Yes it's the tag

1) What's your wildest imagination about your bias??

Him kissing me in school in front of  my teacher before carrying me off to the sunset while wearing a poncho

2) What's your wildest imagination about your OTP?

Them kissing in front of me in my school while wearing ponchos

3) How old are you?

15 18

4) Your OTP get married, What's your reaction?

Laugh while wearing a poncho in their wedding

5) You're reincarnated. and it turns out you are the child of your otp, what are you doing?

disturbing all their lovey-dovey times while wearing a poncho

6) Are you tomboy or feminine?

well soprry for being a tomboy then //cries

7) Whats your fave dish can you make? ramen counted?

8) Whats your charm?

none I guess ._.

9) Whats your happiest time of the day?

when I sleep

10) Whats your fave movie or drama?

spirited away and harry potter :D

11) Say what you think about me (Clovexo)

you are alksgajhf;spljglkhklaj;sadhg



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