KINKEE || Lee Haeyeong/ Queen


       ABOUT YOU

AFF Username / Link: Prettiful

Nickname : Pretty Sara

Activeness : 10 out of 10



Name : Lee Haeyeong

Nickname : Francesca, Raisin, Yeongie

Age: 21

Birthday : September 22, 1992

Ethnicity : Half Thailand, Half Korean

Birthplace: Pattaya, Thailand

Language Spoken : Thailand (F), Korean (F), English (C)

Hometown : Pattaya, Thailand & Seoul, South Korea

Likes :


  • Black and white (color)
  • Sport
  • Mall
  • Music
  • Beach
  • Rainy days
  • Winning
  • Party
  • Alcohol

Dislikes :


  • Spicy food
  • Medicine
  • Insect
  • Height
  • Acting to be someone she's not
  • Losing
  • Expired credt card

Habits :

  • Giving scary stares to people when they did weird things
  • Eating raisin
  • Sarcasm 
  • Hopping from club to club

Random trivia :

  • Want a new nickname
  • members call her Francesca because she got a scary glare when they done something weird
  • members call her Raisin because she likes to eat raisin
  • Can play piano and violin
  • She always think that she is better in dancing than singing
  • The company push her to sing
  • Likes to cook
  • was a cheerleader in her high school
  • Received a lot of awards
  • A rich kid
  • Always misplace her phone
  • Want to get married when she reach her 30
  • Always sleeptalking
  • Knew Nickhun's and his family since in Thailand
  • A party animal, parties are the norm
  • Alcohol is her bestfriend, but she never get drunk
  • Clubs are her second home, garnering attention anywhere and everywhere

Personality : No other girls present such a class like Haeyeong. Not only does she have a talent in piano and violin, she cooks too! This lovely girl always want to stay next to people and hate being alone. So go nowhere, alright? She loves sport much. She would love to be an athelete if she be given a chance. She is so active and dancing is her favorite thing to do too. She will dance anywhere and anytime she like. She loves to shop like any other girls. If she can, she will shop the whole mall out. She is confident with her look but there are two things that make her jealous with other girls. That is a girl with slim face and tanned skin. She definitely an feisty girl without even trying to be. She don't like to pretend to be funny or cute. Any aegyo-ish character is so not her personality. She got a good focusing skill and determined to complete a task given. She don't laugh a lot and is very chic. If she don't like anything, she will point it out. She won't keep it to herself and talk at the back. She thinks far and an inovative girl. She got a high pride and is competitive. Even when she only play games with her friends, she will take it seriously.

Background : HaeYeong is a Thailand- Korean girl. She was born in Pattaya, Thailand on 22th September 1992. She is a rich girl, just look at her huge house. She was an active student in her school years and got many awards. She was a model in Thailand since in her young age. She is an ace during her trainee years but she got a little problem with all those rules and she must not gone to club anymore after debute. She worked hard in achieving her dream but is a party animal with her trainee friends. CEO pushed her into singing though she love dancing.




Parents :


Lee DongHoon | 49 | Ambassador | Busy but always try to find times to be with his family

Apsara Baroma | 38 |Housewife | Loving and very supportive

Sister/Brother : -

Rival : Victoria

            Why are you rivals?: Because of love. Victoria loves Nickhun but Nickhun got no feeling to her.




Ulzzang : Song Ahri 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10

Back up ulzzang : Seo Jihye 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08




Love Interest : Nichkhun Horvejkul

Age : 25

His Personality: He is a charming prince. He is considerate and soft spoken. He can be really romantic if he want.

How you two act around each other : They acts like a bestfriend. He loves to annoy her by acting cute. He is sweet and always understand her. They're not much problem except that Nichkhun got many fangirls and also his gossip with Victoria.

            Have you two met before being a trainee?  Yes

            If yes, How? When? Where? : Our family is a bestfriend. Since we were still a kids. In Thailand.

            If no, how would you like to meet? : -




Stage Name : Queen

Trainee Years : 4 years

Has she trained with other Entertainments before coming to T.O.P Media? No

If yes, How many years? -

Individual Fanclub Names: Spade

Fanclub color : Black & White

Position : Miss Beautiful- Main Vocal, Sub Dancer




Well, Did you? Yesseu

What's the password? ARE YOU A CUTIE?? ( I'm not cute I'm hotxD )




Comment : Is there anything i left out?just pm k^^

Scene Request : A scene where haeyeong photo at club was taken by the paparazzi and things are hot, scandals time lol

Am I missing anything? Nope



       INTERVIEW! :)

Me - Hi ~~~~~! How are you?

You - Swadeekap~ hi! I'm awesome..

Me - I heard you're one of the girls in the girl group that's debuting this year, Am I right?

You - Well maybe? *smiles teasingly* just wait for the update..

Me - How do you feel about it? Do you feel happy? Excited? Good? Bad?

You - Ofcourse happy, excited and good.. no bad feeling at all

Me - Haha you'll sure be! Anyways, Do you have any idea of when the group is going to debut?

You - Even if I know i would love to give everyone surprise :D

Me - Really? Well then, I can't wait to see you and the members debuting! I'm going to ask you some random question. What would you do if one of the members got hurt?

You - Hurt? Did you mean physically? I know some first aid way of treating people and I'll always with them no matter what. 

Me - I see you've got some sincerety there! Anynways thank you for coming here and do an interview with us! Enjoy your day!

You - Thanks, ah nae.. gomawoyo too! Enyoy your day as well!



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