Application Form || SM Ent New Co-Ed Group (JASPER) || Jaeyeon




AFF Username: innasa_nadine354

Profile Link: CLICK HERE!


Name: Kang Jaeyeon 

Nickname*: Jay, Yeoniee, KJ

Stage Name*: Cherry


Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthday: 18 April 1991

Ethnicity: Brittish-Korean

Birthplace: London, Great Brittain



Ulzzang name: Mikki

Ulzzang Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Backup Ulzzang: Pony

Ulzzang Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Pajamas: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Traveling: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Dorm: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Shoes: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Practice: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Out and About: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Recording the Music: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Formal: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

On a Date: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5



Personality: Innocent, Pure and sweet.  She like to have fun and laugh. Around strangers she is shy and a little guarded. Even though she has friends she still has a barrier up. When she is around her group members, or close friends she is very open. She is not afraid to show them her weird and quirky side. She would do or say the craziest things to make other laugh. She is the type of person to feel happy just watching others have fun and enjoying themselves. Her bad side is one to watch out for. She would always give someone the silent treatment and her sarcasm will reach its higest peak. She unknowingly shows mysticism even though she is a hit on variety shows. She is a little self-conscious but she wont stand for anyone to put her down. She is passive -agressivs, with more passiveness.

Trainee Life: Trainee life for her is quite interesting, to learn how to be a syncronized, to learn all those stuff that she never knew before!

Background: Jay was born and grew up in London until she was 8 years old. Her parents forced her and her two other siblings to move to Korea because their dad's company has bankrupt. Her mum and dad died when she was 12, due to a car crash. When she heard the news about their parents died she got really depressed. But luckily her brother Jinyeong was smart enough to tell her that dad told him, when dad passes away, Jinyeong has to be responsible for everything such as work, taking care for his siblings and all those stuff that dads does. He knew Jay wanted to be a singer since she was small and he wanted her to achive her dreams. So, he told Jay that an audition from SM Ent was coming up in about 3 weeks. From that day onwards, Jay practices singing and dancing. And luckily for her, She got accepted and became trainee.


[5+ for the following]


  • Cupcakes
  • Going to Parties
  • Drawing
  • Reading Books
  • Listeng to Music
  • Singing 
  • Dancing 
  • Hip-Hoping


  • Vegetables 
  • Ghost Story
  • Darkness
  • Waking Up In the Morning
  • Going Shopping

Strengths: Dancing to hard moves, and doing handstands.

Weaknesses: touching or looking at spiders


  • Singing 
  • Dancing 
  • Drawing 
  • Hip-Hoping


  • Hugging random stuff when bored.
  • Mouth wide open while watching TV
  • Looking at the mirror for every 5 seconds
  • Laughing out loud when there's nothing funny.

Trivia (the more, the better): 

  • She use to be a joker in London
  • She has pets named Tweety and Tweeny
  • She has a tattoo on her left shoulder
  • Her favourite colour is Black and Yellow
  • A huge fan of DBSK, INFINITE, EXO, NU'EST, BTOB, BLOCK B and lots more.
  • She can act


Blood Type: AB

Languages: English (F), Korean (F), Japanese (F)

Twitter: @Jay_Lover6677


  • Height
  • darkness
  • Scary movies
  • Scary stuff


Parents: Kang Seunghyun | 49 (before he died) | CEO of 'Holiday Hotel' | Dad | sweet, caring, kind and cares about his family.

  Kang Jeenhee | 39 (before she died) | Dance teacher | Mum | a loving mum, pure, lovely, sweet and over-protective over her family

Siblings: Kang Junhee | 25 | Student in UNI | Brother (Oppa) | a sweet, lovable oppa that cares for his sisters

            Kang Jaehee | 15 | Student in Busan High | Sister (Dongsaeng) | a really innocent little sister that cares for her brother and sister.

Friends:  Choi Sarang | 20 | trainee in SM Ent | Friends | innocent, pure, kind and sweet hearted

How you guys met: Well.. basicly they met when they were auditioning.


Best Friend(s): L.Joe | 19 | rapper in Teen Top | Best-friend | He loves Jay like his own sister.

How you guys met:Well.. they met when they were auditioning. Jay got chosen, but unfortunately L.joe didn't. But luckily for him he got chosen when he auditioned in T.O.P Media. And since that day, they became bestfriends.


Love Interest: Baekhyun/Bacon

Personality: Bright, Cheerful and kind.

How you two act around each other: They act like couples towards each other, and because of that reason, there are news saying that EXO-K's Baekhyun is dating a trainee from the same company.

Trivia: [N/A]

How you two met: They met when Jay went to the SM dorms and was going to put her stuff inside her room, when a hand came out from no where and asked if she needed any help. (that hand belongs to Baekhyun FYI)


Back-up Love Interest: Minho

Personality: He is not someone who easily opens up but he is a real character when he is comfortable around you. He is the silent type that would talk when he needs to. He is caring, a gentleman, fiery, competitive, fun-loving, sweet, loud, strong, and a good listener.

How you two act around each other: They are very awkward around each other since both are non-talkers in new settings with new people. After a knowing a little about one another they start to get closer but she still has a line between them and is not aware of his advances.

Trivia: -

How you two met: Well.. the same thing happened but baekhyun wasn't there and instead it was Minho.


Rival: [N/A]

Personality: [N/A]

How they became rivals: [N/A]

Trivia: [N/A]

How they act together: [N/A]


How were you discovered?: She auditioned for SM Ent in 2005


[x] Leader, sub rapper

[ ] Main vocalist

[ ] Lead vocalist, sub dancer

[x] Lead dancer, sub vocalist

[ ] Lead dancer, sub rapper

[ ] Main rapper, sub vocalist

[ ] Lead rapper, sub dancer

[ ] Lead rapper, sub vocalist

[ ] Vocalist, sub rapper

[ ] Vocalist, visual (male)

[ ] Vocalist, visual (female)

Rapping links: 1 2

Dancing links: 12

Singing links: 1, 2


Persona:Hyperactive, Charismatic Choding Leader

Personal fanclub: CherryBlossom

Fanclub colors: Hot Pink and Black

Extra jobs*: Actor

How many years did you train?: 7 years

Any previous companies you were in*: nope

Any shows you want the group to be in*(ex. ranking king, hello baby, etc): Hello Baby, Weekly Idol:)

Any shows you want YOUR character to be in*(ex. wgm, love chaser, etc): A Drama that has her, Baekhyun and Hyomin (T-ARA) in it.


Suggestions: -

Comments: If there is anything I need to fix please tell me! :)

Scene Requests: nothing really, cuz i'm pretty sure you can think of some good ones!!

Password: PRINCE LULU~~~



me-hi ~~~~~! How are you?

you- i'm pretty good..

me-cool! So I heard that you're going to be debuting in a new group?

you- That's right!

me-how do you feel about that?

you-I feel very, very excited knowing that i'll be debuting soon!

me-really? Are you confident about your skills?

you- it's a total yes for me! 

me-ah, I see. *checks script* Okay, is there anything you would like to say to your members?

you- Well.. Dongsaengiee I'm really happy that we're dubuting soon! Are you guys happy? that's probably all!

me-haha, now let me ask you a random question. If one of your members got hurt trying to attract their crush, what would you do?

you- Well.. I, being the charismatic leader I am, would probably tell her to just get over it and find her another guy that is better than her crush that just dumped her! 

me-haha I see. Well before you leave can you say a word to the viewers?

you- well to all the people that's been waiting for Jasper to debut, don't get too excited because we still have so much to organize. BUT! don't stop supporting us! because if you stop supporting we will all be really sad!

me-thank you ~~~~~! Well, I hope to see you soon!

you-thank you to you too!



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