CheckMate (Apply)

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B2ST, Beast, Applicant!


Hello, I really want to try to write something different! Thats why I hope you guys will apply! Choose your partner for Beast!! Send your application now to be in this story! 


This story about 6 girl got choosen as a group named "ClassMates". Starting off the series, the girls don't get along because of their different personality. But later when they meet Beast they realized their enemy is not themselves. It's BEAST! Annoyed but their ignorance and arrogance, they teamed up to put Beast down. Like in a chess game, CHECKMATE!! But will this checkmates ended up being in love with them?



Yoon Doojoon
Jang Hyunseung
Yong Junhyung
Yang Yoseob- He is taken! (by me) :P
Lee Gi Kwang
Son Dongwoon
Main Vocal (taken)
Lead Vocal
Main Dancer
Lead Dancer
Main Rapper
Lead Rapper
There's only 6 girls. Choose your roles!! Hope to hear soon!!
Name: {Korean Name}
Age: 17 - 21
Storyline: How your characters like and the progression of your partner. 


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thanks for applying. im still choosing. so its okk!!
J_Joy37 #2
Hobby: She likes to write a lot. About anything, she’ll write notes or write about her day or even make up stories in her head. She even writes poems and song lyrics when she’s alone. She also practices her singing and dancing a lot and wants to improve herself further every day. She can even play the guitar and plays covers of her favorite songs.<br />
Likes: playing her guitar, dancing(club~), eating sweets, movies (action, comedy or sci-fi/fantasy), American rock music, waterparks and theme parks, swimming, writing song lyrics/poems, going online.<br />
Dislikes: Abusive people, getting sand all over her when she goes to the beach, romantic movies, beer, when her ipod breaks or cracks(which happens a lot), sour candy/bitter food, girls who over do aegyo.<br />
Storyline: Dongwoon is always making fun of Hwayoung whenever he can, usually calling her a fatty and telling her she will never be as pretty as 4minute’s Sohyun. He boasts about how much better he is at playing piano than she can play her guitar. Hwayoung gets frustrated by him and cant seem to make him stop. She usually shrugs off annoying people but Dongwoon gets under her skin somehow. <br />
Partner: Dongwoon~ (but if not then Doojoon~) <br />
Request: Umm, no real request, I just hope I end up with Dongwoon in your story. Something along the lines of, “she couldn’t get him out of her head and eventually whenever she was away from his she would miss him.” Something like that would be cool, I think. XD~<br />
<br />
Aah, its so long! I'm sorry! >.<~ I also hope I'm not too late, your story sounds like fun. XD~
J_Joy37 #3
<br />
Name: Park, Hwa Young<br />
Age: 21<br />
Birthday: January 1 <br />
Personality: She is generally an easy going girl, but she can get into a lot of trouble because she has a tendency for being blunt and speaking her mind a lot. She is usually the one who starts a conversation with strangers so she can get to know them. She is open minded and likes having discussions with people. She has been called mature for her age for almost all her life, and she likes to keep it that way. She can be a bit clumsy and breaks a lot of her stuff because of this. She likes eating sweets and bread the most, and the ones closest to her play around by calling her a “fatty”. She also gets called a tomboy a lot because of how she dresses and how cool and aloof she acts around people. She feels that if you only have one life to live, you have to live it to the fullest. <br />
Appearance:<br />
Role: Leader or Main Rapper<br />
Hobby: She likes to write a lot. About anything, she’ll write notes or write about her day or even make up stories in her head. She even writes poems and song lyrics when she’s alone. She also practices her singing and dancing a lot and wants to improve herself further every day. She can even play the guitar and plays covers of her favorite songs.<br />
Likes: playing her guitar, dancing(club~), eating sweets, movies (action, comedy or sci-fi/fantasy), American rock music, waterparks and theme parks, swimming, writing song lyrics/poems, going online.<br />
Dislikes: Abusive people, getting sand all over her when she goes to the beach, romantic movies, beer, when her ipod breaks or cracks(which happens a lot), sour candy/bitter food, girls who over do aegyo.
Here is the other information you asked for. :D I like anything artistic (writing, singing, dancing, drawing, etc.) I also love animals and children. I like to cook for my family and friends. I feel like I need to help take care of them and keep them safe. (Im the Umma in my group of friends.) In my free time I learn the dances to my favorite songs. I dislike people who think to be cool they need to push others around and make them feel bad. I rather pick someone up and dust them off then to be the one pushing them back down. I believe love is real but to have it you have to work hard and show them that you love them. Then if they don't love you back and end up moving on then you should be happy for them because you want your love to be happy. But you could always be there for them as a friend to help through it all. THen maybe they will love you as much as you love them. Im usually the quiet one until I feel like I need to put in my opinion or to be the comedic relief in a tense moment. I can get angry but it takes alot. I love to laugh and have fun but when I need to be serious I will be. Im kinda competitive but not in small things. Only in sports and especially my dance! I'll stand up for what I believe in and will protect my family and friends. (Sometimes even enemies.) My motto: "If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything." I'm not sure what else to say here. But I hope that's enough right now. If you have any questions then you can just ask. Good luck! :D
thanks for applying. i will give a result by next week after getting all the cast!! Thank yea!! :)
Name: Choi JoyMing<br />
Age: 21<br />
Birthday: June 23<br />
Personality: Sweet, funny, kinda quiet, smart, Reliable<br />
Appearnce: light blond hair, hazel eyes, 162 cm, 50 kg, small frame<br />
Role: Main Dance, or Lead dance<br />
Storyline: Met in training, started off always trying to be the best dancer, after always dancing together they started to teach and learn from each other, they started to talk alot more and then they started to like each other.<br />
Partner: Jang HyunSeung <3