F n F || CO-ED || APPLICATION || Kim Hae Yeon || FRESH


✌ Hello~ 

Username: Me :)

Nickname: Gaby or Dongsaeng

Online Activity: 7/7


✒ Let's Get Started 

Name: Kim Hae Yeon

Stage Name: Yeonn

Birthday: October 15,1997

Age: 14


Height: 153cm


Birthplace: Seoul,South Korea

Nationality: Korean

Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji

                     Pics: IMAGE 1 || IMAGE 2 || IMAGE 3 ||

Languages: Korean(Fluent),English(Fluent),Spanish(Fluent) & Mandarin(Basic)

Style: She loves to use girly, y & dancer cloth

                     Pics: IMAGE 1 || IMAGE 2 || IMAGE 3 || IMAGE 4 ||

Persona: Prank Princess

Fanclub Name: Haegoo O

Fanclub Color: #ff3399


¿ Who Are You ¿

Personality: On stage: On stage, she’ll completely change into a whole new person because she acts differently from her usual self. She acts more mature from just a normal 15-year-old girl. She is seen to be a fearless and fierce girl who doesn’t seem to talk much. The way she performs is charismatic. You’ll definitely be able to see the passion into her performance as you watch every second of her effort being put in it.

 She's not the kind of person that gives up fast. She will stay in the practice room until she does everything right. On stage, she gives the best of her for her fans. On stage, she develops herself very calm and professionally making everyone amaized with the performance that  the group had prepared for their fans. Even if she gets nervous, she will never let it know to her members because she doesn't want them to worry about her. As soon as FRESH steps in the stage, they will blow your mind with their angelic voices and their charismatic choreographies.

                     Real Life:  She’s the kind of sweetie that is gullible, but that doesn’t stop her from pulling ultimate pranks on innocent people. She has a good side and a bad side; when she gets in trouble, she will most likely use her aegyo to get away with it. Yeonn is like the happy virus of the group. When she doesn't looks as happy and charming as she is always, that means something is wrong.  Sometimes her members doesn't even notice her mood change, but when they do they will search for the cause of Yeonn's sadness.

She is loyal, and protects her loved ones.  She is very responsible, and if there’s a job to be done, she prefers to take care of it herself. But she hates it when she is asked to do something in a rude manor, and that breaks her mood. But somehow, she’ll always find a way to make herself happy again. When she is off stage and around her friends, she’s very hyper and energetic. She recharges her battery fast, and loves to annoy people and joke around randomly. The kids loves her and likes to play with her because she’s friendly and she can communicate well with them. She’s very caring towards kid. She just can’t resist the cuteness of kids.

Likes: - Kids





-Ice Cream


-Scary Movies

-Hangout with her bandmates

Dislikes: -Players


-Bipolar People


-Spicy Food

-Heavy Make Up

-Being Ignored

-Hot Weather

-When she doesn't find something she needs the most

Trivia: -Her favorite color is Pink

-Have a twin sister

-Her exboyfriend is L.Joe from Teen Top

-Have a big brother

- Loves Exo

-Loves to eat pasta

Hobbies: -Cook


-Take Pictures

-Composing Songs

-Practice Martial Arts


Strengths: -Humorous



Weaknesses: -Shy


-Keeps her problems to herself and that makes her moody.


  • Happy || She loves to make peolple laugh. When she's laughing she will clap her hands.
  • Sad || It's not common to see her sad but when she is sad, she tries not to show it, so her friends don't worry about her.
  • Jealous || When she gets jealous, she might get sad and be pouting all day.
  • Confused || She will be in her room thinking and trying to understand the situation.
  • Angry || When Yeonn is angry she takes a cold shower or cover with her pillow and scream her lungs out until her anger fades away.
  • Nervous || She bites her nails and lips.
  • Worried || Yeonn will be asking non stop about the thing she is worried until someone gives her good news about the problem.
  • Bored || She will play pranks on her members or talking to her fans through the socialnetworks.
  • Others || Yeonn blushes when she is embarrassed, most of the time is when fans want her to do the so famous fanservice.


Which One

Position In Group: Maknae,Dancer,Vocalist

Back-up Position: Vocalist,Rapper

Which subgroup did you join? Fresh 

۞In The Past۞

Character Backstory:  A rich-high class family from the center of Seoul, needs to leave the rich life because of an economic crisis at Jong Dae's restaurant. Their 3 childs always wanted to be famous so the economic crisis just made their dream unreachable. After 2 years of hard working, sleepless nights & without enough money for their needs, the Kim family finally saw the solution to their problems.


As the time passes Jong Hyun, Hyo Yeon & Yeonn keeps training & improving their talents, so they can be famous and rich & help their family to gain the money they lost years ago. As expected, the 3 of them auditioned for different groups but only Hyo Yeon and Jong Hyun obtained the pass to be trainee's and now they are part of the 2 most important groups in Asia. Hae Yeon didn't give up on her dream and now she's willing and waiting for her group to debut.

Family Background:  Kim Jong Dae || 48 ||Father ||Alive ||Owner of a restaurant || 5/5 || Strict,Overprotective and Caring.

                                         Kim Mi Ram || 47 || Mother || Alive || Make-up Artists || 5/5|| Caring, Responsable and Funny.

                                        Kim Jong Hyun || 22 || Big Brother || Alive || Singer in SHINee || 5/5 || Overprotective,Funny and Responsable

                                       Kim Hyo Yeon || 15 || Twin Sister || Alive || Singer in SNSD || 5/5 || Clumsy, Loving and Talented

How were you scouted/ discovered? I decided to audition for Fresh because my dream since my childhood was to be a famous singer,so my twin sister talked to me about some auditions that Margie Ent will be doing all around Seoul.At first I didn't wanted to go but since I love to dance and sing I decided to audition. The judges were not completely amaized with my audition since I didn't had to much time to prepare myself so they gave me another week for preparation.When I did my second audition they totally loved it, so since that day I became an Margie Ent Trainee. 

How was your life as a trainee? Life as a trainee is hard and its even more hard when you are attending to school at the same time, but by the time you keep organizing your schedule it is less stressing. Even if her dancing skills where good she kepts practicing afterschool to improve them even more. Yeonn's life as a trainee was interesting, she made new friends and was able to perform with other groups in their concerts as the lead dancer.

Trainee Years: 2 years


Lovey- Dovey

Who do you Idolize?:  Kai|| Exo-K || Because of his dancing skills and charismatic personality.

Friends: Amber || 16 || F(x) || Clumsy,Funny & Loving || We act like sisters. She's always there when I need her.

                Chanyeol|| 15 || Exo-K || Funny and Humorous || He always makes me laugh and he's there when I need someone to show my dancing skills so I could know if I need to practice more or change the choreography.

Ideal Type: My ideal type must support me in my career, needs to be by my side when I feel sad or my mood isn't good, be loyal and kind towards my family,friends and me. I don't want a Ken but just someone that cares and loves me for who I'm and not for my career. Yeonn likes older and mature boys but not too old, just like 2-3 years of difference. And taller than her. But the most important thing she looks in a guy is how he treats his mom and how loyal and loving he is towards his family and her.

Rival: None.


♚ Thank You~~ 

Comments: I enjoyed filling up this app. Hope you like it and accept me in as well. :))

Suggestions:None :)

Questions:Nope :) 

Password: I <3 KPOP



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Done:)) If I need to change another thing let me know :) <3
hello, can you please give the color code of your fanclub... if you dont know the code.. just state the name...
and also, can you please edit you position basing on the edited version of the master list?
i am sorry for the inconvenience