Tagged by Mirandundundun (:



    1 Repost the rules.

    2 Answer the 11 given questions then create 11 new ones.

    3 Tag 11 people

    4 Tell those people that you tagged them



Xohmyitsme's question:

1 - Who is your FAVORITE GROUP at the moment? And why?

It's because they are like the rainbow that decorated my once boring life and I am grateful for that to happen. 


2 - If you were the only one alive and had the POWER TO SAVE SOMEONE, who would it be?

I would save the one who has the power to save everyone else. Yep. ;) That's for trolling me in the first place.:P


3 - Who is your ULTIMATE BIAS and why?

Myungsoo <3.
"Liking someone is not a choice. It comes from the heart. "
-'Reply 1997' 


Liking someone is not a choice and neither is there a reason. That's my answer.


4 - In all of INFINITE who would you MARRY, LOVE, KISS or DISS?

Hmmm, this is hard....
Even though L is my bias, I think I would marry Dongwoo. I believe he would make a better and more caring husband.
I trust that he would be able to brighten my day with his carefree attitude that's different from mine. I like how he is very polite to others too^^.

I would love Myungsoo with all my heart.  He is cute, handsome, talented and wow... words can't describe him. Haha. (X 

I don't think I would diss any members. 


5 - If you could choose between ILHOON, DAEHYUN, YOSEOB, MYUNGSOO, SEHUN and ZICO.... Who would it be?

Esh. You don't ask. Obviously, Myungsoo. <3 Haha. 


6 - How many FANDOMS have you gone through? And which are you still following?

1. Inspirit is the first fandom and I am proud to say that (:
I am more of a serious person who don't consider myself in the fandom unless I think I am worthy of it. 


7 - The BEST AFF story you've read so far?

I have one in mind but I can't remember the title anymore and I don't know why it disappeared from my subscriptions! D: 


8 - Who is your IDEAL HUSBAND? Who is your IDEAL BOYFRIEND? And who is your IDEAL BEST FRIEND?

Isn't this similar to Q4? Oh wells, haha. 
Ideal husband- Dongwoo.
Ideal Boyfriend- Myungsoo.
Ideal best friend- Hoya. 


9 - Would you rather be in a VARIETY SHOW or be the MAIN GIRL in an MV?

Variety show! (: It lasts longer and there are more interactions.(; I am evil. Hoho. 


10 - You saw your bias drop his phone while trying to run away from his fans. Do you A) Run and try to give it back or B) Keep it to yourself

B. Contact him later because I doubt I will catch up with him. I can't imagine if I choose A and he thinks I am one of those crazy fan girls when  catch up with him... Haha. 
But secretly, I am. Kekeke~


11- Last question.... Would you rather marry your bias, but die in an accident not long after or marry your bias and having him hating you for the rest of your life?

Tragedy much? Haha. I choose the first if I can decide when and how the accident occurs :p . 
The second one is too painful and heartbreaking. ):


My 11 Questions

1) If you are chosen as a lucky fan to request for a fan service from your bias, what would you choose? (Think about it realistically ^^!)

2) Use one word to describe each INFINITE member! (Not the usual 'choding', 'grandpa', 'tree' etc. (; )

3) What is your favourite colour?

4) Describe your change since you became a fan girl.

5)If your idol is having a concert in your country but during that period you have plans to go for a vacation with your family... What would you do?

6) Love is blind. How about fan love? 

7) Share one of your happiest moments in life.

8) What is AFF to you?

9) Do you believe in "Happily Ever After..."?

10) If a fairy tale comes alive for you, which one would you prefer to be in?

11) Name your current favourite song.

Okay, here you go. My lame 11 questions. ><

I am tagging...

Mirandundundun (You tagged me so it's your turn now, darling. XD)
Pistachio (If you're bored, you can do it. If not, you can just ignore my tag. (: )

Anyone else who wants to do this :D 
Oh, there aren't 11? 
Hehe, I know I know. 
I am an infamous rule-breaker, don't you know? (X
The tagging craze was too much last time so I don't really want to start it all over again. HAHA. 
Thanks for tagging and reading ~ ((: 





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countcain00 #1
Can i do this but not tagging?? Lol i'll give u my answer via pm....lol
I will do yours! I am not going to do the other questions again though. xDD I will just do yours. xD
green_teax #3
I wanna try it! ^u^