Application Form- Four Seasons

Four Seasons



All Right Then

Username: Prettiful

Link: Yo!

What should I call you: Sara :3


Tell Me More About You

Name: Kim Minji

Age: 19 

D.O.B: 13 August 1994

Personality: This atmostphere- maker has the tendency to hold a blank expression while staring at others. Sangmi is a lovable person, people can't hardly hate her. She can mix well with everyone in her first meet but she will avoid if strangers ask about her personal life. Though she she is friendly, she is not that easy.

Excuse me? It's not easy to bully her. She will show you the attitude that you show her. She maybe timid but be warned, for she's a third- degree black belter in Taekwondo, and you might want to watch yourself.  Or maybe she'll be the one watching over you. She's nice but can be a devil if you dare to hate people that she love. 

Seeing people's sad, make her sad too. It might be funny but she might be crying over your problem and you got to calm her down. Opposite than what it should be right? She hate it when people break their promise, once you do that you will lose her trust. She also don't like skinship with guys.


  • Music
  • Making friends
  • Funny people
  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • Sunny days
  • Garden/ Park
  • Candy


  • Dirty people
  • Cursing
  • Noisy places
  • Being control
  • Being nag at
  • Spicy food
  • Medicine


  • Taekwondo
  • Playing online games
  • Taking selca


  • She tends to do random dance when listen to music
  • Loves to stares at people with her blank expression
  • Out of all features, she loves her hair the most
  • When she try to lie, she will stuttering...hard
  • Smacks and slaps people when laughing is one of her habit
  • Loves to daydreaming much
  • Singer in group
  • Knows how to light up the atmosphere
  • Learnt taekwondo since childhood, 3rd degree black belted
  • Has something that is pop when we look at her, some fresh feeling(?)
  • Kim Bum's (actor) cousin
  • Loves to predict people's future (randomly and just for fun)
  • She thinks she look better in pictures
  • Loves to act like a maknae
  • Pranks people when they are asleep
  • She got a puppy named Daisy
  • She used to be a trainee at TS for a year
  • Training in SM for 4 years

Blood Type: O

Nationality: Korean

Languages: Fluent English, Conversational Korean, Conversational Chinese, Basic Japanese

Persona: Atmosphere Maker



What Do You Look Like?

Idol/Ulzzang: Kim Dohee

Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 

Back-up: Ryn

Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08


This is the Idol World

Stage Name: Jill

Why did you auditionShe was spotted by SM Agent while shopping at the mall. They told her to come for an audition. It's a life time opportunity but her father didn't give her permission until a wkk later, after she begged him.

How you got in: She went to the audition and pass in her first trial. Her dance is still so so but she got the potential. Singing? It's her thing. Plus she definitely got the face.

Rapping Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

Singing Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

Dancing Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04


Family Tree


Father | Kim Jonghoon 

Mother | Kim Hyoan 


Father | Businessman 

Mother | International Violinist 

Interaction: They lived in Houstan for since she's a baby. Her parent got divorced when she was 13. She followed her father back to Korea while her mother stayed in Houstand, Texas. She is super close with her father and just talk to her mother through twitter and phone.

Siblings/Cousins: Kim Bum

Age: 24

D.O.B: 7th July 1989

Interaction: KimBum helped her a lot after she came to Korea. She think of him like her own brother that she never had.


He's Cute, Don't You Think?

Name: Chanyeol

Relationship/Status: Best friend

How you met: In a music instrument shop. Minji want to buy something for her cousin, Kim Bum, since his birthday will be coming soon. Minji was looking at a guitar section and she mistakenly took Chanyeol as one of the woker at the shop. Chanyeol is always passionate about music instrument and he is still a trainee at that time.

Interaction: Chanyeol love to annoy Minji by skinship, he know she hate it. He love to whispers and do all cheesy thing when with her. He is always bright and will give positive comment whenever Minji got problem. He even taught Minji to plays drum. When she's by his side, she can't help but to smile and laugh.

Personality: CHanyeol is a guy who knows how to enjoy. He is a romantic guy. He is so bright and always smiling. He got a thick charming voice. His ideal type is someone that will smile with him.

Back-up: Daehyun

Relationship/Status: Ex

How you met: During trainee days when she is still in TS. They trained together. Almost no one know that they used to be a couple.

Interaction: Minji used to be very devoted to him. Their relationship is great until they knew he will join and debuted as BAP. She feel insecure because she can see if she get a chance to debuted. He also keep getting more busy and they made a decision to just stay as friend.

Personality: Shy and tough. He speak with a heavy Busan dialect.


We're Close

Idol Friend: Krystal

How you met: At a high school after Minji came back to Korea. They were in the same dance club at school and a classmate as well.

Interaction: Krstal can speak English well and Minji didn't feel awkward when with her. Krsytal also taught and help her with her Korean and with her trainee and idol stuff by giving precious advices.


Anything Else?

Additional Stuff: nopes, everything in trivia.

Scene Requests: A scene where Chanyeol teach Minji play drums(?)

Suggestions: OMG I can't think anything to suggest now.-.

Comments: I love le 4 groups concept..lemme apply allxD

Password: Zelo <333


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