YG Entertainment Girl Group Till Dark ¦¦ Kim Hye Bin (Ren)

 Kim Hye Bin (Ren)

Character Profile
------------------------The Creator of this Character:--------------------
AFF username: melonsmash 
Real name: Michelle
-------------------------------Character Info:---------------------------
Name: Kim Hye Bin
Stage name: Ren
Nicknames: Ren, Renny, Bin
Birthday: September 15th, 1993 (15/09/93 *)
Place of birth:  Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Los Angeles, California (where Ren spent most of the years of her life)
Age: 19
Ethnicity/Race: Korean 
  • Korean - native
  • Japanese - fluent
  • English - fluent 
  • Chinese - basic
Height: 168cm
Weight: 47kg
Sibling(s): SHINee's Kim Jonghyun
-------------------------------Character's basics:---------------------------
Coffee, books, roses, dark chocolate, cookies, poetry, music, banana milk, art, photography, 
          motorcycles, romantic things, gadgets (iphone, laptop, camera etc.), fashion, food, being healthy LOL,
steak, cream pasta, spicy food (doesn't eat it that often), animals, hot chocolate, new pajamas, rain,
star gazing, open spaces (rooftop, balcony etc.), thrilling games like roller coasters and and bunjee jumps, 
children, mocha frappe (either from Starbucks or Mcdonalds), singing, dancing, ballads, nice weather, 
alcohol (has a pretty high alcohol tolerance anyway but doesn't drink it often. only special occassions),
 Sleeping with Sirens (favorite band)LIGHTS (the canadian electronic pop singer)
Gossipers, backstabbers, those who hurt the people she cares about, betrayers, messy/unorganized,
boredom (definitely), girls who want attention (yes I know, they're normal behavioral problems. big whoop),
milk chocolate (mainly Hershey's), people bothering her while she is busy (like seriously c'mon. gtfo), 
the general American music nowadays that seems to be about mainly on alcohol and , 
girls trying too hard to be cute (it's quite obvious), people trying to show off, conceited bastards, 
people that do not act like themself just to try to impress someone (just be yourself.), bossy people, 
plastic surgery, people interrupting her no matter what it is, people waking her up forcefully, 
people calling her by her real name (not cool.), cowards, hypocrites, Miss A's Jia
Reading, writing poetry and songs, singing, dancing, taking photos, surfing (as in the waves),
goes on the computer to talk to her chats and chat online whenever she has time to do so, journalling,
composing music on the piano or the acoustic guitar, drawing, painting (both landscapes and portraits),
think of new choreography for her youtube fans (she has an youtube account, therefore she is known as a dancer),
sleeping, jogging daily (hence being healthy), travelling, social networking, designning clothing, cooking, yoga,
karate, watching dramas, swimming,  taking out her metallic silver Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 motorcycle for a ride
Ren named her silver Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 "Jet". 
Always spinning a pen or a pencil, excerises alot, drinks alot of water, stretches right after she wakes up, 
biting her bottom lip, checks herself out in front of the mirror right after she came out of the shower XD,
licking her lips when amused, putting a hand through her hair when she's worried about something, 
either reads a book or just practicing over choreography to waste time, putting first things first, 
hides her feelings well, goes up to the rooftop if she is unable to hold back her tears, 
cracks her knuckles whenever she's writing too much, stretches after a long time of
typing something on the computer no matter what, fixs her hair every few minutes,
curses in English to herself whenever she's angry 
Being a perfectionist, sarcastic, stubborn, antisocial.
Getting molested, drunk hobos, having a broken heart, losing her abs, people leaving her,
small places due to claustrophobia, failure, huge fires
-------------------------------Character's Personality:---------------------------
Kim Hye Bin, who prefers to be called Ren, tends to not talk much but that's only because she talks when she feels like it. Every time she says a word, everyone would always become speechless with her smart comments. Almost all the time (on-camera/off-camera), she looks cold-hearted and charismatic but she's really just a weird, hyper, random, warm, erted kid. Not only that, she is actually very smart and clever as she likes to think up plans for whatever she's planning to do, and it's always something that no one else would ever think of. She's also a good actor as well, as she can fool everyone with her acting and no one would suspect a thing. She doesn't really like to bring up her childhood because it'll just give her nightmares again at night. Also, she HATES to lost so she's very competitive. Most of the times she acts like this is when she's with her older brother, SHINee's Kim Jonghyun. Whenever she meets someone new, she first observes them and their character very carefully. It would sometimes surprise them how she knows what they're thinking. She doesn't really open up to people that much but if you get very close to her, she'll slowly open up to you. Whenever she goes out to take pictures of whatever captures her eyes, he calls it "capturing the memories". She's also a bit of a romantic person. She'll also surprise you with his romantic tactics at times where she feels like being it. o_o Not only that, her neckline and her eyes have became something that both genders (yes the females and the males) try to not stare at but can't resist because it's a turn on. (Did you really think I would actually have to hesistate when I said "turn on"? No? Good because you're going to have to deal with it. ;) This is how I am, so don't worry.) Before she speaks, she thinks about the person first.
As time passes by, her usual character will change but them it comes back again. So now, basically she has a split personality. The personality of a cold-hearted person and a caring person. Sometimes, she would be very scary that gives people the automatic feeling of "LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET OUT". She regrets it as time passes by because sometimes it affects those she doesn't want it to affect but she just can't help it AT ALL. It can get worse but then sometimes it gets better and then it gets worse again so she can't really control it yet. 
You may think that is all about Ren but you're wrong. When performing, Ren will be drop dead serious. Every second on that stage, she will try her very best, completely determined. She is the type of person that takes her work seriously, including training. She is not the type to complain about some obstacle that occurs during worktime. Or rather, she just watches other people complain and think to herself, "How long is this person going to realize they need to stop complaining and start acting their age for once?". Honestly, she knows that she should be nice when it comes to such situations but then again, she is Ren and her being Ren is being herself. She would be nice but really, what's the point in involving yourself in a situation where it may result in quite unnecessary results such as more whining and complaining.You have to admit, you got to give her bonus points for honesty. 
Morning Personality:
Not only that, she is the type of person that will freaking beat the crap out of you for forcefully waking her up, even if it's just a slightest attempt. She is one of those people that you should not mess with especially when it comes to her sleep, unless that is you want to have your bones broken. Yes, she seems to be a calm person by appearance but not when it comes to her precious sleep. This girl enjoys her sleep very much so you should probably leave her alone. She has this thing where she believes that she should wake up when she FEELS like it. Not only that, she also believes that every single freaking individual on this planet do not wake up every morning just to live up to everyone's expectations and those people do not wake up to live up to hers but unfortunately, she has to since well training which honestly . Every morning, she stretches up first, checks herself out in the mirror (it's a total habit, deal with it please.), goes to go do her usual business: brushing her teeth, checking her appearance, take a shower, dr herself up, check herself again and then goes back to her room to put on clothes. Back to this, first she will warn you not to bother her. Second, she'll throw a pillow at you. Third, she will freaking snap and hit you nonstop with her pillow until the point where someone else has to come into the room just to break you two apart. However if she decides to be nice that morning, all she is going to do to people is just death-glare at them until the person understands that they should get out beore she changes her mind.
-------------------------------Character's Family:---------------------------
Family Background:
She grew up to be the heiress of one of the largest companies of the world, Eclipse, a international jewel company which was a mere disguise for its true idenity, a very-top secret organization called Azure Revolution. It almost became suffocating throughout the years. Ever since she was 14, there were quite a lot of times, she was confined to her home, not allowed to get out and see the world beyond the walls without ‘proper’ accompaniment. The very few times she would be out of her home would be when she was still on their land or attending balls or important meetings with her mother and father. Business meetings and parties made her uncomfortable. There were always so many people, and while there would be those she knew, she didn’t like the thought of others being there that were waiting for a word to come out of everytime it was her turn, watching her every move like some hawk and judging her. Which leads to her being a bit too paranoid, only in that sense. But that's until one midnight, at the age of 16, when it was raining extremely hard, she ran away, leaving her past behind her, and escaped to California.
3 YEARS LATER, she comes back from California to start anew, not trying to remember a single thing from her childhood. She works at a coffee bar as a barista, although only problem is that guys keep stopping by every day because they seem to can't resist her looks. She then lives in an apartment that she brought when she was still 16 so she would have a place to go to whenever she doesn't want to put up with his parents.
Ever since she was born, she was in a world where he would be confined to her home. Never really went out and never had some quality time. They would never eat together as one family. The only time they would all meet together are through company meetings. Her parents would always treat her as if she was some kind of trophy you would win in some competition. Especially because she's the only daughter in the family. Yes, the son is usually supposed to be the treasured one. Kim Jonghyun, ahh him. He already went to pursue his dream as a singer which came true. Now he's a member of SHINee. Oh god let the fangirling begin.
Family members:
Kim Minwoo | 46 | President of Eclipse | Father

Kim Sungju | 43 | Vice-President of Eclipse | Mother

Kim  Jonghyun | 26 | Member of boygroup SHINee | Older brother

-------------------------------Appearance / Style Description:---------------------------


ulzzang one: 

Su Kyung

picture links: 

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6



Jang Hae Byeol

picture links:  

  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Fashion style:
Ren has long, wavy reddish-orange hair. She has dark brown eyes and wears contacts often because she has very poor eyesight. Although, it's really rare for her to wear glasses but that's only when she either wears them for fun or she just feels like it. She sometimes change her hair color alot but for now, she sticks with reddish orange. She LOVES to wear anything that's like casual comfy. She would wear sweaters or basically just long-sleeved shirts, sneakers, and jeans. She wears a long-sleeved white blouse and black pants as her "pajamas", although she leaves the first two or three buttons ed :P 
---------------------------------Trainee Days:------------------------------
How she was discovered:
Ren was discovered by a entertainment agent when she was participating in a dance competition near a park. On her way home, a stranger tapped her shoulder and asked her if she would like to audition to be a trainee. She first refused because she thought that it was just some joke but the agent wouldn't give up. So she then finally gave in after a week, auditioned, and unexpectedly made it. Since then, she was a trainee for 1 years and 3 months. Ever since that agent scouted him, Ren thought that she's going to regret saying "yes" to him but she was wrong. It was very difficult because she wasn't used to the atmosphere of it but then as time passes by, he improves alot. Before she was scouted, not only did she work at a coffee bar but she was already a model for her parents' company. Her good looks attracts most of the male customers that it sometimes get out of hand.
Purpose for auditoning: 
Ren first only wanted to be an idol because of the fame, but then she realized that it was her childhood dream to become a singer when she was 10 but then had to throw away that dream because of her parents' company. Ever since she got scouted by that stranger, she then remembered about that dream again. It became a dream that she wanted to come true. It was the only thing that gave her something to look forward to after she ran away. The fact how she had to throw away one of the only things that actually belonged to her because of her parents, mainly her father is just unacceptable for her and she believes the only way to forgive herself for that is to revive that dream deep down in her heart and so, she auditions. At first when that agent scouted her, she thought she was going to regret it but now she knows, that it was a miracle.
Trained for:
1 year and 3 months
Audition Songs:
(T'ara's Ahreum's voice)
Dancing -  
1 2 3 4 |  5 6
1 2
Best Friend (Female):
BoA Kwon
Best Friend (Male):
Infinite's Woohyun
Teen Top's Changjo, SHINee's Key, and f(x)'s Amber
Love Interest:
Infinite's Woohyun 
(Yes, she starts to develop feelings for her own best friend)
His personality:
He acts like a player on the outside but he's really a caring, loving friend.
His Rival:
Backup Love Interest:
His personality:
His rival:
-------------------------------Stage Presence:---------------------------
The Charismatic Jackpot
Leader and Lead Dancer
Personal fanclub name:
Personal fanclub color:



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Thank you :'D omgomggkjfslfkdjslgjs;lf;l <333333
Wow you have a for sure spot for writing more than you have too
^~^ welcome to Till Dark