversation was going on, her parents started saying stuff that Yunjoo didn't want to hear. A little annoyed that her parents still haven't accepted her dream yet, she gave them a cold goodbye, and hung up.

While waking up early every morning, going to schedules on time, going to school to learn, and coming home late from her rehearsals, Yunjoo was always wiped out. While in the choreography room one day, Yunjoo was dancing her hip hop moves, when she accidentally slipped from the re-polished floors. This led to her to sprain her ankle. F(x)'s Sulli was walking past the room, when she saw Yunjoo on the ground in pain, so she took her to the nearby hospital. (Ever since that day, f(x)'s Sulli and Yunjoo were close). The doctor told her not to put too much pressure on it, but she ignored him and continued her training the day after. She didn't want something as small as a sprained ankle to hold her back. But ever since that time, her left ankle's gotten a lot weaker.


Other people that are very important to you: 

- Uncle: Ever since Yunjoo was a little baby, her uncle would always cheer on for whatever choices she made, and went with it. If she was in need of someone to talk to, he was there too- since her mother and father were at work.


   Stage Info ♣ 

Stage Name: Violet

Group Persona: The Caring Prima Donna (I thought 'Diva' would be a little too- used, so I used a different word with basically the same meaning. I hope that's okay ^-^)

Group Position: Group's Diva/ Acting- Mother/ Lead- Dancer

Individual Fanclub title: Starlet. Her fanclub name, 'Starlet', means- a small star. The reason why it's her fanclub name, is because she believes that if you have a dream, and you try their best, you- the little star, can accomplish it and finally turn in to a big star, while having everybody supporting you until the very end. (This is relating to her.)

Other Jobs: MCs a couple of radio shows, CFs a variety of commercials, From time to time, she shows up as a guest in different types of variety shows



y Dancing- 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEVqMao-kvU&feature=related (Sistar's Bora)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md8zmQXhjfM (4minute's Hyuna)


Popping/ Hip Hop Dance-

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDhb4-_MxcI (Miss A's Min)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHII2GqshK0&feature=related (Miss A's Min)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMz-0E_rgPY (2ne1's Minzy - in the white top)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8IVQoc1dyA&feature=related (Miss A's Min)


   Love Life ♣ 

Love Interest: Thunder from MBLAQ


His Personality: Thunder is a strong, athletic type of person. He has his cool, charismatic moments, but can be goofy and very outgoing as well. When around pretty girls, he freezes up a bit and isn't very sure what to say or do. He'll be shy- which gives off a bit of an awkward, yet cute aura. He's pretty stubborn when it comes to doing things he doesn't want to do, and is competitive and rarely loses; this includes everything from playing a sport, all the way up to debating which fruit if the sweetest in taste. He has a soft heart, and loves entertaining his friends. When it comes to his loved ones, he's super protective and and willing to do anything for them. He tries his best in almost everything he does, while making everybody smile along the way.



- f(x)'s Choi Jin Ri (Sulli)

- Miss A's Bae Suji (Suzy)

- B1A4's Shik Gongchan

- 4minute's Kim HyunA

- Teen Top's Ahn Daniel (Niel)

- Teen Top's  Lee Chan Hee (Chunji)

- SHINee's Lee Taemin


Best Friends: Boyfriend's Jo Youngmin-

Yunjoo was one of the best students in the newly- enrolled school, when she moved to Seoul. One day, a teacher from the lower classes approached her and asked her if she could tutor one of her students. She accepted- and starting then on, every two times a week, Yunjoo and her little hoobae, Jo Youngmin, would meet up at a book store, or a small café and study. Since midterms were coming up, they started meeting a little more than two times a week, and soon, they became friends. They had a close noona- dongsaeng relationship. After Youngmin did very well on the midterms, along with Yunjoo, they both headed their separate ways to the world of entertainment, without telling each other. While Yunjoo was running errands one day, and delivered a package to the Starship Entertainment's building, she saw Youngmin, and they talked for a bit. Now, they see each other frequently while going to schedules and once in a while, they go eat dinner together or hang out.


Rivals: 4minute's Hyuna-

Kim Hyuna is one of Yunjoo's good friends, but when it comes to dancing, these girls are very competitive (in a fun way). A lot of the fans of Hyuna compare her to Yunjoo, as Yunjoo's fans compare her to Hyuna- which heats things up when they have a 'friendly' battle on the dance floor every once in a while.


   Anything Else? ♣ 

Fanclub Name Suggestion: I like 'Roots' the best. It has a determined/ encouraging meaning behind it. :D

Song Suggestion: KARA's Lupin. It's not super cutesy, it has strong vocals, and the song is a bit mysterious and powerful. OR T-ara's Why Are You Being Like This.

Comments/Suggestions/Criticisms: Thank you for reading my application! ^-^ This took me SO long to finish, and then my brother 'x'-ed out of it, so I had to start over =_='; but I had so much fun filling this form out! =3 If anything is wrong, please let me know. o; Either way if you pick me or not, I'm  still gonna read the story 'cuz it's unique from all the others I've seen. Haha, here's an encouragement hug;; *hugs* <3. Good luck choosing the rest of the girls &nd hope you update soon! c:



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