[ When the Moon Rises ] Application [Ok Jin Soy]

  When the Moon Rises  
["Jin-Jin" + Sunshine Fairy]
User Name: APlusInsipirit
Name: Um... whatever floats your boat, I guess :)
Activeness: 7+ (Yup, I'm adding more days to the week XD)
We're A Bit Different
Birth Name: [Ok][Jin Soy]
* Nickname:
  • OK (Okay): Her dad gave her this nickname when she was younger because she is such an agreeable person.
  • Soy Bean: A reference to her short stature. Given to her by her dad.
"Stage" Name: Jin-Jin (When she first introduced herself she stuttered really bad because of nerves, and so is now jokingly called Jin-Jin)
Persona: Sunshine Fairy
Reason: She has a bright, warm personality and, like a fairy, she is small and delicate.
Age: Twenty-Two
Date of Birth: March 11th, 1990
Horoscope: Pisces
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean [Native], English [Conversational], Mandarin [Conversational] she also knows one or two basic phrases in Japanese
Character Type: The girl with a larger than life heart.
Jin Soy, in the world of gangs, is a weak and naive person. She is truly warm and kind-hearted, always wanting to believe the best in people. She values harmony and cooperation, and is very sensitive to the feelings of others. Outside of the gang, she is valued for her consideration and awareness. Her firm desire to believe the best in people has the odd tendency to guilt-trip people into being on their best behavior whenever Jin Soy is around. She also has the tendency to kindly reprimand people, which for most people is worse than just being yelled at.
She has a rich inner world that is not always obvious to outsiders. She is constantly taking in information about people and situations that is personally important to her, then filing it away in her brain. This store of information is usually startlingly accurate, because Jin Soy has an exceptional memory when it comes to things she finds important. It is not uncommon for her to, years later, remember a particular facial expression or conversation in precise detail, if that particular moment made an impression on her.
Jin Soy has been described as a cry baby because she is so easily emotional. Jin Soy is greatly in tune with her own feelings and those of others, and her soft heart doesn't do well with being strong. She isn't good at expressing her feelings, though, and instead chooses to push them all down inside of her. Eventually these pent up emotions need a release, though, and Jin Soy has no way of controlling or predicting when this happens. She will just suddenly burst out crying, no matter if it is an inconvenient time or not. When things get violent or people start yelling, Jin Soy will leave the room and hide in a corner with her ears covered. She hates conflict and will become very stressed when it occurs, feeling like it is her fault even if the conflict has nothing to do with her. When faced with criticism, or even just when there is a lack of positive feedback, Jin Soy will become discouraged or depressed.
Jin Soy feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. She takes responsibilities very seriously and will follow them through to the letter. For this reason, people tend to naturally rely on Jin Soy. She has a difficult time saying no (hence the nickname OK), and can become overburdened because of this. She won't tell anyone this, though, because she doesn't want to let people down and always puts others needs over her own. This can lead to a huge amount of stress for Jin Soy that physically affects her, leading to a heavy feeling that literally weighs her down and makes her sluggish.
Perhaps the worst part of Jin Soy's personality is her habitual lying. She feels the need to always make things bigger and better, so she will stretch the truth as far as it can possibly go. Perhaps she accidentally burnt the food a little, but when she tells the story it will be about how she heroically battled an uncontrollable flame as thick black smoke filled the room. See what I mean? She doesn't do this with any bad intentions, though. She just likes telling stories. Jin Soy is often getting caught in her lies, though, because she forgets the story and will tell different versions to people.
[Happy] - Bright and... well, happy! She won't necessarily come right out and say "I'm so happy today!" but she does have a certain bright atmosphere around her that makes her seem to glow. When she is in a good mood, Jin Soy will be extra helpful and kind towards others, which can sometimes make her burdensome. Especially in a cafe full of rought and tough gangsters. When she is really happy she can become more talkative than usual, rambling about inconsequential things to whoever is listening (which is sometimes just herself).
[Sad] - When she is down on herself or overstressed, Jin Soy begins to imagine all the things that might go wrong in her life. She has strong feelings of inadequacy and will become convinced that "everything is all wrong", or "I can't do anything right". She also cries even more than usual, and will burst into tears without warning. During these times Jin Soy needs people around her she can trust, or else her heart will totally self-destruct. It usually takes the caring words and actions of people around her to bring Jin Soy out of these funks because she is incapable of doing it herself.
[Angry] - Jin Soy hates conflict, so even when she is feeling frustrated or- dare I say the taboo word?- angry, she doesn't let people know. She keeps all the negative feelings bottled up inside of her, which leads to immense amount of stress and depression. Sometimes she will "kindly reprimand" people, saying things like "Could you please stop hitting him?".
[Customers] - Customers are the life of a cafe, so Jin Soy treats them like royalty. She is best friends with all the regular customers, despite not actually working up front. Her eager to please attitude has led to her being taken advatange of in the past, though. Jin Soy doesn't let this get her down, though, and keeps chugging ahead no matter what.
[Gang Member] - She doesn't like the gang, or what they do. What she does like is the people that make up the gang. Her "everyone is good on the inside" attitude has led her to believe that every single member is a good person who got caught up in bad circumstances. She tries her best to avoid knowing about the dirty and violent things the gang does, and instead focuses on the people who she calls friends. She genuinely cares about each and every person and has boldly proclaimed that she would die for any of them if the need arose- a promise she knows that, because of the nature of the gangs business, may end up being tested. She doesn't care, though, and was dead (no pun intended) serious when she made the promise.
» Stuffed Animals: She knows that it is a little childish of her, but Jin Soy still has a lot of her childhood "friends" hanging around. She often takes them out and has conversations with them, which is a way for her to get rid of the stress of the day.
» History: Jin Soy loves learning about the past, whether it be far away or just a few years ago. She owns quite a few antiques, many of which are heirlooms passed down through her family.
» Gum: It gives something to do. She doesn't chew gum when she is cooking, though, because she needs to taste the food.
» Children: Jin Soy goes absolutely crazy over little kids and would do absolutely anything for them. When kids come into the cafe she is always giving them free things.
» Superstitions: Life is boring without a little magic, so Jin Soy believes in pretty much every superstition on the planet. Her big 3 are ghosts, Tarot/horoscopes, and Friday the Thirteenth.
» Alchohol: She hates the taste of it and refuses to drink a single drop.
» Night/Darkness: She is scared of the dark and will- you guessed it- break down crying if she is in the dark for too long. She also hates night, because she is scared of being mugged, murdered, , or all of the above.
» Fighting: She hates participating and she hates when other people do it. When it happens she always feels stressed and trapped.
» Dentists/Doctors: She doesn't trust them and thinks that they care more about getting her money than keeping her healthy.
» Politicians: She is under the impression that they are all corrupt and evil. Quite frankly, she doesn't give a crap who is in office because- in Jin Soy's opinion- all of them are the same person with nothing more than a different face.
Pet Peeves:
» Loud Noise: You have no idea how much this grates on her nerves. She loses her patience really fast when things get too loud, and will become so frustrated that she will- yes, it's true- cry.
» Burnt Food: For Jin Soy, this shows a lack of caring for the customer and she gets really frustrated. She won't openly say this, though, instead saying things like "I'm sure you'll do better next time" or "This is how you do it right..."
» Cooking: Jin Soy loves to cook and takes great pride in her work. This is probably the only time you will ever see her showing off.
» Walking: Jin Soy walks to and from work everyday. In fact, she walks everywhere because she loves the exercise (which doesn't strain her heart) and being able to take things at her own pace.
» Photography: She is actually really good, and probably would have been a photographer if circumstances had been different. She takes exceptional close ups (flowers, bugs, etc) and landscapes, but her portraits are usually hit-or-miss.
» Volunteer Work: Jin Soy does a lot of volunteer work (rather ironic for a gang member), especially at places like schools or orphanages.
» She talks fast and blinks a lot when she is lying.
»  Jin Soy covers her ears whenever somebody starts yelling or talking loudly, because this usually is the beginning of a fight. It doesn't matter where she is or what she is doing, Jin Soy will insantly be crouched on the floor with her hands over her ears and tears in her eyes. (She is easily startled)
» Stuttering when she is nervous.
» Jin Soy isn't a picky eater and is at least willing to try every kind of food on the planet. She's even eaten a bug before.
» Jin Soy suffers from Stable Angina, a sharp pain in the chest area that occurs when the heart is working harder than normal (for Jin Soy this is usually when she has exercised too much, is scared, or is stressed). The pain is extremely intense and makes Jin Soy feel short of breath, but after her heart slows down again then the pain will go away after a few minutes. Jin Soy usually experiences these attacks 1-2 times a week, which is considered to be normal for this condition. Although Stable Angina isn't a heart attack, it does suggest that a heart attack is more likely in the future so, if the spasms occur more than is normal, she is supposed to see a doctor. Jin Soy wouldn't, though, because she hates doctors.
» She is a HUGE fan of Big Bang, and her bias is Taeyang. The reason she gives is that she loves his voice, and especially loves his song Wedding Dress, but everyone knows that it is just because he has a hot body (XD)
» Jin Soy knows basic Kung Fu, but she does not use it for fighting. Jin Soy uses it strictly for exercise, since it doesn't strain her heart much, and- if the time comes- self defense.
» When in school Jin Soy had the capability to get the top grades, but didn't want to be excluded by her peers and so purposefully did bad. Not that she is older and more mature she feels like that was incredibly stupid of her, and she beats herself up about it on occasion.
» Jin Soy is a devoted player of World of Warcraft and Starcraft. She is pretty good at WoW, but is always getting killed in Starcraft.
» Jin Soy is often the one to close up the cafe after hours because the other employees are off doing their "questionable deeds" as members of the gang.
I'm Pretty Enough
Ulzzang Name: Ban Nam Gyu
Ulzzang Pictures:

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:

Height: 160 cm
Weight: 115 lbs
Description of Appearance:
» Jin Soy isn't just short, she's small. Small height, small weight, small frame... if she wanted she could probably pass for a sophomore in high school!
» She has chubby cheeks, which give her a youthful appearance, but everything else is nicely slimmed out.
» The only long part of Jin Soy is her fingers, which are long and slender.
» Jin Soy has a big smile which shows all her teeth and can sometimes look goofy.
Casual: Whatever happens to be clean, or at least doesn't smell too funny. She doesn't worry much about fashion, only giving it the slightest of passing nods when she gets dressed, and so will wear whatever she likes and is comfortable. Jin Soy does seem to have a basic sense, though, so she doesn't wear anything too outrageous. Don't be surprised to see her wearing socks with sandals, though.
Formal: This is when Jin Soy gets serious about looking good, because she doesn't want to offend someone. She actually puts time and effort into looking good, even though her efforts are usually for naught. In fact, it seems like her fashion sense gets worse the more effort she puts into it. For formal occasions she likes wearing long, "flowy" dresses or a nice blouse and skirt.
* Additional:
» She always wears a bracelet that was passed down to her by her grandmother. Even though the big, yellowing ivory beads might be a little outdated in the fashion world, she still loves the bracelet with all her heart.
» Her hands have several burn scars that were the result of various cooking accidents.
A Sad Song
She was born in Daegu, South Korea. Jin Soy doesn't remember much about her days there, though, because the family soon packed up and moved to the big city of Seoul. And by family, I mean Jin Soy and her father. For as long as she can remember it has never been anybody but the two of them, as her mother divorced her father shortly after Jin Soy's birth because of the man's gambling problem. The big city wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and Jin Soy soon found herself way over her head. For one, being naive was a quality you just couldn't possess and she was often taken advantage of by her peers at school. Jin Soy never mentioned this, though, feeling that it was her own fault for being so naive.
At home, her father was busy running an herbal medicine shop in one of Seoul's bad neighborhoods. Thugs and ruffians weren't uncommon, but Dam Kyu made sure that his daughter was exposed to as little of this as was possible. Eventually it became impossible to hide it any longer, though, because the thugs had begun to vandalize and rob the shop, even going so far as to beat her father up. Jin Soy couldn't understand how anybody could do such a thing, because even from a young age she strongly believed that all people were good. This was about the time her cry baby nature started, and the first time Jin Soy ever experienced hatred.
Overwhelmed by the pressure of keeping his daughter and business safe, Dam Kyu reverted back to his old habits of drinking and gambling. Jin Soy was often helping him home from bars, or tending to his wounds when he got in a fight over gambling. It tore her apart inside to see her father like that, but Jin Soy stayed loyal and stood by her fathers side. Dam Kyu, on the other hand, didn't express the same loyalty towards his daughter. When he ran out of money for gambling, Dam Kyu borrowed money from the gang. (I'm not sure of the name of the gang, so... yeah). Jin Soy was horrified that he would turn to the very ruffians and thugs that had ruined his life, but kept shut and watched on in pain as her father struggled to pay back the debt. In the end, he couldn't manage it.
Three weeks later, Jin Soy woke up to discover her father was missing. To put it lightly, she was devestated. Jin Soy wouldn't eat. She wouldn't drink. She wouldn't even sleep. She just cried, and cried, and cried. And then the gang showed up on her front step, looking to collect on the debt her father owed. When all they found in the house was Jin Soy, they took her as payment.  It took them a while to get anything out of Jin Soy, though, because she was so scared that she couldn't even speak clearly. And she was still crying. Eventually she calmed down enough to function, though, and began working at the cafe as a cook. This continued for two years, until her debt was paid off and she was allowed to move on with her life.
Surprisingly, Jin Soy stayed. She continued working at the cafe because she had grown to care for the gang, no matter how rough and tough they might be, and she didn't want to leave them. Although not an official member, Jin Soy is still considered to be a part of the gang and is treated as such. Although she doesn't directly participate in the "Activities of Evil"- as she puts it- Jin Soy does occasionally help out. For example, she may just happen to remember every detail of the conversation she overheard from the kitchen, and that conversation just happened to hold important information for the gang. She'll never directly say, "Hey, these guys are going to try and jump you later tonight so go kick their butts and show them who is boss", but sticks stubbornly to her roundabout way.
Reason for Joining Gang:
Loyalty. After having spent two years of her life with them, it was only natural that Jin Soy would get close to them. She has never officially joined the gang, but honestly at this point that is just a formality. Jin Soy is a member of the gang in everything but name.

» Ok Dam Kyu || Father || Street Bum || Irrational || Jin Soy loves her father more than life itself, but the scars he left by his betrayal are too deep to ever be fully healed. If she were ever to meet him again, Jin Soy isn't sure if she could ever forgive him for what he did. || They haven't seen each other for four years, and Jin Soy isn't even sure if he is alive. Her father is a very touchy subject for Jin Soy, and she avoids talking about him if she can.
» Ok Min Sung || Mother || House-Wife || Weak-Willed || They've never met. Jin Soy barely even considers herself to have a mother, let alone thinks about the woman. She understands that her mother had her reasons, and after such a long time she has found herself able to forgive the woman for leaving behind Jin Soy and her father. || Min Sung is remarried, but doesn't plan on having any children in this new marriage.
» Ok Shin Yeong || Grandmother || Deceased/Former Teacher || Compassionate || Shin Yeong died when Jin Soy was very young, but the girl still remembers the warmth of her grandmother. Even though she never knew the woman well, Jin Soy still cares about her grandmother deeply and feels like the woman is still watching over her. || There have been several occasions in which Jin Soy should have been injured- or even killed- but she has always managed to make it out alright. She is convinced that this is because of her grandmother, who has become Jin Soy's guardian angel.
* Best Friends:
* Friends:
» Goo Hara || Gang Member || Bright, Cooperative, Tempermental || They are surprisingly close. Jin Soy doesn't approve of Hara being a member of the gang, saying that it doesn't suit her, but she doesn't turn it into a big deal. Hara and Jin Soy share an apartment, splitting the rent between the two of them.
» Frenemie || Bang Yong Guk || Gang Member || He could be considered to be the epitome of a bad-. His tough and brusque personality can be off putting to some, but if you can get past that then it is easy to befriend him. He can be very stubborn about what he believes in, no matter how misguided these beliefs may end up being. This also leads him to be a very loyal person. Yong Guk has an off-beat sense of humor that makes people laugh just because of the ridiculousness of it. || They're close, but you would never guess that from the way they act. Yong Guk is always grating against Jin Soy's nerves, often on purpose, and Jin Soy retaliates by keeping her temper in check and treating him as sweet as is humanly possible. The two have been compared to Yin and Yang because of how different they are, but like the Chinese symbol they also compliment each other. You couldn't find two people more loyal to each other if you tried. || Yong Guk insists he is a bad person, but Jin Soy tries to convince him that he isn't. This really annoys Yong Guk, because he feels like he shouldn't be a good person, due to the things he has done during his time in the gang. || Their personalities are just so different that they can't always understand one another || ---
* Other Relationships:
Mystery To You
Reason for Working at the Cafe:
Originally it was to pay off her father's debt, something she was forced to do after the man fled the country. Now she works at the cafe because she loves all the people there and feels total loyalty to them.
Main Position at Cafe: Chef/Cook
Back-up Position at Cafe: Cashier
Specialty: (1) Pallette/Taste Testing  (2) Fast at counting change/keeping track of money
Words I Couldn't Bear To Say
The One: [Lee Chang Sun + Lee Joon || MBLAQ || Yes (the gang the girls are a part of. If that is possible... a little unclear about some details, hehe)]
The Second One: [Yang Seungho + Seungho || MBLAQ || Yes (same same)
Relationship: Husband/Wife ((It would be so romantic if they got married! *.*)) But if that isn't possible then at least boyfriend/girlfriend (and planning on getting married!)
Second Interest:[Park Sang Hyun|| MBLAQ || They were pretty good friends in high school, but lost touch when she got involved with the gang || Smart, Reserved, Compassionate]
Third Interest: [Bang Cheol Yong + Mir|| MBLAQ || They know the other exists, but they don't speak. || Bright, Dorky, Strong-minded]
Interactions: They are good friends. Jin Soy really thinks of him as a good person and makes sure to let him know this, because she doesn't want him to feel differently about himself. Joon, on the other hand, takes care of Jin Soy and keeps a close eye on her because she is so unfamiliar with how the gang works. Whenever fights break out (unless he is an active part of the fight) he'll track her down and try to comfort her. Their relationship never changes much, but as their feelings develop for one another they do start acting more romantically around each other.
Ideal Type: Hot body. (Not that Jin Soy would ever admit it, hehe). Talented. Husband material (like somebody who is good with kids, smart, grounded, etc)
* Additional Details: ((They're all from MBLAQ... I apologize. I just really love those guys XD ))
You Say You Know Me
Gang Name: Jin Soy or Jin-Jin (since she isn't an official member of the gang)
Persona: ---
Reason for Persona: ---
What You Were Known For As Part of the Gang: Currently she is like the eyes and ears of the gang, because of how good her memory is.
Intelligence: 8/10
Strength: 5/10
Speed: 7/10
Resolve: 9/10
Intuition: 9/10
Reflexes: 4/10
Perception: 7/10
Bravery: 6/10
Agility: 5/10
Team Work: 10/10
Following Orders: 9/10
Gathering Information: 8/10
Persuasion: 6/10
Trust: 9/10
Behaviour to Gang: Not really. She does tend to "kindly scold" them more, but only because she trusts them and feels comfortable with them.
Behaviour to Customers : Just like she normally is.
Part of the Gang or Cafe: Only a staff member, or at least with the bare minimum of actual gang activities. And yes, she does like her job at the cafe. She loves it, in fact. The cafe, despite it being a meeting place for thugs, is where Jin Soy feels the safest.
A Good Bye
Comment: For KPOP, JYJ's Heaven hands down no contest! XD In other genres... Nickelback's I'd Come For You :)   And I wasn't sure what to put in that last section... I hope I didn't misunderstand your plot idea and totally screwed it up! If I did I apologize! :(
* Suggestion: Erm... nothing I can think of. Although I do really like the idea of keeping a pet around the cafe :D
Password: For your information, I hate passwords like this =.= It's always so hard to just pick one!!! So I give you two gifs of this truly awesome man XD


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