I'm really sorry if i can't update my one and only fic as promised T^T i thought i'd be able to update it but i simply can't. i'm so busy and i have to catch up the lessons i've missed. I also know that I am not a good author, even the worst one ever T^T But i'm still trying to write the stories accdg to my imaginations. I'm sorry if i keep on disappointing you but i will try my best to be a good author of my first fic :) I hope you understand this pabo :) ANNYEONG~*


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@shinhyunae unnie, aww :"> Thankyou so much!! :> <3 I WON'T DO THAT :))) HAHAHA. Thankyou again for your support ;) Saranghae~*
:) Ooh dear, it's okay. I don't even update as often as I could because of school. It's all right, as long as you don't totally abandon the story. Good luck with it, and I know you'll do better in the future. :D